This is ongoing work about forging new warrior religion. Make sure you read prior two parts on this.
When I speak on the warrior religion, I like to bring up Dune. Frank Herbert put much right wing thought into his novels. I believe he understood the importance of vital force in man. Dune is not like your typical sci-fi book where much time is spent on technology. Herbert rejects progress and the idea that all technology is good. There is something in his world of Dune called the Butlerian Jihad where there was holy war against AI and in the aftermath, man put his faith back into man, not technology. The technology in Dune is made to enhance the man, not replace him.
This makes the men in Dune full of powerful vital force. There aren’t computers. Guns have been rendered obsolete by personal shields, forcing men to go back to using swords and knives again. You can’t survive in this world as a fatty. If you want glory, it must be won by the strength of your body and will. Religion plays major part in forming their vitality. In the case of the Fremen, their religion teaches them the values necessary to survive in the brutal, unforgiving desert. This is the framework we must think from if creating a new warrior religion for a new age is the goal.
Any warrior religion must be able to root itself into society as it is today. Not what we want it to be. It must help its disciples survive and thrive in the world. It can’t come out as this enemy to the regime because we all know what happens next. The regime finds some way to co-opt the religion and/or takes it out Waco style. It doesn’t have to try to be friendly to the regime, but it must fly under the radar enough to allow the culture to take hold.
You don’t want the warrior religion taking interest in politics, at least in the beginning.
Much of what takes place online, especially on twatter, is politics. The easiest way to expose the religion is by being some noisy activist. Now this is also counter intuitive because if you’re not involved in politics, you surrender the field to the enemy. You should be involved, but the warrior religion shouldn’t. It should be focused on its purpose. That purpose being to make men who can survive and thrive in the time they’re in. It should be the means in which vital force is put back into the man.
Modernity has been a disaster for men. Violence is looked down upon. The skills and traditions men used to get to the top of the food chain have been lost. Mankind is a couple serious disasters from being knock back a couple cycles. Technology and progress have been put ahead of the excellence of man. They have become the new gods, the new faith, and it’s a faith that is misplaced. Technology is necessary, but don’t let it destroy what makes you great.
Technology is the realm of the regime. It’s used against us on a scale most don’t yet realize. The Internet has been centralized and is now being milked by globohomo for all its worth. The warrior religion instead must be focused elsewhere, in reviving man’s vital force. It must show the vitality of life away from technology, to help show men the power of the world and how much modern entertainment is just a means of control or milking of vital force by the regime. The goal of a new warrior religion should be to get men back offline, actually taking positive actions toward becoming a force to be reckoned with.
What to look for in a warrior religion?
The rites of a warrior religion should be centered around fighting and surviving. The gods they choose to worship should teach and honor this behavior. The Spartans believed the greatest honor was dying in battle in service to Sparta. This mindset is good, but it should be tailored toward the people and religion, seeing as the country has been taken over by very bad people who would jump at the chance to spill hero’s blood to achieve their ends. Many religions worship death. For Christians, death in heaven is the reward of their pious life. For the Northmen, a violent death got them into Valhalla.
Disciples of the warrior religion need something to live and die for that encourages them to take daring action. Much of my writing centers around human nature and pursuing the Great Work. This is something disciples need to be keenly aware of. What is their Great Work? Selling them on some afterlife may not be most sound course of action(though it’s been copied with some success by death cults). The Greeks had no conception of paradise after death. They understood the only time they had was now. Only the shadows of their former selves existed in Hades.
Strength must also be focused. Might makes right is natural law. Any religion that takes hold will be small in number and must make up for it by shear excellence. There must be fanatical devotion amongst its disciples. These disciples must believe they are chosen by the gods for some higher purpose. Their discipline and devotion must demonstrate this.
The deity or deities of the religion must embody warrior mysticism. The warrior disciple wants to follow and die for a Thor or Heracles or Mars. Gods that represent the purpose of men on this earth. Having the deity of this people represent anything other than the warrior and conqueror is building a house of cards destined to collapse. Whatever it’s manifestation, it must be a new denomination. There is no way to revive the old ways of our ancestors, let alone determine what they actually did or how they lived. History is written by the victors, we don’t know how much is actually bullshit.
Reading the classic books will give you a powerful understanding of nature. You must read the source, do not read some intellectuals interpretation of the source. They would shutter if they truly understood what the ancients meant. A man uncorrupted by acadamia could read the classics and understand them better than your favorite liberal professor. The manly instincts will pick up what’s important, what the ancients wanted us to remember. This is good place to build the foundations of the warrior religion.
It’s hard to talk about warrior religions without talking about the Aryan conquests.
I am not expert this field, but it’s known that the indo-Europeans spread out across Europe and beyond. There’s entire field of comparative mythology that finds common linguistic roots. Many of the gods are similar to each other. One less talked about aspect of the Aryan conquests is the idea that the gods of the Aryans replaced the gods of the aboriginal peoples. This is focused on in the mythology itself. The Olympians replaced the old order of the Titans. Odin and his brothers made the world from the corpse of a giant.
This idea of replacing the old order will be important to a warrior religion precisely because it’s primordial. It could refer to the Aryan conquests, but it could be an even older concept. Say the early first men conquering the orc-like Neanderthals. Something like the Neolithic hunter hero, Heracles, who mastered the dark world before him could make for powerful deity of a new warrior people.
Something also to end with. We’ve become a society where the worm rises to the top. The corrupt and back stabbers are the cream of our crop. The warrior religion must not be hindered by any code that goes against nature and they must possess a sixth sense for sniffing out the worms.
Makes me think of O9A. Many of the things you advocate are promoted by O9A in their books. An honour culture.