We're advocating for a campaign of infiltration and subversion. People complain about liberal control of institutions and how they don't want to take orders from our enemies. The Left has no such qualms. How do you think they captured the institutions in the first place? The military was the Chaddiest of Chads once, now they're forcing Marines to take courses on gender norms and pronouns. Leftists understand how to play the long game and the Right better start learning from them before it's too late

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yes, and it is also about helping get the foot off the neck. everyone complains about not being able to buy a house, afford college etc, and 3 year enlistment can help you with those

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GI bill, VA home loans, Tricare. A 70% VA disability rating gets you $1600 a month compensation. Imagine how much training and ammo that would buy? I know a guy with a 90% disability rating who benches 395 lbs.

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Aug 10Liked by Barbaric Disciple

You made a very important point that I missed in my own stack on this topic because I was in a rush to get it out. Swarths WILL replace whites who don’t join and they actually will commit atrocities against us for a paycheck like these midwits in the comment chain here love to imagine whites doing in their defeatist fantasies, there won’t be a collapse of the military either, they are capable of doing our jobs about as well and at the end of the day “good enough” in quantity is what wins wars.

Glad to see another genuine warrior on here who took what he read to heart and acted on it.

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Yes, allowing browns to take over military makes it easier for them to turn military on Americans. For all the supposed racism our side has, it’s wild they don’t see that.

US military took similar actions in the past to make sure race wouldn’t get in the way. Sending Germans to pacific, Japanese to fight in Europe. The fighting on the pacific was also more brutal because it was two diff races going at it.

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Aug 9Liked by Barbaric Disciple

Former Marine POG here. Did active and reserves, I benefited from my service but am not particularly proud of it. My son seems drawn to it, I was leaning toward discouraging him but this is making me rethink it. ANG does seem like best option.

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Dunno man, I get the sentiment, and agree on the benefits of being militarily trained. However, the convid force-jabs in the military all over the west clearly showed who is boss. The anticipation of dying for globohomo is not something you can just wipe away with a few statements. And while I agree that the military might be a better place than corporate globohomo or some cucky .gov job, I still have my doubts whether this is the right choice for founding stock, as you call europeans. Your argument mainly rests on the assumption that there will be a civil war at some point; set aside some of the financial benefits of being in the military.

I still cannot get my head around this entirely.

In addition, it would be interesting to get your take on military vs police, in particular for training. Police was very eager to beat their kin during the convid protests, and also now with executing globohomo orders against dissidents in all western countries

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This argument is not based on the idea that there will be a civil war. I don’t believe there will be a civil war. Who would be fighting who? I could prob get into it, but it could be essay in itself. In short, I’m drawn to the idea of a Warrior Religion and the creation of a new aristocracy. For one, you need your people in the military and for the other, you need them in the industrial complex surrounding the military. The state is the best way to fight wars rn so you want to own it.

Police is fine. The idea is to be pursuing power and the means to live a better life than the motto of current American society, “pay bills and die.”

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Aug 9Liked by Barbaric Disciple

I would add some nuance to encourage people to join the guard. More localism and choice over your career.

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yes I didn’t specify but this is a good option as well.

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Aug 9Liked by Barbaric Disciple

A small issue: " Patenting," when I think you meant "Parenting."

A larger issue: When I read you, I hear strong echoes of the ideas and ideals that led to Heinlein's Starship Troopers.

I admire your efforts. You and Tree of Woe (Substack) are doing unique and original thinking on issues that are treated all too superficially, if at all.

That's a first cut at this essay. Hopefully, more will come as I contemplate it with the benefit of more time.

P.S. I own both of your books, and hope to own any more you may write.

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Haha zog made me misspell thanks for pointing out will fix.

Appreciate 🤝

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You don't need a state military to train your kids to shoot and to fight, and that the Jew is the enemy. You are legit retarded.

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Lmao, yes I’m sure you can train your kids to shoot and fight against a military force.

You’re mindfucked by the jews. Sad to see.

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I'm mind fucked by the Jews? Good one you literally want to send white children off to die in a Jew war against Iran rather than letting the Muzzles slaughter the Jews there.

How's the weather in Tel Aviv ass fucked Hasbara faggot?

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Who’s dying?

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Aug 9·edited Aug 9

Says the guy encouraging young men to die for Israel.

Look, I get it, you made a monumentally shitty decision to enlist. I'm sure as you bleed out in the desert for the blue star you will regret it.

In the mean time, don't make your shitty decisions other people's problem.

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Who’s dying?

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Blah. blah, blah, theorycel bullshit. Actual facts on the ground WWIII against Iran and Russia coming soon, sign up now, and guess what you are literally going to die for the Jew.

Now you know.

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Military is optimised for you to not do that. American Military comes from a 2000 year tradition that long had to deal with dissident military figures defecting, it consumed such figures as Patton and Hoover taking them in then spitting them out, useless. Serving goals against their principles. Wagner in Russia, Putin wasnt ready for Wagner; Do you think Erik Prince could have pulled up half the manuvauer in 2006 marching from his Florida compound to Washington D.C.? Thats stupid people thinking. He couldnt have.

You would still be better served joining Blackwater than US military, pushing your comfort zone you could try Africa, your founders used frontiers to create nations.

The state is already set, you cant larp your way into being a dissident general, there are avenues where this is not optimised for you can become a dissident “venture capitalist”, the need State has for the venture start up people outweights the risks it takes by accepting less stringent vetting. Even then, look what they did to Elon Musk, richest man on earth torn into pieces. Tattered by stupid court attorneys who would only punish him for the satisfaction of doing the most meaningful action they will take in their pathetic law lifes.

A theoretical new state will need lawyers, will need financial regulators, barristers, bank managers. You dont have to have them now, these are smart people they can convert competently to use better ideas. The grunt on the other hand need not convert, a soldier retains the same purpose in any military.

Bad larp, do better.

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Agreed, seems like a thinly-veiled recruitment attempt to fuel the meatgrinder with our fathers, brothers and sons.

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1. The Bronze Age aristocratic warrior has no parallel in the modern world because wars are no longer real and soldiers cannot directly empower themselves through the soils of war. Also, there isn’t really gear anymore that can protect you from an IED or an artillery barrage or carpet bombing. Not to be overly critical of people who go into the military. I’m sure you learn things about the world, and you learn many skills that could come in handy if SHTF. And it is a courageous job. Closest profession in the modern military to ancient warriors is definitely the Air Force for a variety of reasons, and the Air Force is also always gonna be pretty White because White people are just goated at that shit (Asians would be good at it too probably, but they’re all Myopic).

2. There are better positions to take if you want to influence the elite. We kind of have to bank on the US military caving in on itself due to nobody wanting to enlist. There are very few examples where “SHTF” and the military is still high-functioning — yes, in Russia much of the oligarchs are of military background, but Russia is really the Soviet rump state, so that is to be expected. The reason the Soviets fell apart is because after the disaster in Afghanistan they didn’t have the manpower to stop mass unrest in their satellites. Obviously plenty of other examples of empires caving in on themselves after their militaries could no longer recruit their own people.

Overall, I think if you wanna go into the military and try and rise through the ranks, more power to ya. But I also think there is a good argument for depriving the U.S. Army of actual competent people so they have to keep recruiting obese Zoomers, women, retarded Shaniqua officers, and humiliate themselves on world stage. And unfortunately (le blackpill) there will never be anything like Achilles or even Roland in the modern day.

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All these dumb guys who don’t see the wisdom in your words.


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