Please read the previous part in the series: The Way of the Fathers
The great fear in Dune is the stagnation of mankind. It’s not something talked about much in the first novel, though it’s only alluded to through Paul Atreides’ vision of Jihad. It’s similar to our fear of the apocalypse. The reason for this fear is the understanding that stagnation equals the death for the species. The prescient vision Paul receives provides salvation through something called The Golden Path. This Golden Path involved getting mankind back to the frontier, to expand well beyond the known universe so they it may diversify enough to meet future threats. It was a fear that if they couldn’t make mankind do this, the species would be wiped out.
This isn’t just some plot device thought up by Frank Herbert. The apocalypse is something all men have thought about, right or left. On the left it usually manifests in climate change death cults. Christians have their own prophecy on the end times. How you respond to the possibility — and it is a possibility — of the end times is telling of your worldview and if you’re truly a vitalist. Thinkers on the left want to retreat back into their shell, believing if they can get the world to go green they can avert the climate apocalypse. Vitalists want to overcome, they want to move further beyond the known.
A saying I have here is the moment you move away from the natural order, nature begins to sew the seeds of your destruction. The reason mankind has gone as far as it has is our ability to grow, adapt, and overcome. To dominate all competition on the world stage. We have effectively established dominance over the whole earth, but that isn’t reason to rest. This dominance isn’t centralized, certainly. There’s yet to be been a single race that’s conquered the whole of the earth. Mankind in the last eighty years or so however, has begun to stagnate.
Stagnation is dangerous. It’s something only the most right wing, vitalistic thinkers worry about. It’s a marker of truly being vitalist. Stagnating is like being a fort in World War I. You think you’re ready for the next war and the Germans roll up with massive artillery to pop the fortress like a cherry. Stagnation is the death signal that you have stopped trying to grow and overcome. It’s a marker in both the individual as it is the race or species. You can’t settle, you can’t get comfortable.
We attack the traditionalists just as much as leftists for this reason. To settle for traditionalism without the overriding goal of creating a strong foundation for the race to launch from is no better than the leftist netflix lifestyle. It’s folly to put all your eggs in one basket, this basket being the earth. If mankind can’t expand out into the ultimate frontier, space, than its only a matter of time before the end. There is room in this goal for all peoples to take part — but not in the leftist diversity is our strength garbage. The goal of The Golden Path was to send mankind back out into the far reaches in order to expand and diversify. Leftism however, isn’t trying to diversify, it’s trying to melt mankind into a nation of ants.
Stagnation is the kill signal.
When a man gets depressed, even suicidal, he separates himself from his in group, his tribe. He goes into isolation. It’s almost like a quarantine to prevent the virus from spreading to the rest of the tribe. In ancient times, it was likely something was wrong, but in modern times, it very well could be a false kill signal as a result of nefarious psychological conditioning. This has been observed on the cellular level when a cell is formed misshaped or wrong. It will be quarantined to die off without harming the rest of the organism.
This isolation creates stagnation. The body thinks something is wrong and it sacrifices itself for the good of the race. An entire people that chooses the path of stagnation are signaling they are done with life. As the years go by, the society moves further from The Way of the Fathers and the laws of nature. It’s only a matter of time before nature decides to take them out. Our society is in this phase. How much has the world changed since 1945? Not much at all.
In the 60s, we took the next step toward the ultimate frontier, but civil rights took us back to the earth where we’ve remained ever since. And we have nothing to show for civil rights, racial strife is as bad as it’s ever been. I believe in true diversity, each race coming together to do what they’re best at. This isn’t the leftist dream however, they want to melt down everything great about each race into nothing. To make us ants. Or cows to be milked for all we’re worth. Races may form alliances, but true social cohesion can only be realized in homogenous societies.
Only then can true greatness be allowed to take place. To each race their own ends. What’s important is that we move beyond where we are. We have to go into the unknown. It’s what man was made to do. To master his space. Anything less leads to stagnation. It sets us up for destruction or extinction.
You cannot bring a race up to your level if they’re not ready to be there. They will drag you down into hell. Offer a hand to the willing and abandon the unwilling. You have to leave them to their own devices. Forge alliances with races who are in the same fight for survival. Settle for nothing less than the stars. If you think I’m out of line with this talk, let us remember AMERICA.
The frontier transformed the White Man.
The United States is a massive country. Something not talked about enough. It was settled by the English and later other European peoples. England is tiny in comparison to the land mass of the United States. It fits into Texas eight times. Once the new Americans got a foothold on the eastern coast, they spread like an unquenchable fire across the country under the call of Manifest Destiny.
They were a people forced back into nature and they dominated the frontier a century or so after the founding of the United States. The men became hard. They rose from their humble origins to conquer an unknown world. The prior peoples who resided in the lands were defeated and rounded up. The country was turned into a world power. The most interesting thing about this whole process however, may have been the women.
As of 2022, the birth rate in this relatively safe and tamed country are in the toilet. Our women are doing better than those of other races, they’re reproducing at replacement levels, but the women of Early America were on a whole other level. Without science, advanced medical care, safety, or even order in some places, American women were often having 10-12 children in their lifetimes. If you look back at your family history you’ll see it in your family trees. Our men were strong and our women fertile out there in the harsh conditions of the frontier where nothing was certain. It’s almost as if we biologically crave these conditions.
It’s in our blood to overcome and master our conditions. Maybe your mind wants the comfort, but your blood yearns to test itself against nature. To compete, conquer, dominate, and destroy. Nature selects for and rewards the strong. We know this in the blood. Life will never feel as it should until we test it against nature.
The frontier beckons.
Manifest Destiny!