Oct 9Liked by Barbaric Disciple

I celebrate the weakness of this pathetic weakening culture. It just makes it easier and easier for me to succeed. I eliminate the word "we" and only think "I". What is happening is inevitable. As the saying goes: "Hard times make strong men. Strong men make good times. Good times make weak men. Weak men make hard times." (Repeat ad infinitum) So do not mourn what was lost, celebrate what is at hand!! A time for new heroes is being born. There is nothing to fear. Only time to have courage.

"The bravest are surely those who have the clearest vision of what is before them, glory, and danger alike and not withstanding go out to meet it"


What is happening has been waiting to happen since the dawn of time.

Get strong or die.

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this morning I wrote something along this, but this is better explained

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Excellent post, FD. If a Race cannot overcome its enemies and survive to thrive, culture is meaningless. "Have we, the men of the West, lost the will to live?" - Dr. Revilo Oliver. Tragically, the answer to that rhetorical question is increasingly obvious.

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Excellent article. One must get in shape, but not just physically, but your mind as well. Read! Read! Read! Both fiction and nonfiction. History, Sword & Sorcery, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, you name it. We must become Warrior Poets, we must become (as someone wise once said) Cultured Thugs.

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