Note: I wanted to have wholesome, 2023 year in review for RESAVAGER today, but I’ve been GRIEVOUSLY attac on twatter the last two days. This is outrage and I’ve been forced to go on fervor filled tirade on American racialism. I should make this poast paid and make my detractors and enemies PAY for this abuse upon me, but it is free for all. If my enemies had any honor, they would become paid subscribers to atone for this outrage.
If you’ve read me for a while, you will know that I’m an American supremacist and I’m not particularly fond of the White moniker our side has adopted in recent years. I will preface that I know that I’m shouting at a hill on this very topic, but I do so because I believe I’m right. Usually, I nignore the White power crowd, but it’s become apparent to me the biggest opponents to American racialism tend to be Europeans. WHAT? Maybe I just don’t get enough exposure to the left yet, but this has been my biggest surprise in my time on twatter. Why would Europeans not want Americans calling themselves American? They insist that we are White and that we need a White alliance, but do they do what they insist we Americans do? Do they abandon their race and people, toss aside the idea that they’re German or English or Swedish?
They don’t. They will tell you that German is a race, but American is not, and then act offended when you don’t want to be part of their Tolkien last alliance. Many of them have embraced the academic understanding of race — even though they seem to rightly hate most academics as cowards and leftists. There are many layers to this White question, so I cannot let myself get distracted by the Euros. The White question is something Americans have to deal with from birth. Many on our side seem to have short-term memory, but for me, I remember WHY we use White instead of American.
As a kid, you wanted to be an American, especially after learning about how our ancestors won their freedom by defeating the British Empire and how we “saved the world in World War II.” Now that’s not without the sprinkling of guilt over the holocaust and slavery, but as a boy, you ain’t worried about that. You want to be a hero. Get your name remembered. But as you get older, you hear more about how evil your people were. If you’re of the Founding Stock, you could only take on this guilt. No hyphenation to fall back on.
Hyphenations were big when I was growing up. Leftist teachers wanted to show the power of liberal democracy and diversity is our strength. But I could only be American. Many Americans felt this way because the leftist outrage of the day was how it was offensive to identify as American. After all, it would make some foreign invader feel bad or something. It was looked down upon as they were preaching something most accept today: “America is an idea, anyone can be American.” Most Americans saw themselves as good, accepting, and tolerant people. They weren’t racists, slaveholders, or anything like that, so to show it they just started saying they were White. Didn’t hurt anyone’s feelings.
Again, as a sensitive youth, I wanted to be heroic. To be able to fight for my country like the heroes of World War II. To save the world. I wasn’t like the bad Americans they talked about, but I was American. As a side note, it would be interesting to research when the census and most job applications started using White and Caucasian. If I had to make bets, I’d say it was after the civil rights act. There’s much EVIL surrounding civil rights you only get if you read books like The Age of Entitlement. Our enemies gained the system and in turn, subverted the country.
Our ancestors didn’t have these existential debates over what was American. Before civil rights, America was 90% American. Can you imagine living in a place where nine out of ten people looked like you? One of the theories I have that will have almost all the right at my throat is that White itself is a PSYOP. Yes, this is my biggest conspiracy theory.
The White Question
Where did White come from? How did we start using the term? It is far older than our current enemies which will throw roadblocks in my way, but bear with me. Seems like in American history, the earliest mention of White is in the 1790 Naturalization Act where the government said that “free White people” could be citizens of the United States. There should be more outrage at the “free” part of free White people, but not enough of you read James LaFond yet. Why did our ancestors use White here? Did they see themselves as the “White race?” If so, why don’t we have a people who call themselves the Whites?
Did the Greks call themselves the Whites? Was it the Holy White Empire and not the Holy Roman Empire? Why did we call ourselves the United States of America instead of the United States of Whites? Why was it the Third Reich and not the White Reich? If White is so utterly important an identity to our side, history, and heritage, how come no one made the White nation? Let’s get back to why our forefathers used White in 1790. They were trying to decide WHO could be part of the “us.” Who could be AMERICAN and it was important to use White at the time so they could exclude the “them.”
