I apologise for this being such a basic bitch question (just discovered your substack and working my way through it…its brilliant, utterly compelling) but can you recommend any other substacks? Or books you recommend that have/continue to inspire you…

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BOOKS is big question.

Read the heroic classics like Iliad, Beowulf, Gilgamesh.

I enjoy Thus Spake Zarathustra, Man and Technics, Decline of the West, The Hour of Decision, Junger’s War as Inner Experience, Storm of Steel, Bronze Age Mindset

Fiction: Conan the Barbarian stories, Dune

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Thanks a lot! This gives me plenty to go on…keep up the amazing work!👍

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Has been the only newsletter I’ve read this year. Going to link to in my yearly recap tomorrow.

Well done, and Thankyou

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Thank you 🤝

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