Americans belong to a race. Our ancestors made themselves distinct from their European cousins in their quest to survive and thrive on the frontier. Like HP Lovecraft, I hold being AMERICAN as the highest honor. The problem, however, is what is seen as American today. When you hear American, do you think about the race of the Founding Stock or do you think of the leftist blob that is the kingdom of darkness? Do you think about all the great accomplishments of our American ancestors? Our ingenuity and capacity for industry? Or do you think about the rainbow flag and black obese women?
It’s been my desire to retake AMERICAN from our enemies. To do something similar to what twatter account, Nemets, does and call everyone who isn’t American by race USians or US citizens. Our enemies wear the title of American as some sick serial killer wears a skin suit and that, unfortunately, is what is associated with American today. It’s a deranged predicament we find ourselves in. Our enemies despise Americans. They see us as the inheritors of the Christian sin and Nazi “evil.” They want to see the American disappear from the world stage. To “de-colonize” the White Man.
Yet, these same leftists represent what the empire wants American to be seen as. In some sick irony, the only people who want to be known as American are the very people the empire is trying to destroy. This puts into place a very dangerous problem for real Americans. Everything you see, whether online or in the mainstream media, is designed to manipulate. To get you to think a certain way. To believe certain things. The narrative is completely controlled by our enemies. Even if you don’t buy into what they’re saying, you’re still forced to watch the masses take part in whatever is the “current thing.” It is really like what Oswald Spengler suggested in his magnum opus, Decline of the West when he ends with quote from Seneca: “Fate leads the willing; the unwilling it drags.”
There is no escaping the current thing. You’re forced to listen to whatever the narrative is. Currently, fireworks are going off between Palestine and Israel, and every other tweet in my twatter feed begins with “BREAKING.” There seems to be a concerted effort to get America into this conflict. To escalate. Everything is falling into place to make it happen: decapitated babies, killing of women and olds. You should be able to see from here the danger of considering yourself American.
The jews are good at what they do. They whip all their constituents in line through shame. This is why they’re at the top. They believe in their “special mission in the world.” The ben shapiro guy was even asked why doesn’t he go live in Israel and he replied by saying something along the lines of he helps Israel more by being in the United States. Everyone at the top of our society is corrupt beyond measure. Most of them are bought off by the jews and you see it when our senators care more about what’s happening in Israel than in their own states. Does anyone remember Maui?
Do you not see the danger? What does Israel have to do with America? Nothing. But, your politicians are trying to tell you that we have to protect Israel. “Israel is our greatest ally.” “Remember the holocaust.” YES, remember the holocaust. Remember how you are made to feel GUILTY for shit you weren’t even alive for and your own ancestors fought to stop.
Lucky for us, many remember 9/11, but will it be enough?
What’s about to happen is as predictable as clockwork, but will the masses remember? They will try to get America into this conflict — and who will fight on the frontlines? Americans. Real Americans, not Jose or Wei Chu. They will appeal to America’s martial people to carry out most of the fighting as they did with the global war on terror. And what happened? Our veterans came home to a country they didn’t recognize and that hated them.
I understand the desire of wanting to be known as American. The Euros want you to embrace some White identity and form some last alliance to fight Mordor, but at the same time, they refuse to concede that you ARE American. Nothing is inspiring about being called White. Yeah, we’re White by the color of our skin, but we’re so much more than that. Imagine the Greks calling themselves White, lmao. Some people online try to use word Anglo as a call back to our ancestors being known as Anglo-Saxon. It sounds cool when Putin calls us Anglo-Saxons, but Americans never use these words.
It’s imperative to separate the RACIAL American from identifying with the AMERICAN empire. It’s imperative to get this group to think cohesively. To be able to do what the jews do. This is very much what the Greks did. Anyone who wasn’t them were barbarians. Their city-state was their world. Now a lot of people don’t like the jews and think I’m crazy to suggest being like them, but you must realize if you can’t do what they do, they WILL finish the job. They WILL make sure there are no Americans.