It’s no secret that our ancestors were racialists. They viewed themselves superior to the African slave caste they ruled over. They weren’t about to give these people citizenship. In addition, they dealt with Indians on the frontier in all the savage fury that entailed. They weren’t about to recognize those people as part of their tribe. They used White to distinguish themselves from the black and red man. Thomas Jefferson narrowed down who is White(and thus who could be American) to basically just British and one other European country(I forget) descent. They did not think other races should be equal to them in the country they won for themselves. There are two massive tomes of letters between Robert E. Howard and HP Lovecraft that talk about how all the recent immigrants(Irish, Poles, Italians) were not American.
White in the historic sense was a descriptor used by Americans to distinguish themselves from the many threats to their sovereignty in the new world. These first Americans, however, did NOT make it their identity. They didn’t see themselves as “the White race” as kids like to say today. They saw themselves as Englishmen and Anglo-Saxons before the Revolution and as American and Anglo-Saxon after the Revolution. British parliament even told Benjamin Franklin that he wasn’t an Englishman, but an American. They were not using White as many on our side use White today. It wasn’t their identity. It’s important to read old books to steer clear of modern historians applying their language and values to our ancestors.
Anglo-Saxon is a term that pops up often in old books. We know our ancestors used American, but what most don’t know is they also used Anglo-Saxon, yet this didn’t make it to our time. What happened? Why did we stop using both Anglo-Saxon and American? This is something I’ve wrestled with because I don’t want to attack to the right. I’ve tried to nignore. I’m not interested in infighting. But the use of White today makes alarms go off.
The Great White Conspiracy
I contend that the only people who can lay claim to calling themselves a color are American blacks. They have nothing else to be proud of. Isn’t it odd that all of the sudden Americans would be made to be called Whites as our hostile regime raises the black to prominence? Why would you, as someone who believes himself part of the superior race, reduce that race to a color? What kind of pride can you take in a color? Why would you make your identity a color when your race has so many achievements to take pride in? Our ancestors came to a land called America and conquered it. They became known as the Americans thereafter. The same happened to Scipio Africanus.
What is the contemporary origin of White? I don’t care about the 1790 Naturalization Act. That is easily explained(read above). When did it return as the primary identifier of our people? Did Americans during World War II refer to themselves as White instead of American as their identity and NOT as means of separating themselves from the blacks? You must understand that your ancestors saw themselves as American first and foremost.
Some things are beyond our control. You can’t choose how and where you are born. This is why Jonathan Bowden said, “Race is divine!” You can’t control that the government you are born under doesn’t make you an “official race” under its law. You can’t control your government from extending the rights of citizenship to people who are not your kin. You can’t prevent the government from letting in millions of foreigners post-civil rights. You are still, however, the latest representative of a race, and that race was not called White.
The biggest conspiracy theory I have is that White was used by the civil rights gangsters to take American from our fathers. They did this so they could spew their “American is an idea” and “Anyone can be an American” rhetoric, which is reaching its fruition today as even our kin are buying into the lies and slander. I’m hearing too many Americans — Americans in my sense of the word — talking about America being an economic zone and they are not American, but White. They are part of the Tolkien Last Alliance of Whites. “Have you not noticed the hour, BD?” What the hell?
If you explore the new White subculture, you find them “honoring” their ancestors. Talking about the greatness and superiority of Whites. But they would deny for themselves the greatness of their most recent ancestors who arguably did more than any other their other ancestors because, what, the enemy has taken American and tried to apply it to anyone who wants to be American(who really just want the benefits of living in America). Do you not know what your American ancestors accomplished? What other people have conquered the land mass the Americans did, as fast as they did? They forged an empire more powerful than any other. Sure, they don’t have the reins of that empire anymore, but they laid the foundation.
