The White God of the Warrior Religion
Please read the previous part in the series: The White Religion and the Misappropriation of Science
There is a truth about the world and nature that our people have forgotten. It’s not lost, rather buried in our subconscious, deep beneath the psychological programming done to us by the occupational class. The strength of our blood made us a world empire, the likes of which is still dominating on every battlefield today — only now it’s being led by our enemies, our betrayers. The occupational class betrayed their Mandate of Heaven, they betrayed our people for money and power. They seduced the boomers into wretched complacency and every generation since has suffered for it. Each following generation losing a little bit of what makes us human. Despite all of this, the truth isn’t lost.
Just as the Christian is born into this world with original sin, leftism makes the argument that White people are born into a world their ancestors raped and pillaged and they must pay for these crimes of the blood. You should feel guilty for everything your blood is done. You repent by relinquishing your birthright to this land, handing it over to the people that hate you. You redeem your soul by abandoning nature itself, to make yourself one of the “protected classes.” By becoming gay or trans or whatever the flavor of the month is, you redeem your soul. Otherwise, the best you can be is an “ally” they still hate and won’t ever accept. You were sold the idea of race blindness, only to have it thrown in your face a generation later.
This isn’t a cry for victim worship. We don’t want to be like them. This is a call for you to answer. A call to your deepest blood nature. To reject the framing imposed upon you by the occupational class and claim your birthright. You want to know why they moved from race blindness of our youth to the social justice of recent times? We proved our worth. And that’s not what they thought would happen, so they had to rig the game.
Our people are up against the wall. They don’t know what to do or how to get out of this hard place. Dreading the moment they might be called racist or White supremacist for simply advocating for their own. There seems to be no way out. Much of it comes from too must trust — or fear — of a government that’s supposed to be for the people, by the people. The problem is they aren’t our people anymore. Many in fact, are chomping at the bit to stick to it to us further. They smell blood in the water.
The institutions that our ancestors created have been killed and our enemies wear their skin suits. The country has been taken, in every sense of the word. The people who made this country what it is have been disowned by the occupational class, adding the general despair. I will tell you now that no one has the answers, if they did, we wouldn’t be here. In the face of this general despair, the best course of action is to start majoring in the traits that made us who we are. You have to go back to having strong and healthy race instincts. Further, you’ve got to inspire those around you to do the same.
Strong and Healthy Race Instincts
What does it mean to have strong and healthy race instincts? For Oswald Spengler it meant the men had warlike and manly spirits and the women strove above anything else to become mothers. I would take this further. You have to change your entire worldview. You can’t see the world as the occupational class wants you to see it, you have to see it how nature intended you to see it. There is a book you should read at least once. It’s not ground breaking by any means, but it does a masterful job of teaching the right worldview. That book is Might is Right.
You have to realize, no matter how gay our empire gets, it’s the authority of this land until something stronger comes along. Not all power is physical power and because our enemy holds the power, their might makes right so long as they can hold onto it. They’ve also rigged the game against you. Civil Rights is designed to replace the original Constitution. Events like Waco and Ruby Ridge make most too afraid to band together. You underestimate how devastating having the freedom of association removed was. Despite all this, you must reforge the bonds of our people. You must have your own gangs, war bands, and brotherhoods.
Create them in the shadows with your closest friends. Do what the other races do, show preferential treatment for your own — BUT, don’t be obvious about it in the same way recruiters are able to discriminate against White applicants and somehow avoid lawsuits. There’s no need to hate other races, simply take care of your own. Our ancestors made the 2nd Amendment for a reason and there’s no reason you shouldn’t honor it. Make yourself a master of the weapons of war. Develop martial fury. It’s important to remember that the masters will jump on any opportunity to hammer us back down. Stay out of the limelight, stay in the shadows.
The goal is to move our people into position to fight. A position where we become militant in a way that can’t be easily dealt with. History never ends. The struggle to survive continues and we must always be ready for war. Be driven by fire and fanaticism for our cause. Fighting, surviving, and strength your watchwords. Make war bands with your friends. If you’re young create a Koryos, if you’re already married, make a Hoplite Defense Force. Sense of community, trust, and solidarity are higher in neighborhoods where everyone looks the same. So where possible, relocate to where your people are.
I cannot understate how important it is to remain in the shadows. Don’t advertise what you’re doing. Make yourself a warrior, train with your friends. Think about nature and what it takes to survive in nature. As Nietzsche says, the free man is a warrior. He has the will to be responsible for himself, to undergo hardship and privation as necessary to win. The Warrior Religion proposes the adherence to the doctrines of nature above all else.
Finding God through Nature
How much of history is fake? We don’t know, but we expect much. What about religion? How legitimate are the scriptures left to us? How do you know they aren’t faked or altered? This isn’t to say don’t read or believe in any of it, but I recommend you look for the scriptures that align with the doctrines of nature.
What separates us from our enemies is the belief in God or The Gods. Hell, even most Nietzscheans believe in The Gods. Our enemies worship the false gods of science and democracy. There’s been little in way of divinity, miracles, or prophets in recent times which is evidence of how far mankind has removed itself from God. If you want to find God again, read the bible, pray, do what you have to do, but it’s of my opinion that God is unknowable to us today and the only way to find him again is through nature. You don’t know how much of the scriptures left to us are real, but one thing you cannot deny is nature and what nature selects for. If you believe God is the creator, than following the doctrines of nature is following the law of God.
What are the doctrines of nature? Survival of the fittest? In a way. But it’s more than that. As Spengler said, it’s about possessing that warlike and manly spirit. Having RACE. It’s about arranging society in a way that leads to the biological improvement of mankind. Our people have proven again and again that we can thrive in nature. We have the ability to read into what must be done and do it, an instinct unmatched by anyone else.
White supremacy is a phrase they enjoy throwing at us. It’s always aimed at poor Whites who shop at Walmart. It’s always done in tongue and cheek fashion at the worst examples of race. Remember, you aren’t superior by the nature of being alive. You have to work for it. Strive to excel above all others. Recognize that you’re in a fight. Nothing will be given to you, you have to prove your worth.
A belief of the Warrior Religion that God is unknown to us, but by following the doctrines of nature, we may find him again. By becoming great, brave, hard, and manly we will make ourselves worthy of The Gods again. The doctrines of nature are the path back to God. You have to show you have RACE again. We take these initial steps into the darkness, back to the primitive, and this fog that’s been hiding the way will lift. Perhaps then, The White God will reveal himself to his disciples. Yes — THE WHITE GOD for the White race.