Most Red-Blooded Americans have heard this phrase, “Your heritage is rebellion.” But almost no one understands the true meaning of this phrase if that meaning was there, to begin with, and not just useless propaganda.
REPLY: This is, by far, the best piece you have written, on a par with your Warrior Religion pieces, which are also long overdue. (Parenthetically, note that Dalrock was the first to write at length how Institutional Christianity is not indifferent to us - at best - but is actively hostile, when they can risk it - at worst, and, more and more, as a matter of unspoken policy manifesting as silent, and silently effective, practice.
I think these pieces, policy discussions on Tree of Woe, and the Mars development discussions on Postcards From Barsoom, are all threads of a tapestry of what I call The Next Civilization, what Tree of Woe calls the Aenean Civilization.
Any society that substitutes debt for economic growth, at the level of the physical economy, doesn't have long to live.
Bluntly, each paragraph of this deserves its own thread. However, I will simply quote the opening sentence of the paragraph, and then offer an abbreviated comment.
BARBARIC DISCIPLE: "Most Red-Blooded Americans have heard this phrase, “Your heritage is rebellion.”
REPLY: Actually, they haven't. Since the public schools replaced History with Contemporary Issues In The Social Sciences in 1964, CISS course - and nominally named "U.S. History" courses, which are CISS in disguise - any references to our Founding, and the Men who made it, are replaced with kinder, gentler reference to "historic forces." Marx, slightly rewritten, is the dictionary for defining these nebulously defined "forces."
BARBARIC DISCIPLE: "The founding was the moment reality set in and we knew our blood had become something else."
REPLY: See above. Note the distinction between "historic forces" and Great Men - THE Founders, a Cultural response to the inherent contradictions of the British Empire.
BARBARIC DISCIPLE:” To give into this idea, “Your heritage is rebellion,” is a very dangerous idea if you don’t understand the purpose for the rebellion.”
REPLY: Chalmers Johnson said that most self-described “revolutions” were merely rebellions. One of the hallmarks of a true revolution is a new financial system. Not just renaming of banks, but a new system. The British System – an Empire of Mercantilism – was replaced by something more honest, which in time became known as the American System. From Hamilton’s Vision to Henry Carey’s implementation, THIS was the economic foundation of American Exceptionalism, and American Greatness. After all, didn’t Franklin, at the end of his life, state that the purpose of the Revolution was to control our own money supply?
BARBARIC DISCIPLE:” How few understand how power really works?”
REPLY: Anarchonomicon dealt with this with rare insight. He noted that every time the Supreme Court issues an “Opinion,” you get a new Constitution. You just don’t realize that. Yet.
People see the Form of Power, which can be rather fragile, with the Substance of Effectiveness. Reference Northern Ireland, if you will, for a microcosm of this distinction, clearly defined.
BARBARIC DISCIPLE: ”There is no plan.”
REPLY:There are plans within plans, but none of them are ours.
There’s a reason for that.
I leave their definition, and understanding, an as an Exercise for the Student.
BARBARIC DISCIPLE: “Any historical account of the War for Independence is a farce if it doesn’t account for the rise of the Founding Fathers as a new aristocracy. It was the taxation of this new elite caste that put fate into motion.”
REPLY: *Take that Frame and FREEZE IT!*
THAT is the Framing needed to understand the (First) American Revolution, and build a better future. Note that the most powerful taxation source is the money supply. Again, see Franklin.
“These men were aristocrats from all walks of life who put their heads together to shake off the British yoke that cut into their bottom line.” Include the next two paragraphs here.
REPLY: At last, someone gets it.
The Becoming Noble substack is a useful place to start. The Neo-Aristocracy is no less useful. All of these start with Mindset, which is where you excel.
Note, by the way, that a Mr. V. Putin, of Moscow, Russia, declared the future Russian Aristocracy is being developed, today, within the Russian Army. Note further, the Russian Army REQUIRES experience in combat – not a combat ZONE, but facing the Enemy, closing with the Enemy, and destroying the Enemy - to even apply for Officer Training.
The Russian Army, and no other place.
BARBARIC DISCIPLE: “The way of the warrior in turn has fallen to darkness.”
REPLY: See above re NovoRussiya, which is in development even as we speak.
BARBARIC DISCIPLE: “The way of the warrior in turn has fallen to darkness. The soldier is often seen as a slave to the state. A mindless automaton who is sent to some foreign land as cannon fodder or used against the “noble” people.” Insert the next two paragraphs HERE.
