All my writing is done directly from my phone. I’m a millennial in that respect, but the more I read, the more I research I realize that this is fleeting. No one knows the half life of the Internet. You want to believe the Internet is eternal now, but the Internet is a server room. What happens to your work when that room goes up in flames. Furthermore, the Internet is a vast ocean. What if your work is never remembered by that alone? You could live and die, leaving your work to the Internet and your family could never know it existed.
With that in mind, I want to start putting my writing on paper in hopes my family will have it after I’m gone. I’ll still right from my phone because it’s convenient. It can be done from anywhere. It’ll act as my first draft for whatever gets put on paper. Sometimes a writer doesn’t get recognized until after he’s long gone. Something I’ve talked about on this substack is pursuing the Great Work because your purpose should be finding a way to leave mark on the world.
Martin Heidegger did his Great Work on the primal nature of being and concluded that life is about preparing oneself for death. This idea has strong effect on me. What will your contribution to mankind be? How will you leave your mark on the world?
On the Warrior Religion
The biggest need on the right is some warrior religion to revitalize the fight against globohomo. In some ways, you do need a powerful demagogue to speak to man’s primordial nature to make it happen. In other ways, we just need the existence of a warrior religion to undo the mindfucking of this regime. I’d add we need a powerful myth to link the right together. This myth must be foundational to the land we come out of. This myth will be different to different peoples and for the American Man, the myth is already there.
There’s a lot of covering up of the American founding. What is available to us is suspect for many reasons. The historians are often too apologetic of our “horrible racist past.” There’s also political reasons to hide the truths of that time. James LaFond has well documented actual white slavery in early America. Policies of stealing kids to put them into slavery in the New World. This isn’t talked about because the leviathan is trying to disprivilege the American people.
They’re trying to erase them from history through disprivilege and replace. From the 1960s to today in 2022, the country has gone from 90% Anglo American to 54%. The people who made this country what it is, who accomplished both its greatness and terribleness in history, are being eliminated from power in their own homeland. Half of that 54% believes this is a good thing. What is the Anglo American to do in this situation? This has been the burning question of the dissident right.
Many of the answers presented for this problem are half measures. They’re pieces to the equation, but they’re missing the thing that will link them all together. That missing link comes down to a common warrior religion and myth about ourselves, something to hold the different factions together against the real enemy. To put steel in our hearts. The enemy isn’t out there in the rest of the world. He’s right here at home. The reality is we’re already a minority in the country of our ancestors. We’re already dispossessed.
This dispossession goes against a founding myth of America. Our ancestors fought to make this country their own, to be able to govern themselves. They didn’t want to be controlled by a tyrant an ocean away. Our problem today is the opposite, but still the same fight. We’ve imported the tyranny. We’ve allowed people who have no history in this country to gain power over us, to determine our fate. As an Anglo American, who’s bloodline has lived and died in America since the founding, you have a birthright to this country, but nature demands that you either fight for it, flee, or die at the hands of your enemies.
“First Principles”
There was a book written on early America and the classical influences on the founding fathers called First Principles. I was excited for this book when it came out, but after opening it up, was disappointed. The book was dogshit. Another form of Anglo apologetics, trying to apologize for who the colonizers were. Trying to figure out how such evil men could be well versed in the classics. How can you read the classics and be racist?
Many who find their way to the dissident right do so precisely because they were taught some of the founding myths of America. They internalized them and then when they left school and went out into the world, they found they were bamboozled. They were also left with this horrific white guilt for shit they weren’t even alive for, nor connected to. Shit that has been done by people to other people for thousands of years. There’s nothing unique about it. It was just the latest of MANY atrocities and likely won’t be the last. The goal of any people is to not become the NEXT ATROCITY. And in that, Anglos are failing.
