RESAVAGER hasn’t been kind to Christians. I can rant about Christians all day and night, for many reasons, but I choose not to. Much of my disdain for the religion is it’s abandonment of nature and the manly ethos. To become the bootlickers of the godless wretches of leftism which in turn rightfully loathes them. Christians however, represent the largest demographic in this last alliance on the right against GNC so I try to treat them with respect. There is another reason I don’t go after Christians(besides it being tactically unsound), I hold great reverence for the KNIGHTS and CRUSADERS of the medieval age.
You want to know what would convert me to Christianity? A new order of Knights Templar declaring Holy War against the demons of the left. An unrelenting, intolerant Holy War that demands VICTORY at all costs. Knights willing to stand against the civilization-destroying cults on the left and treat them with impunity. The return of the aristocratic and noble brotherhoods of Knights. Men driven by duty and honor, filled with a powerful sense of THUMOS to not allow leftism to continue its onslaught on mankind. Yes, this would convert me.
At no other point in history have Christians had an enemy that is actually demonic, actually corrupting their youth, actually leading their people away from God. But the manly Christianity that would stand against this is no where to be found today. Why? Leftism figured out Christianity. Figured out how to get into the head of the Christian and make him feel guilty. Oswald Spengler said Christianity was the grandmother of Marxism. It’s also said that Christianity is Judaism for the gentiles. The enemy has figured out the Christian. True or not true is beside the point, we’re here to talk about how Christianity can redeem itself in the modern world.
You want a return to Christianity? You must bring back the Arthurian legends and the brotherhoods of Knights. Faith must be put back into the warlike and manly spirit of the Knight and Crusader who fought in service to the Lord, to safeguard the helpless. There was old Survive the Jive video about King Arthur, how the English believe he will come back someday to save England. Roswell says the way to look at this legend is to realize that Arthur will return one day — in one of you. Maybe this is meant just for the English, maybe it’s meant for the descendants of the west. You must seek to cultivate it.
You have my permission to create a Brotherhood of Knights.
The only reason we don’t have brotherhoods today is fear and cowardice. Whenever I suggest you must make your own gang or Brotherhood, it never fails that someone among you will claim it’s impossible. The feds won’t allow it. They’ll Waco you. The moment you have your first meeting at the Round Table, the feds will already be there to urge you toward some stupid and illegal task where they will be waiting. And because it’s the FBI, their words will be like those of the serpent at the Garden of Eden. You will be seduced and made to fall into a fed trap.
Do you not have agency? Are you not sovereign over your actions? Do you need the federal government to give you permission to protect yourself? If that’s the case, there is no hope for you. This isn’t a call for you to commit crimes the feds can prosecute you for. This is a call for you to form your own Knights Templar. To take responsibility of your life and the safety of those under the protection of your order.
Do you need mommy’s permission to do this? Certainly, the feds don’t want you to do this, but it’s within your rights to do it anyways. The feds can scare you into taking these paths of cowardice because they have you isolated. Isolation is dangerous. You need friends you can count on when the going gets tough or you’re forced to supplicate to the feds. There’s nothing illegal about getting friends together to train, to fights to hunt, to have family get togethers, or if you’re young, to go seek females with.
There’s nothing illegal about any of it. You should take it a step further and make your Knights bound together by OATHS. Honor and shame should govern your brotherhood. Shame is used to reinforce what you want to see in your gang. Honor given to those who earn it according to the standards you set between yourselves. This is something our ancestors did. Feds can’t prosecute you for any of this. The only thing holding you back is fear.
The Knights of the Round Table
King Arthur and his Round Table appear to us as literature. There’s been no smoking gun on whether he existed in the first place. But the stories told about the Knights of the Round Table have still made their way to us. No doubt inspired many men to great deeds along the way. We’ve only recently found evidence that Troy existed, but the work of Homer inspired many men. You should treat the Arthurian legends in the same manner. What matters is what these texts inspire within you.
If they inspire you towards heroism and Great Works, it doesn’t matter how real they are. They’re real enough to light a fire in a man’s heart. That is real power. The only ones who care about how legitimate a story is are agents of demoralization and deconstruction. In other words, demons who want to topple over the natural order of mankind. The Knights of the Round Table and the Quest for the Holy Grail gave Christians esoteric myths that inspired. You need tales like these to get men of power on your side.
Lancelot gets a raw deal in the later literature from the French that put him into some forbidden love story with Guinevere. In one telling of the Quest for the Holy Grail, he embarks on quest for the Grail, but is unable to get it because of his sins. However, their love child Galahad is able to find the Grail. In the early literature however, none of this is present. He’s a loyal knight and friend to King Arthur. He protects the Queen and slays dragons. Another Knight of the Round Table worth looking in to is Gawain.
Gawain is portrayed as one of Arthur’s closest companions and even the nephew of the King. After the betrayal of his relative and Arthur’s bastard son Mordred, he remains loyal to Arthur and the Queen. He’s a formidable Knight and also a friend of Lancelot. In one story, he is the inheritor of Excalibur. The mark against him is his incapacity to forgive others. He’s a die hard fanatic of the Christian faith. OK — maybe you aren’t interested in these old stories, look instead at history and the many organizations created to fight the Crusades.
Any who doubt the warlike and manly spirit of the Christian, can look back to the Crusades.
Many orders were created during the Crusaders. The first was the Hospitallers, who were charged with medical aid and protection for Christians making their pilgrimage to Jerusalem. There was also the Teutonic Knights and the infamous Knights Templar. Men would go to these orders and give up their livelihoods, their possessions, to become warrior monks. To safeguard the helpless, even if it leads to their death. This was the task given to the Crusaders who waged many wars against the Muslims over the Holy Land.
What would it take to resurrect the Knights Templar? To get Christians to see what’s right in front of them? To stop supplicating to the very people that hate them? What would it take to get the Christian to declare Holy War before his fire is snuffed out forever? Many would flock to their side and go to war with them if they could bring back their warlike and manly spirit. Sometime ago I read an article from a Canadian military pastor who was lamenting his fighting men choosing to worship Thor instead of the Lord. Thor gave these men the spiritual power to fight the War on Terror whereas Christianity was telling them to feel bad for the gays and poc.
Warriors have no patience for a religion that values the opposite of what they are. Real Christians want Knights. They want men who will defend the faith. They want men willing to go to war to defend the faith. What they don’t want are pastors preaching peace and supplication to an enemy that hates and wants to destroy them. Man is made to fight for and defend his people. When you start trying to pigeonhole him into some other role, he will abandon the faith because the church has abandoned him. If Christianity is going to redeem itself in the modern world, a King Arthur must arise from one of you.
A message we’ve heard far too often in the midst of true evil is: ‘Justice will be served in the afterlife... in the end G_d will win’
Justice must again be a dish served daily.
Need first of all, MEN.
“Do you need mommy’s permission to do this?”
Actually if married , yes.
Let the wahmen get it, we’re equal.
Men have no stake in a matriarchy.
If you must try this; Start as brigands who bought order, that’s the actual order it happened in, or skip to banking (the real Templars bankers).