The Green Goblin mask on trash can starts talking to you, what do you do?
There is something important hidden in the writings of memoryholed RW authors like William Gaylee Simpson, Revilo P. Oliver, and Madison Grant. I believe the answers we seek can be found in their works, but do you have the COURAGE to listen? The COURAGE to take action? We have all seen the meme, “Which Way Western Man?” But how many among you know that it is actually a book written by WG Simpson? How many Christians toss around the term, “Which Way Western Man,” without knowing that its originator ABANDONED Christianity and called it the poisoned pill of the West? The Goblin Mask is talking to you, o no, o God
With this in mind, I want to have a conversation with you. I am currently working through the book, Which Way Western Man and it is something that comes up within its text. This book says many of the things the real right says today, but it takes it to the next level. It goes where no one dares to travel. This is perhaps, the most terrifying conversation you can have with yourself. Will you hear what the mask has to say? Costin Alamariu’s book, Selective Breeding, merely touches on what WG Simpson lays out an entire generation before. Now it may have been out of the scope of his thesis, but the implications are something of grave importance to us today.
This conversation we’re going to have, the conversation you have to have with your very soul deals with a single question. What is YOUR inborn nature? This question asked correctly should terrify you to the very bone. It is far from an easy question. What if you’re not living in accordance with what you believe your inborn nature to be? Does that mean you’re lying to yourself? What do I even mean by, “inborn nature?”
It can be agreed upon that human equality is a false god. The races are not equal. Even among the same race, the men are not equal. Americans believe themselves, for example, to be temporarily embarrassed millionaires. Eventually(they tell themselves), they will get the wealth to match what they think they’re worth. But an aristocracy is by its nature, a small, elite group within the race. It’s made up of the few who want to rule, whereas the majority are content to be led.
Most people by their very nature are slaves. Slavery was never abolished, its form just changed. If you’re working some job right now, you are a slave. A wage slave. Your “will” to be responsible for yourself is limited by your earning potential. Does that make the men who rule over you free? Does it make them aristocrats?
Something from Selective Breeding talked about is the importance of the breeding of superior men. The Greks were obsessed with this. They noticed it as herders in the mountains when they bred their animal stock. WG Simpson affirms this thesis from Alamariu. He affirms that superior men must be bred. He affirms that the purpose of any state should be the breeding of as many superior men as possible.
What is YOUR inborn nature?
What Simpson is saying is that superiority must be bred. That the inborn nature of most men is SLAVERY and that these same men are content just to be told what to do. How many on our side think themselves to be “spiritual aristocrats,” when they are truly just slaves looking for a better master? You must examine the life you have “chosen” for yourself. Is it the path you truly desired? How does it compare to the lives of your ancestors? You see now, anon, why they have SEVERED our Thread of Continuity?
Are you living the same life your father led? Are you at the same level or less than your father and grandfather? Are you a “spiritual aristocrat,” but due to the nature of your enemies, are not living how you would like? Are you really an aristocrat? What does it take to be an aristocrat? What is the NATURE of the aristocrat?
MOST don’t want to believe themselves to be slaves. They want to be free men. One of my favorite passages from Nietzsche ends with, “The free man is a warrior.” The aristocrat name is tainted by the most recent groups of aristocrats who watched our world turn to democracy out of their decadence and BETRAYAL of their races. But make no mistake, the aristocrat was first and foremost, the warrior. The first aristocrats came out of conquering war bands. Over time, these aristocratic castes degenerated, but as Spengler tells us, it is impossible to maintain the heroic posture indefinitely.
The world of course has changed manifold times since these war bands took power. How would an aristocratic caste form today? WG Simpson believed it a complicated matter, but he assured us we would NOT find an aristocrat in an elected politician. He also believed it would take selective breeding to create such an aristocrat caste. The foundation of this caste MUST be from where our ancestors found their aristocrats: the warrior caste. If you aspire to be an aristocrat or you believe yourself to be a spiritual aristocrat, you must undergo the austere discipline of military training. But how many among us turn from military service?
No doubt the number of these spiritual aristocrats outnumbers many times the number of men on our side currently or previously serving in the military. You’re told how the military will use you. They will send you to some third-world country to get your legs blown off. Your mind will get FUCKED and you will leave with horrible PTSD(something I talk about in BARBARIC VITALISM). You will get disabled or worse. Your wife will cheat on you. The excuses go on and on.
And that is what they are, excuses. If you want to be an aristocrat but refuse to be a warrior, you’re not aristocratic at all. It’s possible, of course, that it’s not part of your inborn nature. Can you change that nature? WG Simpson believed it was possible, but it’s not something that would happen in your lifetime. He believed that there was a way into an aristocracy, but it had to be bred. Proving your bloodline superior over generations is how Simpson believed your bloodline should be allowed to join the aristocrats.
The ONLY way to give your bloodline a chance is to become a warrior now. To take the risks you’re afraid of and resolve not to be “used and abused” by the military, but to “use and abuse” the military toward your own ends.
My fren, what is your inborn nature?
What is the goblin mask telling you?
Excellent, FD. Yes, the free man is a warrior. Warriors are armed, or should be to handle any eventuality. That is why this communist System strives incessantly to not only ban the bearing of arms but their ownership. Historically, only slaves are not permitted to be armed. This makes you easy prey for the predator vermin that the System unleashes on the people to keep them in fear, terror, and subjugation. This perverse, villainous insanity has reached a point where in some nations, if a White fights back against a non-White assailant, the White is criminally charged. This will soon be ubiquitous, until and unless Whites commence a Viet Cong or Mujaheddin resistance/insurrection against their oppressive tormentors. The administrators who effectuate these murderous policies and laws. Asymmetrical, lone wolf, guerrilla, leaderless resistance. Simply put, "cap" the motherfuckers with extreme prejudice.