On Virtus
On Virtus
From virtus, we get the watered down word virtue. Virtue is an important word, especially for a sect on the right, but I’ve always it. It’s a word co-opted by the establishment and it’s definition expanded. All the poor souls following the covid measures to the letter believe themselves virtuous. The establishment calls them virtuous. Before this, it’s been used for many things beyond the original meaning. It’s gone the way of the word pride.
Pride is a good feeling to manifest in the life you make for yourself, but you say it in public and we’re going to assume you’re talking about the gheys. The same goes for virtue. You say it and the masses will ask why aren’t you following covid rules or supporting trans rights in Ukraine? You can try to take these words back, but it’s a losing battle.
A better strategy is to use new(old) words. Use Virtus instead of virtue. Virtus was the Roman word for manliness. Vir meant man or hunter. It stands for physical power, vigor, vitality, energy, and violent action. The society the Romans built was fueled by the need for glory and glory was made by demonstrating virtus.
All the masculine “virtues” we admire in men: martial valor, manliness, courage, and character stem from Virtus. Virtus is a better identifier in what we need to see from men. Virtue means something else. It’s more concerned now with morality and character while leaving out manliness. You cannot forget: leftists believe everything they do is morally right and good. Their virtue isn’t what you seek. You seek Virtus.
A man of Virtus is worried about strength, courage, and honor. He is pursuing the Great Work, with his eye on glory. He’s physically powerful and can fulfill the primordial role of men: to fight and protect his people. Modern culture is overly concerned with being moral, being a good person, but when you do this without being capable of doing what’s necessary, you become evil in the opposite direction. If you’re morally good, but can’t fight, you’re just a good slave. A man of true Virtus must understand natural law.
Might Makes Right
Our society has forgotten natural law. Natural law is best demonstrated by the barbarian, Brennus, after he sacked Rome in 390BC. The Romans sued for peace and the barbarian asked for a 1,000 pounds of gold. The Romans gave up the gold, but the scale Brennus brought in was rigged in favor of the barbarians. Brennus laughed at this and threw his sword on the counterweight, exclaiming “Vae Victus!” Vae Victis translated to English means “woe to the conquered.”
What were the defeated Romans going to do? They already lost the war. They were at the mercy of Brennus. They had to cop the extra gold to make the barbarians go away. This was a lesson the Romans learned. They took it to heart in a way the world would never forget. We remember the Romans for what they did after this loss.
Bellum Romana came from the Roman loss to the Gauls. What was Bellum Romana? War the way the Romans did it. Total War. The Romans vowed to never be at the mercy of their enemies again, they tossed away the ancient understanding of warfare and fought in a way the world had never seen before. They became the Rocky Balboa of the ancient world. It didn’t matter how hard they got hit, how many legionaries they lost, they never surrendered.
The Romans learned natural law. You can say the Americans learned it as they expanded out into the frontier. Just because you learned however, doesn’t mean you’ll always remember it. Natural law is best described as Might Makes Right. A man writing under the name Ragnar Redbeard wrote a book called Might is Right which I recommend all men read. Modern culture has all these preconceived ideas about human rights, universal basic healthcare, which ignores natural law.
Nature is unforgiving. The second you ignore Might Makes Right, nature begins to sew the seeds of your destruction. What is Might Makes Right? It’s the idea that the strongest rules. That whatever the strongest decides is right becomes law. It has nothing to do with being objective. It’s why we have the saying, “history is written by the victors.”
The victors get to decide right from wrong. It’s theirs “right” by conquest. When it comes down to it, it doesn’t matter what you believe. Nature only cares who wins. Nature doesn’t care if your antisemitic, homophobic racist — so long as you win. The opposite is also true. You can accept every king of degeneration imaginable — trans, pedophilia, democracy — so long as you stay on top.
Keep this in mind as you go through life. To the winner go the spoils. Your Might Makes Right. There’s no avoiding the fight if you want your values to prevail. By extension, it’s vital to develop the killer instinct, the will to break wills.
Become a Breaker of Wills
James LaFond uses this phrase, “breaker of wills,” and it encapsulates what you must manifest if you want to change the world in your favor. Why does the right lose? The right loses because the elite specializes in breaking their wills. Perfect example of this is 1/6, the supposed insurrection. After making rightoids sit through the summer of riots where cities were burned to the ground, the feds come down on a bunch of Trump supporters who basically did nothing in comparison.
Say what you will about leftists, they know how to break wills. The right is completely demoralized. Most on the right don’t want to talk about their views in public. Discourage their fellows from resisting injustice. They allow the government to come down hard on their side, but not the other. Now some may argue they’re right to do this. But they’re still losing and losing hard.
Power speaks volumes. This is why corporations are adopting leftist talking points. The right doesn’t realize it’s in a fight. They think they’re in some debate amongst equals. They whine about “our principles, our decency,” while leftists sodomize them. If you try to put yourself in the position of the leftist, they believe they’re in the fight of their life and failure means they’ll all be rounded up and put into Hitler death camps.
If you want to win, to spread your values, you have to be able to dominate and break the wills of your enemies. Your enemies aren’t your countrymen. They want to see you killed. Live and let live is a fantasy. Until you can make your enemies feel like the modern right does today, you will never win.
The exertion of your will is all that matters. You have to impose it on the world and make your enemies break. Do you have it in you to become a Breaker of Wills? Do you have the killer instinct? If not — it’s time you start thinking on how to develop it or you’ll continue to be at the mercy of your enemies.
This is perhaps, most important aspect of Virtus you must build. Your beliefs, values, religion, is all dependent on your ability to win. To show your might. To reestablish the pecking order in your favor. You can be on the “side of truth” all you want, but it means nothing if you can’t break the wills of your enemies. It doesn’t matter if you live in the age of heroes or the age of serpents, you must break wills in order to win.
This is your way forward. How do you break the will of your enemies? How do you fortify your own? You already know what it feels like to be on the receiving end of Might Makes Right. Can you learn from this as the Romans did against Brennus? You must become a Breaker of Wills for the new age.