America is a beautiful place and there is still so much more that I need to see. In Barbaric Vitalism, I made the argument that in the phrase, “Blood and soil,” blood should hold more weight. The reason for this is tribes move. They migrate out into the frontier. We don’t really know where the original Fatherland or Hyperborea was. Sure, there are ideas of where we probably originated based on the evidence archaeologists have been able to dig up, but it’s just an estimation which is subject to change. If the Aryans started out somewhere in the Balkans, so what? The Founding Stock today have no connection to that place.
Now, some may argue that we would feel a connection if we went there. Maybe this is true, but it’s not something I’ve felt. I, as most of the Founding Stock, consider myself American first. A product of ethnogenesis of Europe’s best races. America changed us. It differentiated us from our European cousins. Scientists will argue that it can’t be seen in the DNA, but you need only put an American next to an Englishmen and you will be able to tell one from the other without the rigor of scientific testing. Sometimes I wonder if arguments to the contrary are bad actors trying to sow discord, but for the most part, the contrarians just dream of some White alliance like Tolkien’s Last Alliance of men and elves.
The new world changed the European races who settled it. The first Americans were forced back into nature and made to tame the wilderness. Put this together with the mixing of blood between the races who united in Holy War against the red man. When all is said and done, you don’t have the same people anymore. Now the White alliance folks will say, “Well, there is now a lot of interbreeding in Europe now.” Yeah well, so what? Europe was not the frontier. They did not have the same fight for survival that the Americans did. Now, maybe they have become something else as well — it still doesn’t make us the same. What must be understood is that we can all be Aryan, but we are still distinct from one another and WILL favor our own over other Aryan races.
Before I get too sidetracked into nepotism discussion, let’s bring it back to blood and soil. Yes, blood is primary. You are the latest representative of an old bloodline that stretches back to the beginning of mankind, to the first men. All these men still exist in you and you have a duty to them to ensure your bloodline continues into the future. If you cannot do this, you had better leave behind some Great Work that forces you to be remembered like our heroes and conquerors. You are the culmination of all who came before you, but you are also your own man. The land in which you were born left it’s mark on your bloodline.
The effect of the frontier on the American race is catastrophically underestimated. The land imbued into the American power and vitality. The American tamed the new world and made it into a new empire. Say what you will about the American empire as it exists today, but it’s foundation was built by the Founding Stock. Everything it accomplished was accomplished by the Founding Stock before stupid ideas like diversity and the melting pot. Our ancestors mastered this land and they mastered the conditions they were born into.
When you set out into the frontier, you’re putting yourself against nature. This is the fight for survival in its rawest form and nature will leave its mark on you. Our ancestors won that fight and they were changed by it. They gained the necessary adaptations to bend the new world to their will and you have it in you to do the same. And you should. Our lands are being invaded by foreigners who are being supported by our renegade government. What you have, in a sports sense, is home field advantage and you should take full advantage of it.
It’s the Manifest Destiny of our race to conquer the rest of the earth and then take to the stars. That cannot happen until our own homeland can be brought to heel. Our renegade regime put under our power. To do this requires much work. We are in a multi-generational struggle and it falls to us to lay a stronger foundation than the one made by our ancestors. To make sure we don’t commit the same mistakes and to get our descendants back on the Golden Path laid before us by God Himself. Nietzsche believed in the Will to Power and what is the Will to Power? It is the biological drive we feel to master space. To master the conditions we are born into.
Our ancestors were pioneers who tamed the wilderness. They went west to realize Manifest Destiny. All in time where there were no cars or air conditioning. They enjoyed none of the comforts we have today. All these comforts are a mirage in the desert that will lead you unto your death if you’re not careful. You must again take to the frontier. To master the SOIL around you.
It’s easy to give into the comforts the modern world provides. It takes WILL to go against the grain, to choose self-reliance. It takes WILL to test yourself against nature. To refine the skills mastered by your ancestors so that should you be forced back into nature, you are prepared to do what they did. The modern underestimates just how much he relies on this system and how easy it will be for our overlords to choke the system, if needed. Our ancestors were savage Indian fighters and frontiersmen. They were predatory and so too, must you be.
Being predatory is a requirement of nature, written into its very doctrines. Our society seems to push the opposite. It pushes the poor, “oppressed” person of color, but in reality, it’s doing exactly what nature expects from men. The victims are simply being used as divine and conquer tactics so the real predators can fly under the radar. You’re supposed to speak to the injustices in the world, be an ally to the oppressed, all while you do the opposite behind closed doors. This is the way of the society we’ve been born into. If you want to survive, you must keep to the doctrines of nature — the way of God — all while professing just how strong and smart black womons are.
Convenience is like a drug and should be treated as such only to be used “medicinally”, not as a habit or way of life. Our society is saturated with convenience of all sorts. For most people the withdrawal symptoms are intolerable and explains why they will not be able to survive the transition. After the Black Death ravaged Europe there were many new opportunities for upward mobility and prosperity. I’m eagerly looking forward to the coming similar opportunities that await us in the near future.
As a man of the old countries, I have long felt convinced that Americans are actually a superior people, and that without shame. We of Europe have a long renovation ahead of us before we can stand head to head with the American standard, though the exemplars of that standard may be dwindling. Time will prove all, and I am excited to see the strain that emerges from the wreck of The United States.