Fanaticism in the Warrior Religion
Fanaticism is another part of the warrior religion that will be controversial to our side. Our side “tries” to be the side of normalcy. What do we value? We value physical strength, reading old books, eating right, having families, and realities of race and immigration. These values are more inline with nature than the false religion of our enemies. Something missing from our side that the enemy has no lack of is fanaticism. Civil rights did a number to our side’s fanatical zeal.
There’s something to be said about the religious CULT. Looking back to college, there were subjects that popped up in multiple classes that I didn’t think or question while I was going through them. Only later in life have their purpose been revealed to me by the gods. Make no mistake, college is a religious institution, a church for the enemy to bring up their legions adherents. There are certain historical events and studies they love to bring up as means of attacking the right, but in reality, they aren’t attacking the right so much as reaffirming their own religious zeal. We all know when a woman starts accusing you of cheating, it’s because she is cheating on you and looking for some way to make it your fault.
I don’t remember the specifics of these events and studies, but they came up in multiple classes for me. The first was about some religious cult around the 1960-80s sometime that believed the earth was about to be destroyed and some alien race was coming to save them before it happened. The priests would talk about all kinds of weird things they had to do to get ready, like removing all metal from your body(belt buckles and the like). When the prophesied day finally arrived for them to be saved, the aliens never came. You’d expect with this failure of prophecy, the cult would fall apart, but that didn’t happen. Everyone was dismayed at first, tried to figure out what they did wrong. Suddenly, the pastor realized after going through his notes that he misjudged the date. Alas, the cult still had hope.
The weird alien cult isn’t some lesson in avoiding cults. Professors might think it is, might preach that it is, but this alien cult perfectly incapsulates how the left acts today. What happened in 2016 on election night when every news outlet was saying there was no chance Trump could win? Their overlords lied to them every step of the way, but what happened in the aftermath? They reaffirmed their beliefs, leaned harder into the insanity. There’s no reasoning with them. There’s no turning them from the path they’ve chosen.
Colleges use historical events and certain studies over and over, not to warn against fanaticism, but to instill it in their pupils.
The next study I learned about in several classes was the prison guard study. I’m certain almost everyone has heard of this study. The study showed how the behaviors of students changed when they were either guard or prisoner. It’s main purpose seemed to show how brutal students became when given power. It was however, not a lesson for students to learn from and avoid. It instead, reaffirms the necessity to be brutal. In the leftist mind, they see the prison guards as acting fascist and authoritarian. They cannot let things get to that point, so you see leftists adopt the same tactics during protests, for example, because they’re fighting the prison guards, you see?
We’ve all seen the fanaticism come out with needle armed bookworms shaking and screaming over some perceived outrage or ugly women yelling at normies. It manifests in groups like antifa who are willing to do violence to “protect democracy.” They truly believe they’re facing evil. The prison guard study taught leftists how to wield power. Meanwhile, your local churches are teaching tolerance for gays and trannies. Is there credence to the idea of “what you think, you become”? Colleges are the real source of modern fanaticism. Both these two events came up often when I attended college.
Leftist fanaticism is always taught via misdirection. The pupils don’t even realize what’s happening. They don’t see the indoctrination taking place while they’re there. The warrior religion cannot use the same strategy and succeed, for many reasons. It does however, need powerful fanaticism and intolerance. One less talked about aspect of human nature is the long track record of VICTORY for the intolerant. The most intolerant always wins.
A Different Kind of Fanaticism
Now what works for the left, misdirection, will not work for the right. You need a different kind of fanaticism. The left’s fanaticism is very much unconscious. The leftist doesn’t see himself as a fanatic. The disciple of the warrior religion however, must understand he is a fanatic. That he’s a part of a chosen, but persecuted, people. He must see everyone not a part of the religion as actively or passively demonic.
You can’t convince a people to follow a warrior religion unless they’re absolutely convinced that it is the only path to salvation. They will come to understand the rest of the world as wrong, if not partly responsible for its current course. The difference of this fanaticism is that it comes from the side opposing the current regime, it’s not in power. What this means is that survival takes precedence. You can’t make a counter-antifa to do battle against the hordes, you must bide your time until it’s the right time to strike. In the meantime, you become the pinnacle of a warrior, devoted to the gods. Should the holy war not come in your lifetime, you leave behind sons to carry on the fight for you.
The fanaticism of the warrior religion is shown in the disciple’s ability to stick to the path, to have the right nature. The world is spiraling down a way the religion doesn’t want to go, it’s purpose during this time is survival and strength. Remain steady and unwavering against the storm. Become shadow walkers, avoiding anything that might harm the faith. Where you must fight during this time, do it in such a manner that victory is assured and the trail doesn’t lead back to the religion. When a disciple strikes from the shadows, it should be like Thor raining thunder from the heavens.
From the shadows, observe the enemy. See where their weaknesses lie and how they could be overcome. Done correctly, the warrior religion shouldn’t be known to the regime except as part of the bigger group of the race they’ve targeted for dispossession.
More than anything, this fanaticism must come from a hard belief that what the enemy does is anti-life and anti-nature. They’re putting mankind at risk for extinction. The path of the warrior religion is the natural path, the path to salvation. It’s imperative a warrior religion forge true believers.