REPLY: See above re NovoRussiya. As for “cannon foidder,” note that Elizabeth Nickson speaks with pride of her – and OUR – ancestors, who were most assuredly NOT “cannon fodder.”
To quote her, “They were cannons.”
And Conquerors.
BARBARIC DISCIPLE: “There are many paths to sovereignty today. War, which is the purpose of the state, continues to grow more complex.
The first suggestion is to seek power and skills through military service. There are many perks that will get you ahead of the mass in taking this route. Ignore the hysteria about joining the military if you want to make something of your life is my suggestion. The military opens doors that otherwise would be closed to you.”
This paragraph is a restatement on an earlier piece of yours, which deserves much greater development.
Military service can be very useful. You learn how large organizations work, and do not work. Training, yes, but Mindset Development, especially in the Marines, and, to a lesser degree, Army Rangers. Both are Brotherhoods. Above all, you have the scales fall from your eyes from the many, many courses and videos offering “motivation.”
Motivation Without Discipline Is Faith Without Works.
Reread that last line.
Motivation is cotton candy. It is offered freely, and it is a useless diversion.
It is a trap
Discipline is Prime Rib.
It must be earned, every hour and every minute of every day.
The Corps teaches you THAT, if nothing else.
The Marines are best, for our purposes, for many reasons.
Foremost, there is no pretense of them being anything other than combat, the most honest, and ruthlessly honest, form of competition. Weakness is not tolerated, and tolerance (DEI) is barely tolerated, and then only at the lowest levels, and only as a matter of Form, for the shortest period of time possible.
It's a smarter, stronger, better skilled and organized Fight Club.
BARBARIC DISCIPLE: “What does it mean to be sovereign? It means you see yourself as a player in the great game. You stopped being an NPC. Your decisions will affect the balance of power in the world. If you truly care about this idea of freedom, you make yourself sovereign. Anything less is still slavery. What can you do to make yourself a player? If not a player, at least closer to one? What can you do set up your family and sons for such work? Our life upon this earth IS warfare. That will end as soon as mankind does.”
REPLY: Here is the beginning of Sovereignty, with Four Words.
“Stop Being A Victim.”
Where the Mind of a Failure – a “Loser(s),” to quote you from elsewhere on this website, and THAT sentence, alone, is worthy of much greater elaboration, sees the Obstacle, the Mindset of Conquest sees the Opportunity in overcoming the obstacle, in the fulfillment of a Higher Purpose.
Start where you are.
Start NOW.
Let me close by loosely paraphrasing and restating one of your best formulations:
If America was created to train the Faithful, Mars was created to train the Great.
J'aime beaucoup vos textes, j'y trouve du sens, mais toujours en procédant à un certain ménage de vos expressions souvent simplificatrices, pour ne pas dire simplistes. Je n'ai encore lu que le premier paragraphe, et votre ton prophétique pourtant engageant souffre déjà de grossièreté : il n'y a pas de sang américain, si ce n'est celui des habitants premiers. Il n'y a pas de race américaine, il y a toutes les races du monde mélangées dans le chaos qu'est l'Amérique. Vos maisons, vos voitures en témoignent : toutes portent un drapeau, comme si elles voulaient conjurer ce qui n'est pas. Aucun pays du monde n'éprouve le besoin compulsif de se convaincre soi-même d'être un pays. Désolé si vous adressez cette erreur dans la suite du texte, je reste bloqué à votre incipit. Vous ne construirez jamais une identité américaine et tout ce qui s'en suit, sur la notion de race américaine. Sans doute d'autres choses le permettent, vous le relevez d'ailleurs plus habilement en d'autres circonstances, ce qui vous rend intéressant. La vieille Europe regarde l'Amérique, elle regarde son enfant qui l'a dépassée en horreur, elle est muette et aussi docile qu'une putain fatiguée, mais elle n'en pense pas moins. Nous ne sommes pas du tout emballés par votre Trump, c'est juste qu'il est beaucoup moins dégueulasse que ses prédécesseurs. Il s'est mis tout seul sur une corde raide : satisfaire la schizophrénie américaine entre détruire le monde comme d'habitude et être aimé de lui. Le rêve américain est mort, vous ne le reconstruirez jamais à l'identique, encore moins avec des expédients mensongers.