Jonathan Bowden said of the “other America” that our ancestors were extreme racialists. Now, it’s well known that there was resistance to civil rights. Many had to be forced to integrate at gunpoint. Afterward, we did see the “White power” movements emerge. Many of them were also crushed and exposed as fed operations. Why is it that a moniker that was used for these movements also coincidentally what the US government wants you — the targeted race for replacement— to identify as on official documents? Many will argue that the left doesn’t want you to use White either — why then, do they make it the means of attacking our people?
Every attack upon us comes from the angle of “Whiteness.” Being proud of the Founding Fathers is “White supremacy.” Being racist is “White supremacy.” Etcetera. Etcetera. The gullible folk on this side use this to add credibility that we are the “White race.” They are taking on the moniker bestowed upon them by our enemies. Yes, our enemies did not make up this word but have co-opted it like many other words. They are using it for a purpose.
Why don’t they use American or Anglo-Saxon in their attacks? American is new enough a term and our ancestors did not codify its meaning, so they have been able to sell the idea that anyone can be an American. They want to allow the whole third world to come here and “be American.” Anglo-Saxon you cannot so easily manipulate, so they have memory-holed the term, but if you open up old books, you’ll find that our ancestors still used Anglo-Saxon often. Recently, I saw that a Civil War monument was taken down by the left, and on the passage left on the monument was the word “Anglo-Saxon” used to denote both Northerners and Southerners. Why did this disappear?
The Thread of Continuity
The Thread of Continuity is a topic I discuss in Barbaric Vitalism, as well as, here on RESAVAGER. What is it? Why is it important? The thread is your link to your bloodline, to your ancestors. It’s not possible to learn all you need to know in one lifetime. The lessons are passed down to us through our parents, religions, customs, traditions, books, and the blood. It’s how mankind came to conquer the earth.
The American Thread of Continuity has been severed many times. Recently, read a book that uncovered more of the process of how this was done: The WEIRDest People in the World by Joseph Henrich. In my first analysis, I saw that our thread had been severed at least twice in recent history. The first time was when our ancestors settled America. They forgot how their ancestors lived in the old world. The sense of loss was felt by the colonists if you read their accounts. They were then remade anew on the frontier. They became something else.
They lost the bonds of kin and lessons their ancestors used to know. This thread was severed a second time in the post-WWII regime which sought to disprivilege a victorious and martial people who made the US into an empire. Racism and the introduction of diversity were introduced. Americans were manipulated into being ashamed of who they were and made to feel guilty over the actions of their ancestors. As a result, families were broken. Many more bonds, traditions, and lessons learned were lost. Americans became malleable. Able to be easily manipulated by anyone. And now, we find ourselves in the position we are in.
But this was all very recent, the process was started over a thousand years ago as uncovered in Henrich’s book. Now, it is hard to get a good read on the author. I would probably guess he thinks it’s all good that it happened as it did. He argued that Christianity is the culprit. The breeding program of the Holy Roman Empire was one of the primary causes of why we Westerners seem so different from the rest of mankind. Now, like all things, it is not all bad. It’s a mixed bag, but when carried out to the extreme as it has been today, it becomes bad.
The Christian breeding program enforced restrictions against cousin marriage. Forced our ancestors into monogamous marriages. Didn’t force women to marry, offering the sisterhood of nuns as an alternative. This broke the kin bonds our people used to have, but at the same time, it made our people the dominant force on the planet. But at the same time, our people have lost all the knowledge of our kin. Our understanding of nature wiped clean. We’re a powerful force that’s able to be manipulated at will by very bad people. Robinson Jeffers made a good argument on why we have become powerful that compliments this explanation from Henrich.
This severed thread is why we cling so hard to the idea of a White race even though almost all our ancestors didn’t think of themselves as a White race. They thought of themselves as Americans. Before that, Englishmen. And even further back, Anglo-Saxons. I believe White is just a means of further separating Americans from our glorious heritage. To further atomize us from the kin we do have here, who can actually help each other to make it through this storm.
