RESAVAGER has been putting up about two essays a week, consistently for a good part of this year. Sometimes I wonder if this is too much. Someone like James LaFond is able to make content everyday for multiple platforms, so I figured I could commit to twice a week. I want to take a moment to highlight the most popular poasts of 2022 and unlock them all to read if you haven’t already. It always surprises me which poasts end up doing the viral. The two most popular essays I didn’t think would do well when I hit publish. So I encourage you to put it out there, you don’t know what will hit.
The WARRIOR RELIGION has been the primary focus of this year. This project is ongoing, but I believe the metaphysics of it are solidifying. Three of the five essays deal specifically with this subject. Please check out and read if you have the time. I also want to thank everyone who’s subscribed to RESAVAGER, whether free or funding the Warrior Religion with thielbucks/federal funding. Without further ado:
5. The Human Type Required for the Warrior Religion
“Through Heracles, men are given the reason and purpose of life. Colonization, exploration, and conquest. Pursuing the Great Work. Turning the wheel of mankind. Heracles did all these things. He didn’t stay at home and complain. He went out into the world and fought monsters. He discovered countries and seaways. The Gods supported his quest, his path of virtue, sending him aid along the way.”
In this one, I lay out the human type required for the Warrior Religion, starting first with RESAVAGER’s mascot, the most famous hero, Heracles. We require men of strength and will, devotion and fanaticism, to do what’s necessary to win. Beyond this, you have to be a man of adventure and daring. Early in this Warrior Religion project, I considered both Heracles and Wotan as Gods that could be powerful deities for our side. My view on this has evolved. We are one step removed from Christianity, and two steps removed from Paganism, what’s necessary is a new belief structure.
4. Warrior Religion
“What I call for isn’t something mainstream, rather if you want to create some warrior religion, it must start small. The goal is to create pockets within the empire of hard peoples. Maybe these pockets have the same religions, maybe not.”
This is the essay that kicked off the Warrior Religion. What inspired it was actually the Ukraine War. If you remember in the beginning, the Russians seemed demoralized. They were taking a lot of casualties. There was big brain talk about how they were sending in their weakest units and old equipment to the front first. And then, when it seemed like the war was stalling out, the Chechens were activated and you got to see on twatter, Chechen soldiers praying before marching off to war. It gave strong Sardaukar vibes to those who watched it.
I enjoyed seeing this as it was something an American isn’t used to seeing. You don’t see that kind of religious fanaticism in the United States. Ok — the left is pretty fanatical, but they lack the DEVOTION. This kind of authenticity is missing from every part of American culture and I will bring it back.
3. Making the Warrior Religion
“America is a big place. There is room for secret societies, mannerbunds, and warrior religions to take hold. For you to make yourself barbaric in the image of your warrior ancestors. When the time comes and the west falls to the barbarians, you yourself will be barbarian. It will be within your power to expand the influence of your people. To show a kind of ferocity that will usher in the next age of men.”
When I point someone to the Warrior Religion, I prefer to point them to this essay. It is the second in the project, but a better, more concise explanation of our goals. Ultimately, you want to forge a clannish and barbaric people. The way you do this will be primarily offline, in homogeneous communities, and harsh lands. Making the Warrior Religion also goes over the next big inspiration for this project: the Fremen and Sardaukar of Dune.
2. Are Americans Still a People?
“How many traditions and customs have you inherited from your family? How many do you remember experiencing as a child, but were never passed down to you? The shared experience of Americans today isn’t far removed from the CONSOOMER culture we want to destroy.”
These next two essays did the viral, in social media speak. It caught me by total surprise. One thing I’ve noticed since I’ve started publishing regularly is the essays I think are important will do just ok, but the ones I think aren’t that great end up doing well. Technically, the Warrior Religion was the first of these, but it pales in comparison to these next two.
This particular essay was inspired by my reading of the first parts of The Ancient City where I was dumbfounded by how little culture the American had compared to the Ancient Greek or Roman in our supposedly sophisticated and advanced society. You don’t understand how much was stolen from you until you read a book like this.
1. Soul Image of Faustian Man
“If you’re into men like BAP or Nietzsche, carry the same like for Ancient Greek Hellenism and Aesthetics, this chapter will hit you like a semi truck driven by Spengler himself. It will be total annihilation, but don’t worry he’ll still invite you over for tea to tell you how wrong you really are.”
Oswald Spengler is an important thinker for our side. Many of the essays on RESAVAGER reference his works. His work both inspires and demoralizes. Spengler’s Great Work is the categorization of cultures as super organism that are born and eventually, die. Their lifespans are around a thousand years. To be a Spenglarian is to make yourself locked into the culture you’re born into, which is an idea I stubbornly refuse to accept. However, his thought is CRITICAL to understand and I have my suspicions that he didn’t fully buy into the idea that you’re locked to the culture you’re born into, evidenced by the counsel he tried to give his fellow Germans in his lifetime.
So, imagine my shock when I publish a very niche essay on a single chapter in his magnum opus, The Decline of the West, which does better than any other essay I’ve done before. It’s in this chapter that Spengler criticizes both Nietzsche and the Ancient Greeks, which exist almost as sacred cows to the right today.
Once again, thank you for the subbort of RESAVAGER and the Warrior Religion. May this new year bring you power.
I apologise for this being such a basic bitch question (just discovered your substack and working my way through it…its brilliant, utterly compelling) but can you recommend any other substacks? Or books you recommend that have/continue to inspire you…
Has been the only newsletter I’ve read this year. Going to link to in my yearly recap tomorrow.
Well done, and Thankyou