“He who controls the past, controls the future. He who controls the present, controls the past.” -George Orwell
The Second World War is a subject I don’t care to talk about, but it’s something of a sacred cow in our liberal democracy that I’m more and more buying into the idea that it must be torn down. It’s not that it didn’t meet the hype of total war, rather it’s told only to paint the United States as the heroes and highlight the poor victimization of the Jews. Combine this with the reality that everything is not what it seems in regards to how the war went down. The so-called liberal and science-loving democracy we live in is just as capable of propaganda as any other state. The United States, unlike the Soviet Union, took a softer approach to Marxism. Choosing instead to limit the reach of dissent over outright murdering dissenters. The path it took was exiling people who dissented from the official story by getting them kicked out of academia or just choosing to ignore their works.
The mainstream media, you can say, is almost a hive mind. They control the narrative and if you can’t get your information to be presented by them, it goes on to be relatively unknown. Now, the internet age has put a dent in that hive mind, but it is still powerful and dangerous. I recently came across a Ron Unz audio about “Understanding World War II.” Much of his information I’ve heard before, mostly through Thomas777, but it is good to hear it through a different voice so I recommend you listen if you haven’t already. Much of the chain that holds down the White Man in America is the supposed crimes of Germans. You must hold back your virile instincts lest you become the next Hitlor.
Our side shows a reverence for Hitlor and it’s often done in tongue-in-cheek style to be funny online. Sometimes in my essays, I’ve alluded to this mystique. Carl Jung saw Hitlor as an avatar of WOTAN, for example. If you read RHS Stolfi’s Hitler, you get a more accurate of who the man was minus the leftist desire to deify him into the new satan. The vast majority of our society, however, sees him as the new satan and so our side, in their eyes, comes off as absolutely insane. People who would otherwise be on our side, swing to the left the moment they find out we either like Hitlor or aren’t appalled by his supposed crimes. There is a need to bridge this gap for there are skilled Founding Stock who exist on this normie center “right” that our side needs to have a shot.
In this group, you have veterans and men of industry who would be necessary to take on a hostile regime. What you have to deal with, however, are their antiquated beliefs about the nature of America, conservatism, Christianity, and anti-racism. Yes, it’s a big bridge you must figure out how to build. Some may argue that you don’t need this group, that you just have to forge new aristocracy. OK — will you do what my fren Bane recommends and join military? Most won’t even take this step because they don’t want to die in stupid zog police actions. Nor are these people in any position of power anywhere.
Be realistic. Learn from the mistakes of our ancestors. The Confederacy tried to succeed with almost all the industry based in the north. The Civil War was a done deal. The Union beat the Confederates with one arm behind its back, had the Confederates done more damage, they simply would have just started using the other arm. You have to see the world for how it is today, not how you want to imagine it. And then, you have to master it.
This out of the way, demystifying World War II could make up much ground between the right and the normie Founding Stock. There is section in BARBARIC VITALISM that touches on American propaganda, but only in broad sense from the founding of the country to World War II. It all comes back to the question many on our side ask which eventually leads them to us, “If they’re lying about this, what else are they lying about?” The Founding Stock have rammed down their throat a very American-centric view of World War II. Many get attached to their ancestors in this war, which is fine, you can still honor this and realize the truth about the events. The warriors on the ground weren’t making the decisions.
Control the Past
“History is written by the victors,” is a saying almost everyone hears growing up. I put up George Orwell quote to emphasize this truth. The United States and the Soviet Union came out on top in the Second World War and as such, they didn’t get much bad press in the conflict. Even leftists have wet dreams of being there at the D-Day landings so they could punch a real Nazi in the face. The Founding Stock are well versed in how their ancestors saved the world in World War II. The men who came up with this story wanted their descendants to see the war in this way. They did it for a reason. It was not the objective happenings of the war.
Much of the black light is shown on the persecution of the Jews by the Nazis. This was the greatest crime of the war according to our public education. The crimes of the Allies are either not talked about or buried. Going against the narrative can land you in jail in certain countries. Make no mistake, there were “crimes” committed by the Allies. Now I don’t necessarily like to use the word crime because the world war was at total war. There are no “crimes” in nature. Either you win or else, which is what the Allies did — so they got the chance to hide their “crimes.”
What crimes did the Allies commit? Well if you want to decry the persecution of the Jews by the Germans in the holocaust, why then, do you ignore the Bolshevik terror of the interwar years where 10-20 million Russians were killed before a shot was fired in the Second World War? Those killings were ordered by a Soviet regime that was over 90% Jewish in a county where Jews were around 3% of the population. What about the Allied firebombing of German cities? The raping of German women by Soviets at the war’s end? The brutality against Japanese soldiers who would not surrender, even though they had no problem surrendering to the Russians in the Russo-Japanese conflict? The dropping of the atomic warheads on Japan?
These are all “crimes” on the scale of the holocaust, yet we highlight only the holocaust. Our enemies control the past, so they get to sweep their crimes under the rug and shine the black light only on the people they’re trying to suppress: Founding Stock Americans. The vast majority of which are under their sway. If you could take the sacred cow of World War II and sacrifice it at the altar, how many Founding Stock Americans could you turn? Would it crush the legitimacy of globohomo? There is potential there, but you must also figure out how to control the flow of information. How do you get your people to disregard what the TV tells them?
World War Two should be more accurately termed, "The Jew Invoked War of Aryan Genocide." Hitler's great "crime" against the Jews was that he freed Germany from its usurious and perverted, political clutches. That is unforgivable to the Tribe and its Goyim sycophants. There are so many lies and distortions about Adolph Hitler and his National Socialist regime it would take hours to refute them all. Let me just say this. Any white man or woman, who besmirches and perpetrates calumny against the man, who was so much more than a mere man, who called the Aryan race to life and fulfillment of its cosmic destiny against impossible odds at the termination of this Kali Yuga time cycle, is either a race traitor, a moron, a Jew ass licker, and very likely a combination of all three.
The best place to start redpilling your average American on WWII is bringing up the Nuremberg trials. Talk about how the allies crushed the balls of Germans to get confessions, that it didn't meet any standards of The Rule of Law used by the west, and it was essentially show trials just as bad as in Stalin's Russia.
Even Churchill asked why we don't just put a bullet in these people's heads and be done with it, and he was right to question creating rigged trials with foregone conclusions for propaganda and "we're the good guy" points.