Why I am grievously attacked online
My position on American vs White is very nuanced. I understand that I’m going against the grain. I’m wading through a river upstream. I’m trying to turn the tide of cows being corralled into the slaughterhouse. There’s a line from new Dune Part Two trailer that is an amazing line. It encompasses how I feel about the matter. Muad’Dib says, “I see possible futures. All at once. And in so many futures, our enemies prevail. But I do see a way. A narrow way through.”
I’m not a prophet, but I DO see a way. I yell at this mountain because I believe it’s the narrow way through. If we are in the final hours as the White last alliance crowd would want you to believe, why would you not want to rally as who you are? There’s so much more prestige in this. Why would you not want to be known as American? Because your enemies are trying to soil the name? So you’re going to take on the name they have for you?
What the hell? Are you trying to lose? You think you’re going to reform White to make it what you want it to be? You’ll be forever stuck in the enemy’s frame. They will know what you will do before you even try to do it. There will be no victory in this path. In the past, I wanted to be known as American because there is MORE meaning to that name than being White, but as this squabble continues, I become more and more convinced that White is a PSYOP of our enemies.
You claim to worship your ancestors. Want to embody the pride of your race and choose to do so under a color instead of the name of your tribe? Why would a German NOT want to be a German? How we admire the Germans of the Second and Third Reichs. Their heroism and fighting prowess was unmatched. They fought the entire world twice. The Allies couldn’t even push them back behind their own borders in The Great War. Why would a German want to be White when he could be German? And it’s here that I must get into the crescendo: WHAT IS RACE?
What is race?
Another strike against Barbaric Disciple is my conception of race. I’ve talked about it in book and readers of RESAVAGER will know it. We all know the accepted idea of race. The “academic” one. For some reason, we have no problem destroying the credibility of the experts in all things except race and genetics. Keep in mind that even BAP complains that the experts won’t release the genetic data on the Hellenic Greks. As such, I choose not to accept the academic understanding of race. Instead, I follow the ancient understanding of race that is best described in Beowulf. BAP also touches on this definition of race in his show #103 when he says that Plato didn’t identify as an Athenian, he WAS Athenian.
The ancestors whom you claim to honor didn’t think of race as you do now. The Greks understood that they were similar to each other and that everyone else was barbarian, but that didn’t make them like each other. A Spartan would be disgusted if he was mixed up with an Athenian and vice versa. The original definition of RACE matched more closely with TRIBE or CLAN. So when I use race, that’s what I mean — but be careful when trying to unite the races into a singular race as you do now with your fantasy White Tolkien last alliance.
It’s never been done and prospects of it being done now are close to nil. The world is a big place. What help is a German in Germany to an American in the United States? How many legions can he provide to help us with our problems now and vice versa? I understand the desire to make allies, but it gives the false impression that you’re getting somewhere. Even on the national level, it takes three days to drive across the US. How many of you can drop what you’re doing to go help your frens on a dime? Even the distance in our own country is too much for our side to effectively organize. On a side note, our side needs men who are skilled in logistics and communication.
We’re already scattered and isolated in our own territory. You’re gonna waste your time building alliances with people half a world away while ignoring the people who live next to you? Our people use White begrudgingly. Out of a sense of shame and guilt. They would rather be known as Americans. The statistics show this. They would proudly call themselves American if they weren’t being persecuted.
You will not win if you cling to this idea of a Tolkien White last alliance. All your “brothers” are too separated and isolated to be of any help to you. You will cover more ground to turn the argument back to WHO is an American than by relinquishing it to your enemies. Your “White brothers” in Europe are currently fighting this battle. Who and who isn’t French? Who is and isn’t German? Anyone can be English! The shit we already had to suffer through is happening over there now.
Our people have had nothing but shame and guilt thrown in their faces since the 1960s. They did nothing wrong. What our “leaders” have done is criminal. But we aren’t in a position to bring them to justice. Right now, most of us are just trying to survive. To make ends meet. I will tell you where we have to go.
American must be made sacred.
