Sitemap - 2022 - Resavager
The White God of the Warrior Religion
The White Religion and the Misappropriation of Science
What Does it Mean to Have Race in the Warrior Religion?
A Fallen God For a Fallen People in the Warrior Religion
Fire and Fanaticism in the Warrior Religion
The White Whale and Herman Melville’s Prophecy of Power
A Religion for the New Age or The Disciple’s Conception of Nature
Knights, Brotherhoods, and Arthurian Prophecies
The Case Against Democratic War in the Warrior Religion
The Primordial Development of Mankind and the Warrior Religion
Converting True Americans to the Warrior Religion
The Koryos and The Warrior Religion
The Future of America and the Warrior Religion
Homo americanus by Tomislav Sunic
The Disciple of the Warrior Religion
The Power of Barbaric Vitalism
The Human Type Required for the Warrior Religion
The Demons, Vampiric Spirits, and Gods of America
The Conflict Between Money and Blood
Gangs, Brotherhoods, and Warrior Religions: The Path Forward
Faith in the Warrior and Kris Kershaw’s The One-Eyed God
The Divine Fury of the White Devil
Character in the Warrior Religion
The Metaphysical Understanding of the Will
What’s Needed for a Warrior Religion?
Survival in the Warrior Religion II
The Challenge of the Warrior Religion
Fanaticism in the Warrior Religion
On the Diluting of Hero’s Blood
Survival in the Warrior Religion
Foundations of the Warrior Religion
Vindications for a Warrior Religion
Decline of the West II, White Cargo, and American Blood
The Vital Force of The Warrior Religion
The Decline Of The West I by Oswald Spengler
Action and Conviction are Everything
War as Inner Experience by Ernst Junger
The Axe Wielder, The Disciple of Violence
Barbarism vs Civilization and Frederick Jackson Turner’s Frontier Thesis