Kin and Country
Something not talked about enough is the devastation of the family in our “liberal democracy.” Maybe I feel the devastation more keenly because my family stayed in California when so many other left for greener pastures. The importance of family however, supersedes everything else. As a kid, you see the world through rose-colored goggles and don’t always see the problems in your own family, but for me, I only remember the decline. And then when my father passed in 2012, it just sort of crumbled away. What happened to my family is just one story of many in America during this time as the great transition from reliance on kin to reliance on state finally completes.
For the most of American history, Americans were capable of being self-sufficient. Those on the frontier didn’t have to stop by their local grocery store every week for food. They grew their food or hunted or traded with their neighbors. Those in cities learned trades and weren’t incapable of going out into nature to survive. Early Americans didn’t rely on the mommy state to provide “dem programs”’for them. You either found a way to survive or you died off. The metaphysics of this time supported this environment.
Now however, the massive influx of immigrants, which in turn, makes for less opportunity for the founding stock, combined with immigrants inability to assimilate created the perfect storm for “dem programs.” Leftists of course, will call you racist for this and because the right has cucked on the issue, the blood letting continues. When you think about what the state is trying to accomplish, it helps to think of the leftist movie V For Vendetta when the supreme leader guy tells his shadow government: “make them remember why. they. need. us.” They need Americans to keep shoveling them money for them to launder and keep up the grift. On the societal level, families are getting hit hard and breaking down, just trying to to stay afloat.
If the average American could be made to see how much was stolen from him, he would chimp. Not just the money, but the destruction and alienation from the family. The heritage and traditions lost to time. Lessons he didn’t get to learn from his parents, aunts and uncles, and grandparents. It’s true that many are incapable of seeing this. They’re so dependent on(and mindfucked by) the system that they will share its fate. Let’s not forget the ones who had the right QUALITY and had that quality squandered by the regime. Think of the brave men killed or horribly maimed in the Middle East to open the doors for more immigration into the country.
Kin and Country
On the right is a group I have much respect for and hopefully, they don’t hate me for what I have to say. This group is best described as the love-for-country right. They almost have a boomer mindset. It’s defend America at all costs. You cannot betray America. If you tell them you’re leaving for greener pastures and better opportunity for your family, they’ll think you’re betraying America. You didn’t stand and fight. Mike Ma describes them as holding onto the mast of a sinking ship while being stabbed by mixed race teens.
Even if your leaders are corrupt and hostile, you must be patriotic. You must defend America! In some ways, this is very admirable mindset. You want your people to think like this, but in another way, your “chosen” elite knows how to take as rage of this mentality and use it to destroy the founding stock people of your country. I don’t know if they realize this, but if you let the founding stock be wiped out, you don’t have the same country. You can honor the American spirit and be patriotic about it, but if you support the regime that’s destroying your people no matter what, to what end are your goals? There really aren’t any successful multi-ethnic democracies in the world, if that’s your answer. This is said not by me, but Pierre van den Burghe.
The greatness of a country comes from the character of its PEOPLE. Race is as van den Burghe called, “the extension of kin.” It goes deeper than patriotism. The civic nationalism found in this love-for-country right is misguided. It’s often found in veterans because they took an OATH and oaths are powerful things that most of the right doesn’t understand. I too have this love-for-country, but for the real America. Not the nasty tranny state it’s become.
I’m certain many on the boomer love-for-country right have suffered much like my own family has suffered. Surely, many found a way to survive and thrive like they were supposed to, but a man like Trump couldn’t have been elected if that was the case for the majority. Leftism has separated our people from the heritage and traditions that made us great, that made us strong. It’s demonized strategies races have used since the beginning of time to survive and thrive. The reason states like Russia and China can have so much influence over the minds of America is because our heritage and traditions have been subverted so thoroughly. What’s happening overseas is secondary to what’s happening in our own country. You need to be thinking about first and foremost, your family and then the community around you.
“If you worship your enemy, you are defeated.
If you adopt the enemy’s religion, you are enslaved.
If you breed with your enemy, you are destroyed.” -Polydorus of Sparta
Blood is the basis of a strong country.
In a previous essay called The Conflict Between Money and Blood, I go onto why blood matters from the perspective of Spengler and van den Burghe. You cannot ignore van den Burghe because he’s a leftist realizing that the Communist views on class distinction is actually secondary to race. His work is likely the foundation to the social Marxism we see today and why the founding stock American is just getting dominated in his own country. The founding stock American has utterly rejected or forgotten the importance of race. It’s something built into our DNA. You cannot reject this reality and expect to survive. Look at California which had a population of 94% white in 1950 and is now at 36% in 2018.
When you look at America, there are two trajectories that offer the opportunity of victory. You either save the founding stock or create a new race. Either way requires the importance of family to be put to the forefront. Our powerful history of conquest on the American frontier is demonized. How many personal, family stories do you know of? How many ancestors do you know about and are worth remembering? You get the “official narrative,” which of course is also demonized as bad whitey killing poor Indians. But the personal, familial histories are mostly lost.
The Romans made busts of their ancestors and worshipped them. The Greeks too, did this kind of ancestor worship. It wasn’t all about the gods and heroes. They had an understanding that the dead had to be remembered and taken care of. If you didn’t have sons and daughters to honor you after your death, your soul would starve and die. You can also look at this from the viewpoint of man mastering space and doing what he can to keep it conquered. The ancients must have had either witnessed or heard stories of peoples getting wiped out, bloodlines ended so they made these traditions to keep their line strong.