As I mentioned above, our people say White to avoid a fight. To avoid being persecuted and because the risk of persecution is real, I will not disavow using White because of this. Though I should with all the grievous attacks I’m suffering through. On twatter, they are calling me a jew, brown, leftoid, controlled opposition, and more. I don’t want people to suffer because of my ideas. I want to help us throw the yoke off our backs. To reclaim what is rightfully ours.
The time is for survival. You must teach your children who they are. Who they descend from and the type of slander they will be taught as they grow up. At the same time, you must show them how to get through this time with the goal of bringing the conversation back to what is an American. Our people avoid this fight for many reasons. The most important reason is they don’t want to be canceled. They also don’t want to hurt the feelings of poor foreigners in our country by telling them what they already know: they aren’t American. The sort of brazen disrespect we suffer through on the American question by these foreigners IS well deserved because our fathers surrendered this fight before we were born.
Uncomfortable conversations must be had. Where this will “hurt” the most is the peoples whose ancestors came to this country AFTER the Civil War. The Italians and Irish, for example, were forced to assimilate and see themselves as American(mostly). Now, I am an avowed RACIAL supremacist. I believe Americans represent the best of the Europeans. Our ancestors coming together on the frontier created a new, superior race the likes of which our world has never seen before. But what about these groups, the Italians and the Irish and others?
I’m a racial supremacist, but I’m not a racial purist. That is not to say I’m against eugenics or selective breeding. That is the gold mine being hidden from us. But as Oswald Spengler said, ancestors would have taken a foreigner into their tribe if they proved themselves to be a man of race. If they were strong and had healthy race instincts. The expectation, however, was that the man became a part of the tribe. That he left behind what he was before. So this is the door I leave open to those on our side who don’t meet my definition of the American race.
If you fall into this group, you’re expected to see yourself as American. Your ancestors came here to be American, unlike the recent foreigners who showed up for dem programs. You shouldn’t be offended by what I have to say. I’m reminded of the normie book How to Win Friends and Influence People where there is story about a boy who was sent by his mother to collect money. The guy he was collecting money from tried to wave him off to come back some other day, but the boy refused to leave until he got the money. He had a fire in the eyes that the man could not refuse and admire and, in the end, he got the money. That is the type of American you have to be whether you meet my definition or not. Your ancestry doesn’t matter if you can show that kind of RACE. American at any cost. And to reiterate what I consider American, it is to have an ancestor who was here before the Civil War. Doesn’t matter if it’s paternal or maternal. I’m being lenient on this on purpose — others take a harder stance. We can’t control what happened to our bloodlines before we were born, our ancestors were manipulated by very bad people.
The way forward is re-rooting yourself in our stolen heritage. To be American at any cost. To gatekeep who is American and to reforge our race anew. To offend the left in this and force them to become even more ridiculous in their stupid “anyone can be American” idea so that their intellectual credibility is destroyed beyond repair. We have to be shown this respect. There must be a distinction made between a racial American and a US citizen. Those who have benefited at our expense must be made to pay the penalty. And if they will not do this, they must be made to. Steel your resolve to this. Accept nothing less but total victory.
To me this is very simple to reconcile. "White" is a racial grouping roughly corresponding to people with overwhelmingly or solely European ancestors. Then there are White subraces, IE Germanics, Nordics, Celts, Slavs, and Mediterraneans. Then there are specific ethnicities within those subraces, so for the Germanics it would be Germans, Belgians, certain Frenchmen, Dutch, English, Americans, Australians, Canadians, New Zealanders, Boers. True Americans are Germanic, they are White, and they are of European descent but are not Europeans.
I enjoy your writings though disagree with you in major areas, one of which is your idea of Americanism which in reality died about 1920 in this country. Most Americans of European ancestry are of mixed ancestry. Very few are derived from one ethnic source outside of certain geographic regions. There are few ‘pure’ Anglo-Saxons,’ in the United States let alone in Britain, Canada, or Australia.