On twatter, I found there are easy ways to “farm engagement.” Now, when I discovered these “tricks,” it wasn’t to farm engagement. I thought I was tweeting something important, thought-provoking, or furthering my message of Holy War. But lo and behold, I would get the strangest, most retarded comments to these tweets and, of course, they would do the viral. So for any twatter users trying to farm engagement, I recommend comparing Christians and Pagans. This is easy way to get viral tweets. There are others too, but I can’t remember them right now. I bring this up because the last couple of times I’ve talked about joining the military as something our race should be taking advantage of, it unleashes great vitriol against me.
It’s easy to trace where this vitriol is coming from, but with it is attached a strange dichotomy. It’s even a deeper quagmire to try and unpack, but it is worth the effort. The military profession is what defined the Aryan races. It’s what established our ancestors’ superiority. What got them their undying fame, but now we live in a society that loathes these institutions. We will start with the obvious: in the United States, the American Founding Stock is marked for dispossession at the best case and extermination at the worst. There is an unshakable belief that the moment you sign the dotted line on your military contract, you will shipped off to Ukraine to get killed by a drone or to Gaza to fight for the jews.
The moment you sign is the moment they take your foreskin and make you kiss the Israel wall according to my twatter detractors. It’s well known that the upper echelons of military leadership are infested with disgusting leftists who hate the American Founding Stock. Now these detractors want it to be known that they supposedly want to defeat the enemy. They want to “save the White race,” and all that jazz. What they don’t want to see is their kin being used as “cannon fodder” for zog. They don’t want to see them have to turn their guns on their own race for whatever reason. Are these valid concerns or just the manifestation of Nietzsche’s slave morality?
If you pull back the focus, you do see the attack on the American Founding Stock at almost every level. You hear stories about HR reps throwing out applications if the person is White, for example. There is a massive push to promote anyone who isn’t White in the private sector. “Diversity and inclusion” just means not American Founding Stock. Our kin struggle to get into colleges and without the aid of scholarships are taking out ridiculous loans to pay for an education that doesn’t necessarily pay off in the end. If you’re in a heavy blue state like I am, you even struggle to see your own kin on a daily basis. The entire third world has heard globohomo’s call to come to America, stifling the Founding Stock’s opportunities to live a good life.
You must understand that the online right is just a small slither in the grand scheme of things. Conservatives in America are more liberal than classical liberals, but their thought seeps into the narrative regardless. They see this anti-American sentiment and their conclusion is to opt out. Don’t go to college. Don’t try to get a corporate job. Join a trade. Become a plumber!
The thought behind this is that without the American Founding Stock, the system will come crashing down. Maybe their enemies will come crawling back to them and say, “Save us!” The reality is when the system comes crashing down, how will they not be crushed under its enormous bulk? How are they going to survive the ensuing race wars? How many Americans will still be around by then? There are all these fantasies being thrown around like “returning to tradition” by getting a farm and a trad wife. Maybe you flee to red state where the laws will be more favorable.
Conservative fantasies are pipe dreams disconnected from the reality of nature.
To get back to this anti-military sentiment, you can trace it back to the global war on terror. Hell, you can trace it back further to Vietnam, but you don’t need to go back that far. Thousands of Americans were killed or maimed in the twenty-year conflict. It may be that everything is heightened in the age of mainstream and social media. We are seeing things our ancestors never had to see. But if you look objectively, every war we’ve been in has been less violent than the one before. The GWOT was less deadly than Vietnam which was less deadly than World War II.
So the idea that you become cannon fodder for zog doesn’t hold any weight. It’s a symptom of the age. Our people have lost their hardness, lost their courage. It is true that the warrior-type will struggle to reach the upper ranks of the military. This type of man is detested by leftists. But it is possible for these types of men to get close enough. Do not forget history!
During World War I, France had a similar problem with ineffective peacetime generals. They were fortunate to be led by Joseph “the Lion of France” Joffre who saw the cowardly ineffectiveness of his generals at the beginning of the war as Germany pushed towards Paris. He fired generals mercilessly until he got the right type of men into position. This quick action saved Paris and allowed the French to hold on until reinforcements arrived from England. You want as many of your people in the military profession and its surrounding infrastructure as possible. What if Joffre didn’t have the right type of men to replace his peacetime generals? France loses WWI.
