The road ahead is long and unforgiving. Sometimes it helps to put it into perspective. You are part of a hunted race living under a hostile regime. You’re allowed to exist so long as you forward the goals of your enemies: the conquest of the American Founding Stock. Now, the goal is not far off by any means. You can argue that it’s already happened. The American Founding Stock is no longer in control of their destiny.
Basic survival instincts practiced on the racial and tribal level are completely inverted for the American Founding Stock. A people practicing healthy race instincts seek to be strong. To have more children. To preserve the cultural heritage that raised them. To look out for your own over other peoples. They are a hard and warlike people as Oswald Spengler says because to THRIVE in nature requires men to be hard and warlike.
The majority of the American Founding Stock practice the opposite of healthy race instincts. They think there is “power” in becoming multicultural and tolerant of different peoples. It somehow makes us stronger despite the decades of evidence to the contrary. This in turn is creating a decline in birth rates as the female mind understands that these are not ideal conditions to have children in. In addition, the race itself is made to feel guilty over the actions of their ancestors who were practicing healthy race instincts. To be made to feel guilty over actions you did not commit nor were you alive for is an act of cruelty. Now, there is a preachy, teacher says is ok sentiment coming from “our side” that says to BE BETTER.
The person telling you to “BE BETTER” is not on your side. They are a classical liberal at best who buy into the “America is an idea” garbage. They won’t acknowledge that the regime has a foot on the throat of the American Founding Stock. That this foot on throat is to allow foreigners to succeed in America at the expense of the American Founding Stock. You can never rely on these people to help when it matters the most, so why would you listen to them? They say what they say often to prevent being canceled. To continue to make money while just briefly acknowledging your existence.
I’m here to tell you to NOT be better. Do not be what they want you to be. While they preach to you to BE BETTER, they turn a blind eye to the millions of foreigners doing what they tell you not to do because it’s racist or in bad taste or whatever. Foreigners do it brazenly. They brag about it. They’re proud they have managed to not completely assimilate and benefit from this charade that “America is an idea.”
At the same time, they practice healthy race instincts, they look down on the American Founding Stock who shops at Walmart as racist, low class, and poor because this is what it takes to survive and thrive. You put your own over different races even at the expense of principle and honesty. Yes, this is a HOLY contradiction. It sticks the middle finger at those who need facts and logic, but in reality, it is the TRUTH in nature. Your people go nowhere if they can’t favor their own over others. The plight of the American Founding Stock is just further evidence of this.
What does it mean to have foot on neck?
What does it mean to have foot on neck of the American Founding Stock? BAP talks often about how all you have to do is get the foot off the neck of the historic American people to solve our problems. But WHO is going to take foot off neck? Why would our hostile regime do it willingly? Why would you let off your enemy when you have them on the ropes? What if you tried to remove foot from neck?
You see it all around you. You’re branded as a racist and canceled in the best case. This stops the majority of anyone from doing anything. Meanwhile, your hostile regime passes more legislation to make the boot heavier in the name of diversity and atoning for the perceived White guilt. In addition to this, any time they can break one of ours into doing something stupid, they use the tragedy to further their hold over the Founding Stock. Oftentimes, the government had fair warning something was up with said individual, and no action was taken. I WONDER WHY. How do you remove foot from neck when your enemies take every opportunity to increase the pressure on your windpipe?
That’s not all. At least half of our people are, in Soviet terms, demoralized. What does demoralized mean? It means they’ve been turned away from their healthy race instincts and are made to willingly attack their own. Before our people lost their healthy race instincts, they would call such people race traitors, but in some way, they have just been mindFUCKED by zog. You can’t expect these people to ever see what’s being done and in all likelihood, they will fight to kill off their own. They will go so far as choosing to be the ignoble end of their bloodlines to win.
Obviously, these aren’t our people anymore. Take away this half from our ranks and we are a minority in our own homeland. You must also consider how many of those on “our side” actually understand healthy race instincts. Sure, they might understand that immigration is a net bad, but do they go out of their way to be anti-racist to the foreigners currently here? Can they be depended on when it counts? Our peoplehood itself is in question. Can the American Founding Stock retake their country? Can they remove the metaphorical foot from neck?
