Excellent piece. The conquest of space is absolutely essential, not for economic benefit alone, but as a spiritual duty. Only on the sharp-edged periphery between savage wilderness and civilized comfort can man become what he truly is. There is no wilderness more savage than space, no civilization more comfortable than the one we've built; the contrast between the two will breed gods and monsters.

I believe it's precisely for this reason that space colonization has been slow-walked by the managerial state. The occupational class fears what might come of it.

As you say it will not be states that accomplish this great work. It will be private groups, men of vision and means - Musk is the prototype but there will be more following him. The New World also was conquered mainly by ambitious men acting on their own initiative, in the nominal name of their kings but largely with their own funding and for their own reasons.


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The focus on race just isn't compatible with Americanism. Of course in group preference is a thing, but you can forge in group preferences. I don't think the assumption that there is an innate sense that people of the same race are kin.

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Americanism, yes, you’re right about this.

But I don’t care about Americanism, I care about Americans. Racial in group preference is something talked about by Pierre van den Berghe if interested.

Not on the surface, but it’s there in the blood.

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American means White European.

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Agreed that we need new challenges to overcome and new frontiers to explore in order to fully realize and express our own humanity. With America as she is, there's no way to make it an ethno-state without some serious bloodshed and becoming untethered from the values that have defined America at her best. Jay Rollins at Wonderland Rules substack has talked about a civic nationalism, which I believe is the best way forward. The obsession with race as a metric for defining citizens' participation in society was a mistake when the Jim Crow segregationists did it; it's a mistake now that the wokester morons are doing it with their DEI bullshit; and it would be a mistake to push for white people to counter wokeist weakness with a white nationalist movement. Racial identity politics, whether done by whites or by blacks, will result in a Pyhrric victory and turn the nation into Lebanon or the Balkans. We're all in this boat together.

Maybe, since we're already an empire (globohomo), we need a Caesar to at least make it an empire based on values of strength and civic virtue, as opposed to being defined by consumerist gluttony and racial grievance hysteria. But if the would-be Caesar makes it about race, it's a wrap. We'll be warring against each other like the Sunni vs Shia fighting in post-invasion Iraq, and it'll take years or decades before we attain the cultural stability to undertake any real exploration of space or any other frontier.

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If this idea of yours doesn’t involve undoing of the Civil Rights act, it will never amount to anything.

I don’t hold any ill will towards other races. I’m worried about taking care of my own. Please look into The Ethnic Phenomenon by Pierre van den Berghe.

Unfortunately in a multi ethnic country, ethnic politics will take precedence over everything else. If your Caesar is able to take the reins of the American Empire, he would have to respect to brutal methods just to mobilize this mass.

My aims seek first to secure my own. What comes next is a bridge we will cross when we get there.

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It may wind up that way, but I hope we can avoid it if at all possible. The story of the Lebanese civil war is a warning to us of what will happen here if we make race the dividing line. That's why the globalists are pushing both (1) open border and mass immigration and (2) DEI anti-white racism. They're like a puppetmaster playing both sides of the conflict, while they steal everything that isn't nailed down. Don't get so caught up fighting their puppets that you miss the bigger picture of what's at stake.

The winners of white flight and neighborhoods tipping black in the 60s and 70s weren't the whites fleeing or the blacks taking their place, it was the real estate developers and the bankers. There's a similar dynamic happening now. A large number of blacks are being the useful idiots of the villains this time around, but if whites respond the way the villains are hoping, we all lose. For us to win, we have to take the high road, which is harder, and we may fail to make it to our destination, but it's the only way to get a victory worth having for our own people and for everyone else willing to be a part of it. Black people are not the enemy; many of them are like the regular folks in the Matrix whom the "agents" of the control system are able to manipulate and use, but so are a lot of woke whites. The real enemies are the folks behind the curtain, pulling the levers and orchestrating the psyops.

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Jan 22, 2023Edited
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Civic nationalism only worked in America when it was mono-ethnic, 90% white. As soon as CRA came along and changed the demographics is the moment civic nationalism started rolling down the toilet.

Yes, the frontier is a powerful concept. I think it reaches beyond just America however.

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Jan 22, 2023
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No, it won’t change the demographics. I don’t expect it to. Greed and power changed the demographics. Nor, do I want to go back in time.

Again, I’m interested in securing our own and continuing the Great Work.

What goes from there only God knows. The right mentality is to “fix things” so WE can live. They’ll take care of themselves.

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you cant say greeks "lived in a condition of barbarism" my friend. do you know what the word means?

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The Hellenes considered themselves to be the happy median between civilization and barbarism. The Medes they saw as wholly civilized, and while cultured, also servile and effete. The Scythians they saw as wholly savage, but unlettered and lacking disciplines. Of the two they admired the Scythians more, and so sought to make of themselves cultured thugs. They ordered their entire society around the cultivation of this ideal.

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