War and technics are what brought the White Man to prominence. You will get nowhere if you abandon these. You will never find power if you abandon power. In our American collapse fantasy, plenty think they will rise to the occasion and become post-apocalyptic warlords even though they have no skills or experience in war. Whatever rises from the ashes of such a collapse will have had power BEFORE the collapse. The elite always rise to the top. The ones who had everything taken from them in Soviet Russia once again rose to prominence after its collapse. You cannot take your foot off the gas pedal if you want to survive and thrive in nature.
The numbers don’t lie. The American Founding Stock suffered 86% of all casualties in the War on Terror. Many more returned home to find out their country hates them because of their race. That we are now promoting based on being black instead of merit. Veterans committing suicide is a big issue. These men don’t feel like they were valued for the sacrifice they made. This is in part a consequence of gay liberal democracy which is disconnected from nature and tribalism.
Soldiers were expected to help bring democracy to the Middle East, only to face the reality of nature. They knew what must be done, but they were held back by rules of engagement. The home front would never be capable of tolerating what was necessary there. These soldiers fought under ridiculous circumstances and came home to a country that now hated them because of their race. The mainstream conservative movement saw this and immediately pushed for our race to abandon the military profession since it had become infested by leftism. Naively it was thought that you could cut off the head of the snake and win, when in reality, you have to kill off some 30% of your enemy(Erik Prince talks about this in his show with BAP. Speaking of Prince, many enjoy the idea of PMCs, but to get into a PMC, you must first serve. They don’t take you off the street).
The answer conservatives have to all our problems is to run and hide.
I’ve talked often about how no one has the answers to our problems. Anyone who says they do is LYING. My fren on twatter, the last pirate, put it best when he said there are no good options, just bad and less bad. You obviously want to move towards the less bad as much as possible. Yes, you will struggle to make upper leadership in the US military. Few get there anyway. Yes, you will encounter proud black women in the military, but you must remember that the military has a higher concentration of American Founding Stock than any other state, so you’re probably better off there than somewhere else. The closer you get to combat arms, the more American Founding Stock you’ll find.
Conservatives and much of the online right don’t want you to join. I listed a couple reasons above about how they don’t want to be ordered around by leftists or blacks or how they would be used as cannon fodder. Some others might talk about how dumb the peacetime army is. You’ll become expert at lawn care, for example. There’s bad and less bad even within the military, but there’s also lots of good that you can’t find anywhere else. Military service opens doors for our race that would otherwise be closed.
Let’s say you don’t want to be career military. You can still serve three years, dodge combat arms, and get out with both the GI bill to pay for college and VA loan to get a house. This culture of ours is a credential culture, you need the credentials to make the life you want for yourself. We’re also bombarded by foreigners and the people who learn more than one language get paid more — the military will pay you to learn a language. Those MOS often have longer contracts as it takes time to learn a language but if you’re a young man, why not? They send you to Monterey after all. Imagine going in at 18, coming out at 25 with all that under your belt. Your chances to live the life you want to live will be greatly improved.
For someone who is NOT of the warrior-type, this should not be the hard sale it is. Get in, get out, and profit. And if you hate the US government for what they’re doing, you can take solace that you’re helping to bleed em’ dry by taking all the benefits that come with military service. The alternative of going straight to college, having to take out loans, and working a job on the side where you most definitely will be terrorized by leftists and poc would be nowhere near as fun. I say this from experience, I wish I had done this at 18. But what if you are inclined to the military profession?
You, as a man, should be drawn to war. War is to man, what giving birth is to woman. Why would you not want to be trained by the best military in the world? Now it ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. You get put in bad units, you have to deal with bullshit. But if you strive for excellence, put in the work before you enlist or commission, and keep that good attitude as you go in, you will be presented with opportunities for superior training and leadership experience. You can research how to get to specific special forces units. The 75th Ranger Regiment takes over 70 MOSs and, if you enlist with option 40, you will get a chance to join the regiment. And you will actually do your job there.
On top of this, the military gives preferential treatment to those who are FIT. Passing their fitness standards helps you to get promoted. Isn’t that something the right wing should be getting behind? Now, maybe you’ll complain that the focus isn’t where it should be. Maybe you prefer bodybuilding to running, but their fitness standards are tailored to what makes a good warrior. Being FIT helps you get better training and access to schools. Those who reject gay leftism and our decadent culture should strive in a military environment.