Lately, I’ve railed against the word “White,” mainly because I believe it undermines the American Founding Stock. It’s not that I don’t think you should use the word White. Use the word and make sure you capitalize it, however, it is NOT the foundation of the American. The American is AMERICAN first and foremost. White was used to distinguish him from the black and the Indian. The problem becomes that not only have our enemies taken White and turned it against us, but they’ve also changed what the world sees as American. So now when you say AMERICAN, the average Joe thinks you’re talking about the fat obese mystery meats and not the Founding Stock.
The reasons why I’m against leaning into a “White identity,” are many and I’ve talked about them before. The biggest reason, however, is I don’t believe in adopting the enemy’s frame. Frame is EXTREMELY important. OK, for a minute let’s buy into this White identity. We unite with our WHITE BROTHERS into a last alliance of men and elves. Does anyone not remember the demonized White pride “movements?” You’re aligning yourself in a frame the enemy has already conquered. You’re throwing in the towel before the fight even starts. The enemy will control everything you do because you’re operating in their frame. You’re playing by their rules. You will never win this way.
Where does that leave the American Founding Stock? We do often refer to ourselves as White, but only in the frame our enemies have provided for us. We would much rather call ourselves AMERICAN, but again, even that’s been taken from us because we operate under their frame. We ARE American and all these foreigners ARE pretenders, but teacher said is ok for them to be “American.” Anglo is a word our ancestors used and you see people online trying to use it as well, but I’ve heard no American say this word in real life. Our enemies like to make fun of the American Founding Stock as having no culture and heritage, even though the entire modern world is built off our culture and heritage — but per usual, WE have adopted their frame and internalized it to the point where it feels like we aren’t even a people anymore. Ethnogenesis may be required.
Every misstep made by our kin will be used against the whole.
It may be possible that the American is dead. That if we are to survive in this struggle, we must become something else. Become something they don’t understand. You can’t rule it out and by the day it’s seeming like it’s the only way. Every misstep made will be capitalized on. The foot will press down harder. There is no simply taking the foot off. It must be forced off.
What can be done? At this point, my instinctual reaction to this question is to say the revolution must be local. You must be able to instill family values in your own family. Form brotherhoods with the men in your community to be able to resist the draconian measures being taken against us. But the reality is the people aren’t the harbingers of change. Liberal debauchcracy is a myth. Change comes through elite men. Men who make themselves forces of nature.
There is no escaping to red states. They will follow you there and the “allies” you’re running to will think you’re one of them anyways. Maybe you move to regroup with your people, but you’re still giving up territory to your enemies. The reality is you have to strive for excellence. You have to find a way to succeed, to win, with all the odds stacked against you. You have to prove yourself superior and you can’t do this by giving ground. You can’t run from the task at hand.
The world is immensely complex and it continues to grow more complex by the year. Oswald Spengler is good resource on what must be done. He saw us as totally linked to our ability to use technics and this ability as reason why we dominated the planet. All that you can do is master the world as it is. There is no running. No starting anew. You win by taking your people to the next level. Doing something the enemy didn’t anticipate.
What’s required isn’t sexy. Yes, you have to get your people on the same page. There MUST be a collective purpose. A purpose for a people. You must also do what the enemy does, but better. You have to be better at war, better at industry and logistics, better at R&D. You have to be able to create a more formidable bureaucracy to lock out your enemies after you’ve gained the power to pulverize the status quo. You have to dig into the dirt and create a state where ONLY your people can come out on top.
>What does it mean to have foot on neck of the American Founding Stock? ... But WHO is going to take foot off neck? Why would our hostile regime do it willingly? Why would you let off your enemy when you have them on the ropes? What if you tried to remove foot from neck?
And based on this I agree with this argument:
Half of the founding stock have been demoralized into attacking their own.
A people cannot survive if they attack their own group.
∴ The demoralized threaten the survival of the founding stock.
Indeed. But to do so I think we would need to have a clear understanding what outside forces were, and still are, encouraging this demoralization.
Let a thousand flowers bloom from the corpse that is America.