I do appreciate the comments, but I think your European viewpoint is one of ressentiment. Europe comprises only of vassal states to the US empire. You have all lost sovereignty. So you seek to deny Americans their rightful ethnogenesis, but my fren, you attack the wrong enemy.
Je reviens rapidement sur votre "American Founding Stock". Forcément, c'est d'Europe qu'il vient. Nombre de gens pensent et disent que c'est d'Allemagne, mais je préfère la précision d'Avital Ronnel : l'Autriche. Selon moi, votre flic "standard", un pur descendant du cow-boy, est le type même de l'Américain.
La "génétique" cognitive et comportementale des colonisateurs les mieux adaptés aux conditions initiales, s'est installée profondément au cœur de l'égrégore Etats-unien et forge sans doute le concept de souche fondatrice auquel vous faites référence. Souche psychique, mais pas ethnique.
Mon argument n'était pas réducteur, il me semblait que le vôtre l'était en évoquant une ethnicité donnée. J'ai pu me tromper, mais voilà ce que je pense: un hispanique, un afro ou un asiate qui aiment vivre en Amérique et se sentent américains partagent cette même mentalité "autrichienne" dont je parle.
Vous m'avez lu un peu vite, je n'attaque pas. Je critique calmement, je vois les deux côtés. Vous jugez l'Europe avec pertinence, en accord avec mon commentaire. Mais là encore vous allez trop vite : je suis un individu autonome, je pense moi-même et je m'adresse à une personne qui pense elle-même. J'habite le monde, le même que vous. Je pourrais prendre la défense de la grande Europe née en Grèce, mais l'actuelle Europe me dégoute : je suis de l'une, pas de l'autre. Le reste du monde m'intéresse beaucoup plus que notre ethnicité congénitale.
Vous n'adressez pas mon argument factuel : vous ne défendez pas votre position scabreuse, ni ne la mettez en cause, comme si vous aviez raison et puis c'est tout.
C'est ça qui me motive à vous écrire : non de vous prendre en défaut, mais de voir ce que vous avez de solide sous le fragile. Faire le ménage, c'est asseoir des arguments pour continuer de penser sainement.
Vous pensez à ma place ! Ce que je ne faisais pas pour Barbaric. Le courage de ne pas être insultant, voilà ce qui est le plus difficile en tout échange.
REPLY: This is, by far, the best piece you have written, on a par with your Warrior Religion pieces, which are also long overdue. (Parenthetically, note that Dalrock was the first to write at length how Institutional Christianity is not indifferent to us - at best - but is actively hostile, when they can risk it - at worst, and, more and more, as a matter of unspoken policy manifesting as silent, and silently effective, practice.
I think these pieces, policy discussions on Tree of Woe, and the Mars development discussions on Postcards From Barsoom, are all threads of a tapestry of what I call The Next Civilization, what Tree of Woe calls the Aenean Civilization.
Any society that substitutes debt for economic growth, at the level of the physical economy, doesn't have long to live.
Bluntly, each paragraph of this deserves its own thread. However, I will simply quote the opening sentence of the paragraph, and then offer an abbreviated comment.
BARBARIC DISCIPLE: "Most Red-Blooded Americans have heard this phrase, “Your heritage is rebellion.”
REPLY: Actually, they haven't. Since the public schools replaced History with Contemporary Issues In The Social Sciences in 1964, CISS course - and nominally named "U.S. History" courses, which are CISS in disguise - any references to our Founding, and the Men who made it, are replaced with kinder, gentler reference to "historic forces." Marx, slightly rewritten, is the dictionary for defining these nebulously defined "forces."
BARBARIC DISCIPLE: "The founding was the moment reality set in and we knew our blood had become something else."
REPLY: See above. Note the distinction between "historic forces" and Great Men - THE Founders, a Cultural response to the inherent contradictions of the British Empire.
BARBARIC DISCIPLE:” To give into this idea, “Your heritage is rebellion,” is a very dangerous idea if you don’t understand the purpose for the rebellion.”
REPLY: Chalmers Johnson said that most self-described “revolutions” were merely rebellions. One of the hallmarks of a true revolution is a new financial system. Not just renaming of banks, but a new system. The British System – an Empire of Mercantilism – was replaced by something more honest, which in time became known as the American System. From Hamilton’s Vision to Henry Carey’s implementation, THIS was the economic foundation of American Exceptionalism, and American Greatness. After all, didn’t Franklin, at the end of his life, state that the purpose of the Revolution was to control our own money supply?
