World War Two should be more accurately termed, "The Jew Invoked War of Aryan Genocide." Hitler's great "crime" against the Jews was that he freed Germany from its usurious and perverted, political clutches. That is unforgivable to the Tribe and its Goyim sycophants. There are so many lies and distortions about Adolph Hitler and his National Socialist regime it would take hours to refute them all. Let me just say this. Any white man or woman, who besmirches and perpetrates calumny against the man, who was so much more than a mere man, who called the Aryan race to life and fulfillment of its cosmic destiny against impossible odds at the termination of this Kali Yuga time cycle, is either a race traitor, a moron, a Jew ass licker, and very likely a combination of all three.

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Frontier Disciple

The best place to start redpilling your average American on WWII is bringing up the Nuremberg trials. Talk about how the allies crushed the balls of Germans to get confessions, that it didn't meet any standards of The Rule of Law used by the west, and it was essentially show trials just as bad as in Stalin's Russia.

Even Churchill asked why we don't just put a bullet in these people's heads and be done with it, and he was right to question creating rigged trials with foregone conclusions for propaganda and "we're the good guy" points.

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yes had to cover up their crimes in the war

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Frontier Disciple

The funny part was when the defense brought up the allies did the exact same thing they were putting the Germans on trial for. Of course, in the age of pretty much complete media control, none of this got to the public.

One of the oddest things is veterans who actually fought the Nazis had far less animosity to the Nazis than modern people. My grandfather who fought in the war just commented on how excellent their soldiers were.

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