There’s been a debate on the right about the right action to take against the leftist hordes. Some talk about national divorce, others about voting for the right people, and even more call for Caesar to arise again. There are pros and cons to each. Too tedious to go over the merits of each one, but I’ll make some observations we should consider. National divorce or civil war wouldn’t go well for the right, it’s been tried before. It’s all or nothing.
If your path is war and make no mistake, war is what we men are made for, you might fight death and glory, but I’m unconvinced victory is in the cards. As much apart from left the dissident right is, the weakness of our modern culture runs deep. And you see it in modern warfare. The propaganda for the war in Afghanistan and Iraq parrot this. The talk was about how we were going to bring democracy and gender studies to these countries and turn them into leftist paradises. Soldiers ranted about the rules of engagement they had to follow to avoid bloodshed because it put them at more risk and prevented them from doing what they needed to do to win.
You’re seeing the same play out as the new reincarnated Hitler himself, Vladimir Putin, has sent Russian forces into Ukraine in what appears to be the most civilized manner — considering Putin is Hitler after all. There wasn’t even a shock and awe campaign as the Afghanis got. There’s also reports of Russian soldiers being demoralized and not expecting to be sent to Ukraine. Western weakness has gone east it seems. You can make argument Putin did this to help fight the infowar with the west, but the leaders in Moscow must realize it’s in their best interests to win the war as quickly as possible. They must have realized too, that winning the infowar — which is controlled entirely by the west — would be damn near impossible. Perhaps, they just didn’t want to give leftist info warriors any more rope to hang Russia with?
A more concerning realization is the world doesn’t have the stomach for war anymore. This extends all the way to the corners of the world we think of as “retvrned.” With all the means of destruction available to modern armies, the stomachs of men have gone soft. You know the old saying, “good times breed weak(and soft) men.” If this has happened, the next age will belong to the snakes and the tentacles of octopus known as globohomo will continue to entangle itself into all things.
Hope for the future: Warrior Religions?
One bright spot in all the bullshit of this Russia vs Ukraine war is actually the Chechens. The Chechens were called up to go into Ukraine and this seemed to have morale boosted the Russians. Days before this happened, you saw many videos of the Chechens praying and marching, giving off powerful Sardaukar vibes. There is a smooth confidence in the Chechen national guard that you don’t see in most men. The Chechens are strong mountain people and followers of the Islamic religion.
Religion is an easy way to divide, but Virtus — manliness — is something all men can see and respect in other men. The dissident right is part Nietzschean, part pagan, part Christian, for example. But all understand and respect the man of power. The American frontier spirit has been crushed and turned gay in the modern age. What I call for isn’t something mainstream, rather if you want to create some warrior religion, it must start small. The goal is to create pockets within the empire of hard peoples. Maybe these pockets have the same religions, maybe not.
Fanatical localism is the answer. Start with a small group, a crew, and make yourselves followers of new warrior religion or revitalize an old religion. The principles of what this denomination offers should be pro nature. The goal and purpose of the men in your warrior religion to be unfuckwithable. In some ways, you have to mesh with the mainstream around you, but the outside shouldn’t want to fuck with your people.
Focus on what you can control.
There will be much pushback against this solely because our country lacks strength, courage, and leadership. Maybe you believe some Caesar will create a warrior religion or some demagogue who can seduce the people. It’s not about the people, it’s about us. The dissident right is minority in our own country, what you want to do is focus on what you can control, on your pocket of the country. You don’t need to think about persuading a people, only you and your friends. Create amongst yourself fanatical devotion to a warrior religion. Do it well and it will spread into your community.
The problem of America is the lack of culture. “Go get yourself a culture,” Nietzsche says. There’s no cohesion between Americans by design. The gheys keep importing different peoples to turn against real Americans. Rather, focus on the small picture. This shouldn’t even be political focused at all. Culture and the warrior religion above all else.
The question becomes do you create new warrior religion? Maybe revitalize an old one? A new warrior denomination of Christianity? There doesn’t need to be one uniform warrior religion. History shows us there are many. What matters is this warrior religion is pro nature. It encourages the making of hard peoples who are anti fragile to this gay age.
Liberalism has grafted all other religions into itself. There are queer, feminist versions of every religion from Catholicism to Hinduism to even Islam. The proud philosophy of stoicism has been distilled by Ryan holiday into office worker motivational quotes. Perhaps we will need to reconquista these religions instead of inventing one from whole cloth. Christians would do well to return to the noble religion of the crusaders from its present state of Christ-cuckery
“The goal and purpose of the men in your warrior religion to be unfuckwithable.” Love this