BARBARIC DISCIPLE:” How few understand how power really works?”
REPLY: Anarchonomicon dealt with this with rare insight. He noted that every time the Supreme Court issues an “Opinion,” you get a new Constitution. You just don’t realize that. Yet.
People see the Form of Power, which can be rather fragile, with the Substance of Effectiveness. Reference Northern Ireland, if you will, for a microcosm of this distinction, clearly defined.
BARBARIC DISCIPLE: ”There is no plan.”
REPLY:There are plans within plans, but none of them are ours.
There’s a reason for that.
I leave their definition, and understanding, an as an Exercise for the Student.
BARBARIC DISCIPLE: “Any historical account of the War for Independence is a farce if it doesn’t account for the rise of the Founding Fathers as a new aristocracy. It was the taxation of this new elite caste that put fate into motion.”
REPLY: *Take that Frame and FREEZE IT!*
THAT is the Framing needed to understand the (First) American Revolution, and build a better future. Note that the most powerful taxation source is the money supply. Again, see Franklin.
“These men were aristocrats from all walks of life who put their heads together to shake off the British yoke that cut into their bottom line.” Include the next two paragraphs here.
REPLY: At last, someone gets it.
The Becoming Noble substack is a useful place to start. The Neo-Aristocracy is no less useful. All of these start with Mindset, which is where you excel.
Note, by the way, that a Mr. V. Putin, of Moscow, Russia, declared the future Russian Aristocracy is being developed, today, within the Russian Army. Note further, the Russian Army REQUIRES experience in combat – not a combat ZONE, but facing the Enemy, closing with the Enemy, and destroying the Enemy - to even apply for Officer Training.
The Russian Army, and no other place.
BARBARIC DISCIPLE: “The way of the warrior in turn has fallen to darkness.”
REPLY: See above re NovoRussiya, which is in development even as we speak.
BARBARIC DISCIPLE: “The way of the warrior in turn has fallen to darkness. The soldier is often seen as a slave to the state. A mindless automaton who is sent to some foreign land as cannon fodder or used against the “noble” people.” Insert the next two paragraphs HERE.
REPLY: See above re NovoRussiya. As for “cannon foidder,” note that Elizabeth Nickson speaks with pride of her – and OUR – ancestors, who were most assuredly NOT “cannon fodder.”
To quote her, “They were cannons.”
And Conquerors.
BARBARIC DISCIPLE: “There are many paths to sovereignty today. War, which is the purpose of the state, continues to grow more complex.
The first suggestion is to seek power and skills through military service. There are many perks that will get you ahead of the mass in taking this route. Ignore the hysteria about joining the military if you want to make something of your life is my suggestion. The military opens doors that otherwise would be closed to you.”
This paragraph is a restatement on an earlier piece of yours, which deserves much greater development.
Military service can be very useful. You learn how large organizations work, and do not work. Training, yes, but Mindset Development, especially in the Marines, and, to a lesser degree, Army Rangers. Both are Brotherhoods. Above all, you have the scales fall from your eyes from the many, many courses and videos offering “motivation.”
Motivation Without Discipline Is Faith Without Works.
Reread that last line.
Motivation is cotton candy. It is offered freely, and it is a useless diversion.
It is a trap
Discipline is Prime Rib.
It must be earned, every hour and every minute of every day.
The Corps teaches you THAT, if nothing else.
The Marines are best, for our purposes, for many reasons.
Foremost, there is no pretense of them being anything other than combat, the most honest, and ruthlessly honest, form of competition. Weakness is not tolerated, and tolerance (DEI) is barely tolerated, and then only at the lowest levels, and only as a matter of Form, for the shortest period of time possible.
It's a smarter, stronger, better skilled and organized Fight Club.
BARBARIC DISCIPLE: “What does it mean to be sovereign? It means you see yourself as a player in the great game. You stopped being an NPC. Your decisions will affect the balance of power in the world. If you truly care about this idea of freedom, you make yourself sovereign. Anything less is still slavery. What can you do to make yourself a player? If not a player, at least closer to one? What can you do set up your family and sons for such work? Our life upon this earth IS warfare. That will end as soon as mankind does.”
REPLY: Here is the beginning of Sovereignty, with Four Words.
“Stop Being A Victim.”
