Yes, good morning. It is time we bring attention to a twenty-two-year-old movie, Gangs of New York, that my frens have been telling me to watch for a while now. Whenever I American-poast on twatter, inevitably someone brings up a character from this movie, one Bill the Butcher. If you’re unacquainted with my views on Americans and race, I must refer you to this article, “Why I’m Anti-White(lol) or Barbaric Disciple’s American Racialism,” which I will talk about a little bit here. I tried to watch it once but thought it was cheesy, but this time I resolved to finish it. This movie takes place in the Civil War era New York, dealing with many topics still relevant today and there is a reason for this. Gangs of New York is a MASTERCLASS in psychological warfare. I don’t know if maybe my mind is too far gone to enjoy movies anymore, but almost everything put out lately is love letter to leftism. Not even just lately, our enemies have been hard at work for generations.
Gangs of New York deals with the feuds between incoming Irish immigrants and the Native Americans who descend from the Founding Stock. Yes, that’s RIGHT, NATIVE AMERICANS. So what?! How can I disrespect the Indians, you may be thinking. Very good question. I don’t deny the Indians were here first, but there are two big hurdles you must jump to call them “Native Americans.” The first is that they didn’t even call themselves Americans. Indians belonged to several tribes and their race was their tribe. An Apache didn’t see himself as an American, he was an Apache. The whole idea of calling them Native Americans is to take a swipe at the people who actually consider themselves American: the Founding Stock. Secondly, they were conquered.
The winning of the War for Independence and the forming of the United States was the cementing of a new people. It was not unlike Lycurgus when he gave laws to Sparta. The US Constitution merely codified the ethnogenesis that had started long before the War for Independence. Many, MANY, twatter users take issue with how I define race. Almost everyone, left or right, cling to the recent “scientific” view of race which never existed in the ancient world. This view is where we get the term, White. Doesn’t matter if you’re right or left, you’re probably trying to co-opt the term White for your own ends.
In this “scientific” view, race is something OVER what they call ethnicity. A race can have many ethnicities. If you’re on the right, you’re trying to unite the White race against the revolution of the third world. If you’re on the left, you’re trying to dehumanize Whites to make it easier for the browns to attack. The problem, which I state in my Anti-White essay is that there is no White race. No people have ever called themselves the Whites. Sure, it’s thrown around now, but if you look at history, White is both relatively new and a distinctly, American term. What is the origin of White?
You see it used in 1791 on a government document stating that “free White persons” could become eligible to become citizens. Before that, I believe James LaFond had interesting theory concerning its origin. He believed it was actually created by the Jew slave traders who had to get their predominantly English crews to stand up to any kind of mutiny that might have happened on their journeys to the New World. Our ancestors up to the discovery of the new world did not call themselves White. They belonged to a race, their race was their tribe. White was how the first Americans distinguished themselves from the black and red men in the New World. Ethnicity itself was made up in the 1950s. You must be suspicious of almost anything new, do not forget that we’ve been at the mercy of deconstructionists for how long now?
I apologize for getting off track, but this IS relevant to the movie. Gangs of New York is a story about the Irish gangs vs. the Native American gangs. You can probably substitute gang for tribe and it would be the same thing. But as I said before, Gangs of New York is a masterclass in psychological warfare. The producers did a masterful job in this. Let us get into the themes of this movie and how it helps leftists gain victory over the American race.
Gangs of New York is a story about vengeance.
The beginning of the movie begins with a gang fight between the Irish and the Native Americans. In this fight, the protagonist, Amsterdam Vollen, watches his father die in battle with the villain, Bill the Butcher. He swears vengeance for this before getting thrown into an orphanage. The movie moves into the future where the civil war is kicking off. It’s powerful how well the producers fit all the issues of our time into this one movie. You have racist Native Americans mad at both the Irish and the blacks for taking their jobs. Plant on top of this dirty politician figures just trying to get votes, not caring about the poor immigrants coming in. He doesn’t care about their well-being, but the more people means more votes for him.
You have military recruiters trying to get people to volunteer to fight in the civil war. They make it look just like Vietnam, I’m surprised they didn’t play song, “Fortunate Son,’ during these parts. It was all about how the rich were getting out of service while all the poor Irish coming in were being sent to be killed by Confederates. Blacks are made to be these special, magical people being persecuted by the terrible Native Americans. In fact, they make Leo DiCaprio cry over black body at end of the movie. There is the theme of immigrants just trying to survive in new world, being shown no sympathy by the TRUE Americans.
Many movies are made to push leftist talking points, it’s been going on for a long time. There is no reason why Bill the Butcher is not the hero of this film. The producers tried hard to make him this evil man, but he is watching his home being taken from him and handed over to foreigners. Midway through the film, Bill discovers Amsterdam’s plan to take vengeance and thwarts his assassination attempt. After Amsterdam recovers, he becomes a liberal democrat and gets into politics, realizing just how many Irish were coming into New York. 1,500 a week he says. Realizing the numerical advantage, he campaigns to get Irish into positions of power. He uses the institutions put into place by Billy’s fathers to dethrone him. Wow, amazing!
I do have some compliments for this film, however. No one is called White. It is Irish vs. Americans. Bill sees himself as a True American. His grandfather died fighting in the War for Independence. He swears loyalty to the Know-Nothing flag, a flag I support. I think it should be made the new flag for the United States. The gang conflict could better be described as a tribal conflict. The characters cared about their ancestors and saw themselves as part of a race. This is the most important task facing us today, to make the American REMEMBER who he is.
Overall, I cannot recommend this movie to those who are uninitiated. As I said, it is a masterclass in psychological warfare. The naive soul will be convinced of the justice in being anti-war, as well as, the virtue of immigrants. For those who are initiated, you probably won’t enjoy the film anyway. Like most movies put out today, you will root for Bill. He is the unsung hero.
Excellent article, FD. A Race is analogous to a tree, the different limbs representing the so-called ethnicities of that Race. As for the Indians being the true, so-called Native Americans, that is an egregious lie beyond errant nonsense. Suppressed Archeology has proven that Whites inhabited the North American continent long before those Mongoloid, stone age savages got here. I emphasize, this is ruthlessly suppressed due to Jew invoked political correctness and the deliberate falsification of our history and heritage.
An ex-military and expert on Islamic insurgencies and a Southern nationalist explained how Iran succeed in cultivating radical movements and how Irish succeeded in their revolution. Both series have a keen insight that came from having an intense knowledge of military, religious, and political factors in both Iran and Ireland. Very profitable even if one isn’t a Southern.