David. Paul. Maccabees. Crusades. Every Old Testament War. If it wasn’t natural then why did your pagan ancestors all freely convert? Why did they continue to be warriors? Why did they go from being Clan Chieftains to Kings and Knights? You only view Christianity through a post Enlightenment Protestant view. You should probably look more into the Catholic view. There’s a reason Junger converted to it at the end of his life. Naturally speaking the greatest men weren’t just the men who slaughtered everyone, it was the ones who were capable but showed wisdom and restraint in the right places. Also David is a very similar story to Herakles

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Thank you for reading. I concede your point that I can only see the rotten husk of Christianity today. I’d say it’s wrong to assume they “freely converted.” Someone like the poet Robinson Jeffers would say that Christians were men with two competing natures. One being the imposed conversion and morals of Christianity combined with the pagan virtues they had known for thousands of years. These competing natures made the type of Christian you saw in the crusades.

I don’t know whole story on Junger’s conversation, but if you read his War as Inner Experience, he has a very pagan understanding of the world. His god is not THE God but closer to a god like Mars or Wotan.

Another man of power had a similar conversion at the end of his life: Nathan Bedford Forrest. Why are these warriors converting at the END of life? You can argue wisdom, but I’m not so sure. For Forrest, his wife had been nagging him to convert for decades. Maybe he, no longer able to espouse the warrior virtues of his youth thought he was now able to be Christian? Men fear dying, maybe this was just example of him checking all the boxes just in case there is a heaven and hell?

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Also why would I worship David when I can worship Herakles? Why worship a copy?

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Christianity took over paganism, if might is right than Paganism is wrong

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Then would you also agree that leftism took over Christianity, so Christianity is wrong?

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Hasn’t taken over Catholicism lol

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Maybe not from you or your friends, but from the world stage?

All you hear about these days is liberal democracy, not Catholicism.

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How is God the right one by nature? You’ve answered your own question in these writings multiple times. Men don’t live up to their potential until they live for something more than themselves. Men aren’t naturally inclined to be great they need to be pushed towards it. The Christian view is exactly that as well. We are sinful and we need a higher power to push us to greater heights.

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I like this. As a longtime member of a Japanese Koryu Bujutsu (essentially an archaic combatives cult) I recognize there are both tutilary and worshipped deities around which warrior seed-religions/sword-cults have formed and existed in various iterations over thousands of years. Some still quietly exist from antiquity.

Faint threads of ancient warriorship persist in the west but is very faint indeed. I'm just a nobody anon, yet I cannot endorce this highly enough.

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