Where the Mind of a Failure – a “Loser(s),” to quote you from elsewhere on this website, and THAT sentence, alone, is worthy of much greater elaboration, sees the Obstacle, the Mindset of Conquest sees the Opportunity in overcoming the obstacle, in the fulfillment of a Higher Purpose.
Start where you are.
Start NOW.
Let me close by loosely paraphrasing and restating one of your best formulations:
If America was created to train the Faithful, Mars was created to train the Great.
And Mars is the God of...?
J'aime beaucoup vos textes, j'y trouve du sens, mais toujours en procédant à un certain ménage de vos expressions souvent simplificatrices, pour ne pas dire simplistes. Je n'ai encore lu que le premier paragraphe, et votre ton prophétique pourtant engageant souffre déjà de grossièreté : il n'y a pas de sang américain, si ce n'est celui des habitants premiers. Il n'y a pas de race américaine, il y a toutes les races du monde mélangées dans le chaos qu'est l'Amérique. Vos maisons, vos voitures en témoignent : toutes portent un drapeau, comme si elles voulaient conjurer ce qui n'est pas. Aucun pays du monde n'éprouve le besoin compulsif de se convaincre soi-même d'être un pays. Désolé si vous adressez cette erreur dans la suite du texte, je reste bloqué à votre incipit. Vous ne construirez jamais une identité américaine et tout ce qui s'en suit, sur la notion de race américaine. Sans doute d'autres choses le permettent, vous le relevez d'ailleurs plus habilement en d'autres circonstances, ce qui vous rend intéressant. La vieille Europe regarde l'Amérique, elle regarde son enfant qui l'a dépassée en horreur, elle est muette et aussi docile qu'une putain fatiguée, mais elle n'en pense pas moins. Nous ne sommes pas du tout emballés par votre Trump, c'est juste qu'il est beaucoup moins dégueulasse que ses prédécesseurs. Il s'est mis tout seul sur une corde raide : satisfaire la schizophrénie américaine entre détruire le monde comme d'habitude et être aimé de lui. Le rêve américain est mort, vous ne le reconstruirez jamais à l'identique, encore moins avec des expédients mensongers.
I do appreciate the comments, but I think your European viewpoint is one of ressentiment. Europe comprises only of vassal states to the US empire. You have all lost sovereignty. So you seek to deny Americans their rightful ethnogenesis, but my fren, you attack the wrong enemy.
Je reviens rapidement sur votre "American Founding Stock". Forcément, c'est d'Europe qu'il vient. Nombre de gens pensent et disent que c'est d'Allemagne, mais je préfère la précision d'Avital Ronnel : l'Autriche. Selon moi, votre flic "standard", un pur descendant du cow-boy, est le type même de l'Américain.
La "génétique" cognitive et comportementale des colonisateurs les mieux adaptés aux conditions initiales, s'est installée profondément au cœur de l'égrégore Etats-unien et forge sans doute le concept de souche fondatrice auquel vous faites référence. Souche psychique, mais pas ethnique.
Mon argument n'était pas réducteur, il me semblait que le vôtre l'était en évoquant une ethnicité donnée. J'ai pu me tromper, mais voilà ce que je pense: un hispanique, un afro ou un asiate qui aiment vivre en Amérique et se sentent américains partagent cette même mentalité "autrichienne" dont je parle.
Vous m'avez lu un peu vite, je n'attaque pas. Je critique calmement, je vois les deux côtés. Vous jugez l'Europe avec pertinence, en accord avec mon commentaire. Mais là encore vous allez trop vite : je suis un individu autonome, je pense moi-même et je m'adresse à une personne qui pense elle-même. J'habite le monde, le même que vous. Je pourrais prendre la défense de la grande Europe née en Grèce, mais l'actuelle Europe me dégoute : je suis de l'une, pas de l'autre. Le reste du monde m'intéresse beaucoup plus que notre ethnicité congénitale.
Vous n'adressez pas mon argument factuel : vous ne défendez pas votre position scabreuse, ni ne la mettez en cause, comme si vous aviez raison et puis c'est tout.
C'est ça qui me motive à vous écrire : non de vous prendre en défaut, mais de voir ce que vous avez de solide sous le fragile. Faire le ménage, c'est asseoir des arguments pour continuer de penser sainement.
>You're a mutt
Brave words coming from a French.
Vous pensez à ma place ! Ce que je ne faisais pas pour Barbaric. Le courage de ne pas être insultant, voilà ce qui est le plus difficile en tout échange.