Excellent article, FD. A Race is analogous to a tree, the different limbs representing the so-called ethnicities of that Race. As for the Indians being the true, so-called Native Americans, that is an egregious lie beyond errant nonsense. Suppressed Archeology has proven that Whites inhabited the North American continent long before those Mongoloid, stone age savages got here. I emphasize, this is ruthlessly suppressed due to Jew invoked political correctness and the deliberate falsification of our history and heritage.

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Even if it’s true that Europeans were on the American continent 10,000 years ago, it shouldn’t matter.

The United States of America wasn’t founded by the Native American tribes, was it? That’s all that matters. The “indigenous peoples” argument is kind of pointless, since migration and displacement are historically normal occurrences. Likewise the racial stock has an indefinite quality to it, with particular tribes and ethnic groups within a race having limited lifespans. But of course the left and the ‘culture destroyers’ especially love the “indigenous peoples” moral framework because their whole narrative and cultural identity is based upon it.

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Not an Anglo nor a fan of ‘Americanism’ but this was a good article.

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Sep 25Liked by Barbaric Disciple

There were no Americans 500 years ago, so the term have no validity. But age really is not a good qualifier when a new phenomenon appeared. We started with a general concept which works for a while until some new phenomenon is observed, which demanded a new name for it. So a general concept is refined into newer categories underneath it. When everyone were white, it made sense to define ourselves as Franks, Saxons, Latins, and so forth. As civilization expanded into new territories, the need for finer distinctions naturally arose. In case of Americans, it was the Indians who first called the Colonials Whites in order to emphasize their own red color so that they can transcend their trivial divisions.

So, we are in the same position as the Indians today, needing greater unity in order to defend the global Axis of Red Capital. I doubt that a imperium is the best solution. Confederation will preserve national character and localism will preserve our ability to enable national regeneration.

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There were no whites 500 years ago either lol.

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Aug 20Liked by Barbaric Disciple

Our Savage Neighbors by Peter Silver on the Indian war in Pennsylvania explained how the word white became the thing that enabled various European ethnicities to transcend their rivalry to survive the Indian attacks.

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My Scots forefathers have been here since the beginning and they never stopped associating themselves with other Scots.

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