A long time ago someone who I don’t remember(otherwise I’d give credit where it’s due), put a list of things that “masculine men don’t do.” It was a simple list, but also a critique of the game and manosphere back in the day. Masculine men didn’t “try to act masculine,” “read about how to be more masculine,” and “tell people they were masculine.” And this person was right — in a way. Masculine men don’t do these things and you’d probably question how masculine he actually was if he did. This might offend some young men who might read me, but I feel I must touch on this “paradox” of masculinity.
I agree with this list and recent events coming from neo-masculinity gurus supports it. How many of these gurus have shown us just how degenerate they really are? There’s no reason to get into the weeds, but I’d be willing to bet all of them got into the masculinity grift because at some point they realized they weren’t manly. They took the steps to “change” this and sold their solution online. Almost all of them(and all of us) did not have a strong father to show them the way. This is why the merit of the list holds up.
A man didn’t have to research masculinity to figure out how to be a more masculine. He learned it from his father or uncles or grandfather. Learning about how to be a man by reading books or listening to gurus talk is something bookworms do. The problem with this train of thought however, are how many strong father figures are actually out there? The United States has done a stand up job of crushing tradition and masculinity since 1945. This crushing force which has wiped away the wisdom of the ancients requires a response by men who want to be more of what they are.
The lack of strong fathers in the modern world, leaves a void that must be filled.
The masculinity “movement” must continue out of necessity. You as a man owe it to yourself and your ancestors to be who you’re meant to be. Not to be mindfucked by leftism. You owe it to your son or future son to become the strong father you didn’t have. There being a lack of strong men in general means we must do all we can to both learn what it means to be a man and be that man. You must learn about the nature of men. Understand it. Embody it.
We as men also owe it to the gods and the first men to hold masculinity to a higher standard. We must cleanse our ranks of the snake oil salesmen and degenerates who make masculinity look ridiculous. There are sons out there looking for the right path, about what it means to be a man. Think for a moment on how they might find our current stock of neo-masculinity gurus. Better men must rise. They must be authentic and genuine on a level a grifter could never understand or copy.
Our ancestors didn’t have this problem. They were taken out into the woods by their father and shown the way. These boys were taught about the reality of nature and what it means to be a man by men, by their fathers. Not women. There was necessity and urgency in the words of the father. His words and advice were tailored to surviving and thriving in nature.
He himself was a man of action. The first men were not just men as we understand men today. You weren’t just a man, you were a warrior and hunter. Few understand that it wasn’t the shiny Declaration of Independence or George Washington that won the United States it’s freedom from the British Empire, it was the new men of a new world. All men who settled the new world were put back into nature and forced to become strong. A man like Thomas Jefferson was sent into the woods at ten by his father to see if he could survive on his own.
Some things to remember when it comes to masculinity.
Masculinity must be everything this degenerate world is not. This world is the world of the woman and the men of the shadows. It’s not kind to masculinity and all men must remember this in their journey to become more. A man — a real man — is repulsive to to liberal democracy. You as a man must shed the skin of modernity. Reject it in its entirety.
We might be forced to live in liberal democracy, but that doesn’t mean we can’t loathe every second it and prepare for the age of barbarians which will surely follow. If you want to take this path, I have some recommendations and warnings.
Your guru isn’t a celebrity, don’t treat them as such. There’s too much bootlicking and star gazing in this sphere. The actor who played Obi Wan Kenobi in the original Star Wars came to hate being a part of it because of the insane obsession of Star Wars fans. Remember this whenever you think about “geeking out.”
Be wary of gurus in general. They’re running a business and when push comes to shove, they will support the status quo instead of actually practicing what they preach. Good example of this is the guru who claims he is anti-racist. Admitting he’s anti-racist either means he is trapped in the leftist worldview or he must protect his grift.
It’s ok to learn about masculinity, but you shouldn’t talk about it. Why put your weaknesses out there anyways? To normal people it just sounds weird. By the same token, you should never admit any weakness. Leftists try to do this by getting you to “talk about your feelings.” Don’t ever walk into that trap unless you’re looking for a knife in the back.
You should act masculine, but in an authentic and genuine way. Don’t try to act masculine. Be masculine. Most people are in their own world and aren’t going to notice you anyways. The ones that do will appreciate being in the presence of an actual man.
Masculinity is eternal. Now till the end of man, there will be men who need to learn how to be masculine. Masculinity itself must be protected and the grifters forced out. The purpose of learning about masculinity is to be manly, not talk about being manly.
There must be something in the air, I just wrote a post along the same wavelength as this. I think one of the hardest things for those who are struggling to get in touch with their own masculinity is the multitude of guides and gurus who are all too ready to provide them with a complicated roadmap to something that is already inside. Some men will follow these neatly prepared "masculinity at home" kits to the bitter end, never realizing along the way that it could be a "bill of goods."
Conversely there is a bourgeoning body of writing on masculinity that is nothing more than a feminine repackaging of the masculine - it is an "acceptable" form of masculinity that in no way resembles actual masculinity. I think of it as "castration" by ideology. This what young boys are subject to in their school rooms as their mostly female teachers and school psychologists tell them to sit on their hands, keep their eyes on their paper, don't climb the tree, don't show off. It is the systematic neutering of a whole generation of men - hobbling them and molding them into impotent dispassionate people who spend of the rest of their lives trying to fill the hole in their identity with Darth Maul bobbleheads and Disney+ Marvel shows.
Thanks for providing an alternative voice, more of us need to speak up.