When the shit hits the fan, you want as much of your race in the military as possible.
There’s much talk about how if you enlist, your commanders are going to turn you loose on the American Founding Stock. You will do war crimes against your own kin, man! You don’t lose who you are when you join the military. Jocko talks about this. Men will always be men. The same shit you see in the private sector, you will see in the military. Soldiers still think for themselves, they don’t become drones.
This idea of the military turning against its own population because of zog is a real stickler for the American Founding Stock. No, you don’t go under mind control when you sign the dotted line. The military, of course, can be a huge formative experience for an eighteen-year-old. Parenting before this still plays a huge role. Are you teaching your sons courage, strength, and honor? Are you steeling their hearts for the real world? The type of men families produce will affect the type of warriors who rise from our ranks.
By this same token, if you abandon the military profession, what are you teaching your kids? To run and hide. Cowardice. To be afraid of the boogeyman(the jews), instead of treating them as a competing race you have to beat. Worse, you let the military be infested by different races and people who hate you, you INCREASE the odds they turn your guns on you. If we keep creating WEAK MEN, we will turn this fear fantasy into reality.
On RESAVAGER, I speak about the WARRIOR RELIGION often and it’s by far the most popular thing I write about here. How can you be for a Warrior Religion, but reject the military profession? How could any Warrior Religion turn its back on the way war is fought in our time? ESPECIALLY with how our ancestors fought in their day. The early days of America were brutal. Most are so confused about the nation-state and its purpose in nature. It’s best to listen to Nietzsche on this subject.
“All other citizens are in the dark about what nature intends for them with their state instinct, and follow blindly; only those who stand outside this know what they want from the state, and what the state ought to grant them.” -Nietzsche
“Therefore it is practically inevitable that such men should win great influence over the state, because they may view it as means, whilst all the rest, under the power of the unconscious intention of the state, are themselves only means to the state purpose.” -Nietzsche
“Whoever considers war, and its uniformed potential, the military profession, in connection with the nature of the state as discussed so far, has to conclude that through war, and in the military profession, we are presented with a type, even perhaps the archetype of the state.” -Nietzsche
“In several states, for example in Sparta’s Lycurgian constitution, we can clearly make out the imprint of that original idea of the state, the creation of the military genius.” -Nietzsche
I apologize for the quotes, but they are VITALLY relevant to our present situation. Most of our people have forgotten the purpose to the state. These quotes come from a small lecture Nietzsche had on the Greks who came from very much the same brutal existence the early Americans rose out of. Their solution was the creation of the state so that they could breed superior warriors and superior military genius. To help them rise out of the brutal chaos of nature. The state survived and evolved over the centuries into what we have now. For Americans, the institutions of our fathers is still the best chance the race has at surviving the storm.
We, collectively, have to be able to stand on the outside of the nation-state and KNOW what we want from it. Only then, will we be able to take it. Only then, will we get the state to grant it to us. Turn your attention towards getting influence in the state. Many talk about how it is impossible to do this. The leftists took this path and won, they will be wise to the strategy. Maybe this is true, maybe they are just as incompetent as everyone else in this country. Choose COMPETENCE. Choose to compete for the strongest empire in the world. Refuse to be at its mercy.
Is victory guaranteed on this path? Nothing is guaranteed. As my fren said, there’s bad and less bad. This path is less bad than running and hiding from zog. This path requires courage. It requires that you DARE. That you seek out adventure and hardship. This will create strong men. The path offered by my detractors offers none of that. They offer you the fate of the kulaks.
We're advocating for a campaign of infiltration and subversion. People complain about liberal control of institutions and how they don't want to take orders from our enemies. The Left has no such qualms. How do you think they captured the institutions in the first place? The military was the Chaddiest of Chads once, now they're forcing Marines to take courses on gender norms and pronouns. Leftists understand how to play the long game and the Right better start learning from them before it's too late
You made a very important point that I missed in my own stack on this topic because I was in a rush to get it out. Swarths WILL replace whites who don’t join and they actually will commit atrocities against us for a paycheck like these midwits in the comment chain here love to imagine whites doing in their defeatist fantasies, there won’t be a collapse of the military either, they are capable of doing our jobs about as well and at the end of the day “good enough” in quantity is what wins wars.
Glad to see another genuine warrior on here who took what he read to heart and acted on it.