What happened to the VITAL FORCE of our people? What happened the to the heroic impulse? Where is our thumos?
Instead, we hide. We stay behind doors where we think it safe. Meanwhile our enemies run our country into the ground.
It is all by design.
They poison what you eat. Compel you to stay inside to play video games or watch TV shows. They want you nice, plump, and comfortable.
The man with even an inkling of the heroic impulse is pacified by entertainment, especially by the superhero genre or sportsball.
It used to be our heroes were points in the sky we aimed toward. Something achievable to strive toward. Our ancestors manifested all the vital force they could muster to leave their marks on the world. Their heroes were men who did great things. They were not held to some unnatural standard or morality.
You did not have to be some billionaire in an iron suit, some guy shot up with superhuman serum, or an alien to be a hero. All that was needed was the mustering of your vital force, the will to test yourself against nature, and daring courage.
The superhero is a demoralizer. Such fictional characters emerged after the World Wars. Someone who wasn’t vulnerable to being wasted in no man’s land in some doomed charge. Someone with completely unachievable qualifies like invulnerability or super human strength.
So many men made to admire unreality. To believe that true heroism could only be obtained by some superhero or God.
Watching these superheroes is a form of mental masturbation where you’re able to get out your need to master space. Your need to test your vital force against nature.
They kill your innate need to test yourself and your ideas against nature. Man was made to forward his race, and by extension, the species. It was on him to figure out what worked and what didn’t. Which way to go and which way to avoid. Man is the R&D arm of mankind.
Modern superhero madness is just means of psychologically conditioning men into inaction. It must be avoided at all costs. See the world for what it is.
Do not be seduced by comfort. Do not pick the coward’s way out of “safety.” You cannot remain stagnate. You have only one life and God did not put you on it to waste away in the longhouse.
You were made to taste the fresh air of the frontier. To test your unique idea against nature. To test your will against the wills of your enemies.
Vital force fuels the heroic impulse toward thumos.
Europeans scoffed at how our American ancestors apparently lacked culture. Our ancestors didn’t have time for culture. They only cared about what worked. What won them the frontier. What was necessary to tame the wilderness. What it took to survive in nature. Our ancestors cared about ACTION. About what you could do, not who you were.
this morning I wrote something along this, but this is better explained
Excellent post, FD. If a Race cannot overcome its enemies and survive to thrive, culture is meaningless. "Have we, the men of the West, lost the will to live?" - Dr. Revilo Oliver. Tragically, the answer to that rhetorical question is increasingly obvious.