The stage is being primed for the Anglo Saxon to be the next atrocity. Anglos have been dispossessed by the government it founded. Our strength withered away through pointless police actions against countries that don’t effect us and our minds fucked by a hostile academic institution infiltrated by Communists long ago. There’s been a whole lot of dirt thrown on the founding American myths in order to corrupt our people and empower the people meant to replace us. Some of it is true, some of it is just the way of the world. What you think of the founders is irrelevant to the myths they laid the foundations for. It’s these myths that must go through barbaric revivalism.
Some of what inspired us as kids to be proud to be an American, to buy into these myths is also bullshit as well. The melting pot is one such myth that doesn’t belong with the rest. The only thing the melting pot myth has done is dispossess the founding stock from their birthright. The melting pot myth isn’t a founding myth. The colonists didn’t believe themselves some melting pot. They originally defined an American citizen as a white man. This country in its founding was made for White Anglo Saxon Protestants who wanted no part of the old European world.
This attitude can be found up and through what we call the “Greatest Generation.” Many soldiers interviewed believed things that would get them cancelled today. They thought white supremacy must be maintained. Many said they would fight against racial equality. Some thought god made the races to “live, fight, and play separately.” 75% of northern soldiers and 85% of souther soldiers drafted believed Anglos and blacks should train separately. They also believed a woman’s place was at home. None of these beliefs are considered acceptable views to hold in the west. Doing so gets you compared to the man they were fighting: Hitler.
Leftists believe everyone born is a blank sheet of paper that can be manipulated at will.
Much of the leftist ideology reigning terror on modern culture today comes from the idea that a human is a blank sheet of paper when they’re born and can be molded into whatever society wants them to be. Lenin said at one point that he only needed one generation to takeover a country. To some extent, our brains work like computers and can be programmed; however, it’s unknown how much of our actions can be influenced by programming alone. You don’t have to be programmed or taught how to breathe, you just do it, without thinking about it. How much more of our body is autonomous like this and we don’t even know it? You cannot dismiss what’s in the blood.
There’s merit to trusting your gut when experts or the science try to tell you otherwise. You have instincts for a reason. Without them, we wouldn’t exist. The extent of how far these automatic actions and instincts go are either unknown or hidden from us. What leftist blank sheet programming does seems to work, though I’d argue that much of the modern ailments effecting Americans are born from the unnatural programming like depression and mental illness. What’s in the blood does more than we understand and Marxism is a powerful subversion to what’s natural.
How much is in the blood? I can’t say and any science on it is probably hidden or fake. In my own experience I’ve felt the same anger towards society I imagine my ancestors felt at certain times before I had any idea what my true heritage was. The same goes for my worldview — which was heavily programmed through academia — but the feelings they tried to suppress with their demoralization campaigns never went away. I’d wager many Anglos feel what I felt growing up.
It’s something unspoken. As an impressionable kid you buy into what your parents and later, your teachers, are selling you. The American mythos is seductive. But the longer you go through life, you realize something isn’t right. The way you’re told to live and be isn’t working out how it should. This is how the dissident sphere was born. Maybe it was bodybuilding or game, something you were told was wrong and once you uncover one lie, you ask, “what else did they lie about?”
This leftist programming has spiritually destroyed the founding stock of the United States. It’s putting us on the path of sepukko. While communism collapsed in Russia, they may have succeeded in subverting American sovereignty. To have any hope for the future, you have to stop running. Not everyone going to make it to a red state and even if they do, how long before they too, are subverted? The politicians who allegedly stand for us are just controlled opposition for the enemy. They fold on everything that matters.
It’s not enough to run away. They’ll follow you wherever you go. You also can’t just stand and fight, because the system we live under will crush you given the opportunity. The reality is the strength and moral courage of the Anglo is spent. It has to be remade before any meaningful resistance can be made. The warrior religion and myth must be restored. I leave you to ponder this quote from Mr. Jonathan Bowden:
“Only when when we are fit for power, will we find the means of exercising it.”
If you ever decide to do your substack in print, I’d definitely buy it. Maybe you could do editions for each year or however. This gold needs to be immortalized in print for sure.