It was the duty of the father to make his sons warriors. To forge alliances with his kin to aid each other when circumstances became dire. One way of doing this was exchanging daughters which helped the fitness of the tribe as a whole. They had support networks. Families would produce many children which then could depend on each other when the parents passed. They also had many uncles and cousins they could call on. How many family members or friends can you call on today? These support networks have been gutted and replaced by shit “dem programs.”
Kin over Country
Country is important to me. Globohomo must pay for what it’s done to our country. I want to honor the real America. I want to see the return of cowboys and frontiersmen. We need new pathfinders, but none of this can happen with the diehard devotion to country found on the love-for-country right. It can’t happen if our best men get gutted in worthless police actions overseas while our government ships in replacement populations. Could you honestly see our ancestors — and even the founding fathers — supporting what America has become?
What’s happening abroad doesn’t matter. What matters is building a new culture and that begins first with the FAMILY. Most don’t realize how circumstances can change in an instant. How easily it is for the regime to crush families today. Misfortune can strike in such a manner as to leave a man believing he is the modern incarnation of Job. Something like this has happened to one of family members and I worry about him daily. Most of us are only a couple steps from ruin and don’t realize how fast and hard misfortune can strike.
You have to begin reforging the kind of networks are forefathers did. This is more important than the daily outrages of the regime. You need to become more self-reliant. Where you need help, choose kin over dem programs. Have more sons and daughters. Much of my family is splintered, primarily by distance, but also turmoil. Try to be close to family and when it’s not possible, try to instill it into your children.
The government has picked up all the slack and taken all the power from the vacuum created when they destroyed the family. This course can only be reversed by taking back that power and responsibility. The most important thing is to make your family strong and not susceptible to psychological warfare from the regime. Forge alliances with likeminded men. The state has a monopoly on violence now, but back in early America, all men had to become warriors or be scalped in Indian raids. We are under similar circumstances to the early settlers in this respect. You owe it to your family to become a warrior in your own right and to pass this down to your sons.
Much of the argument against this is how the state will come down hard on our people if they try to do what’s right. They tried to do the state’s job and so, the state will punish them for this. This is a cope argument. A strong people doesn’t think like this. Winners don’t think like this. What did southerners do during Reconstruction when great injustices were being committed against them? They formed the KKK. The KKK wasn’t formed to lynch blacks, though they did that later, it was formed to deal with the crimes being committed against their own by the state.
Forging a new Warrior Religion requires CULTURE and COMMUNITY.
Warrior Religions will either save the founding stock American or forge the next superior race. It starts with you. You must create and maintain a “vigilant and manly spirit.” Make yourself as self-reliant as possible. Make your support network a reliance on kin, not the state. By kin I mean both blood and race. Perhaps, we must bring back oaths beyond the ones soldiers take when they join the military. Oaths of blood between men.
Make your people oriented towards conquest. The conquest of this fake and gay regime. If the state is going to come down hard on you for doing what’s right, how can you get around this? How can you practice frontier vengeance and not get caught? This is how you must think. Don’t think for a second that the perpetrators don’t know what they’re doing. James LaFond says the “Bantu warriors” as he calls them know what they are. They know what they’re for.
But the Bantu are a small problem. The real problem is the left which is primarily made up of our OWN. They too — know what they’re for. They know what they’re doing. Yes, they are subverted, but they know what they want: the destruction of the white race. Almost all Americans alive today aren’t responsible for the so-called sins the leftists are mad about.
If our people were as dangerous and bad as leftists claim(which I wish was true), every national guard group in the country would have been deployed by now. We would be under military occupation or gathered into camps as National guardsmen hunt down these militant neo-Nazi, KKK skinheads and peckerwoods. But it’s all a wet dream for the left. Most of us are just barely getting by. Living paycheck to paycheck, just trying not to get fired. Most are so blissfully unaware of the problem, they don’t know how their son all the sudden thinks he’s a girl.
You have to anticipate how globohomo is going to strike. Be strategic minded. Somehow all this ridiculous crime happens all over the country, but the second you — a whitey — does something, the state comes down hard. How much of that is true and how much of it is you being afraid to act? You don’t have to join the military to become a warrior. It fucking helps to be sure, but than you risk horrible maiming just to make sure Afghanis can sign up for dem programs at your expense while also taking the job opportunities that would have gone to your children because they are “poc.”
Our country has been taken from us and it’s up to us to take it back.
Do everything you can to build up yourself and your kin. They want you to be blackpilled. To be demoralized. They want the situation to appear as hopeless as possible. Always be looking for the path to victory. Be strategic and methodical. What you can’t finish in your lifetime, leave to your children. This is PURPOSE. This is the great task of our blood, to reclaim the country back from globohomo. If we have to overthrow America to recreate America, so be it.
Don’t be tied down to the pieces of papers left behind from the founders. The papers themselves are worthless if they led to this. I’d argue the founders themselves would rebel against the pile of trash this country has become. It’s the spirit of the frontiersmen you should keep, it’s what made our people strong. What returned them to nature. This is the real spirit of the American, not the institutions in Washington.
I leave you with this: take care of your family above all else. Have sons and daughters, as many as you can. Teach them to reject globohomo indoctrination. Put kin over country and forge alliances with your blood. Make new oaths. Make yourself a warrior and always be on the lookout for the path to victory. Tall stories were prevalent in America as late as when I was kid, but you don’t hear much about them anymore. You should have the goal of becoming the TALL STORY your descendants will tell their children in the future.