If you want to hate the jews, fine, but you must pay them the respect of a worthy adversary. Many of us enjoy the Roman Empire. America itself was based on the Roman Republic. We believe it was the greatest empire to ever walk the earth, but as Nietzsche said, that same empire has been dominated at every battle for the last thousand years by judea. Hear me now, our enemies will pull out all the stops to get us to do their will. They will try to bring back the old America, but with diversity is our strength. They will bring it back far enough to get Whites to maim themselves for Israel.
Americans must see themselves as a racial group again. In some ways, the White identifier does help this, but it isn’t enough. It isn’t enough because it’s the language of the enemy. Like the gays appropriated the word “pride,” our enemies have appropriated the word “White.” Its purpose was to shame the American. To associate all the shame and guilt with White so they could take the word “American” and turn it into their propositional nation. To let immigrants use this word “American” for themselves while also being able to shame the TRUE Americans.
What then? How do you get Americans to see themselves as a racial group again? How do you give them confidence and belief in themselves again? That IS the question. You must rest assured that the enemy will make a compelling argument to get this group to have belief again, so that they may take that belief to go die in some foreign war that does NOTHING to forward the prosperity of real Americans. It will be another GWOT where Americans go off to get maimed or killed so that middle easterners can take the jobs that would have gone to them or their sons. It’s IMPERATIVE that the American isn’t allowed to fall for this trash.
It is a matter of BELIEF.
Americans have taken a psychological beating. They’ve been made to believe that somehow their blood is tainted due to the actions of their ancestors. Actions they weren’t even alive for. They’ve been told they’re racist every way to Sunday. Meanwhile, the manufactured shame they’ve been made to feel has been abused by our enemies to import the third world into the United States to replace Americans. To speak out against this is, again, racist. Americans are being driven mad by the rhetoric and I can see them once again jumping at the chance to die for the jews so they can “redeem” their guilty consciences.
What is necessary is giving Americans the JONATHON BOWDEN treatment. Listen to his speeches on men like Robert E. Howard and Robinson Jeffers. Listen to how he speaks about America. What America used to be. What America could have been. Get Americans interested in their own bloodlines and heritage. Learning about who you are and where you come from is empowering beyond measure.
Americans have a special mission in the world. Our capacity for greatness cannot be ignored. Our ancestors built the foundation of a new world empire and our kin are the fighting arm of that empire still today. Our ancestors conquered a land mass the size of Russia or China within a century. Our blood is capable of powerful things. What’s important now is separating the American race from our empire gone off the rails. Maybe this requires further ethnogenesis.
I have no answer. No new “identity.” It isn’t White and it isn’t Anglo. I’m talking about the words themselves not what people try to associate the words with so don’t get confused that I want some kind of stupid multiculturalism. Yes, we are those things, but that’s not what you build a people from so scrub them from your mind. Our people call themselves American or White, but the White usage is just humiliation ritual. In the interim, I recommend using AMERICAN FOUNDING STOCK(maybe AFS for short) to differentiate Americans from the kingdom of darkness and the millions who have come here to replace us.
There is no confusion when I say American Founding Stock. It is clear who I’m speaking to. No one is coming to save us. The Euros talk about how we share the same struggle and this is true to an extent, but they cannot help us and we cannot help them. Don’t abandon who you are to pipe dreams about some last alliance. You have to get OUR people to believe in themselves again. That they have a special mission in the world. That they are CHOSEN by God for the Great Work. Once the American Founding Stock can retake our country, we can concern ourselves with the remnants of our enemies in different countries, but you have to keep your eye on the ball. On what matters most: taking care of our own.
While I certainly believe in the concept that Americans are their own ethnicity or “race,” we are in fact derived from Europeans. So yes we need self agency. Yes we need to unify and identify our ethnogenesis. Yes we are our own new people that is the sum of Celtic, Germanic, and Nordic Euros. BUT, these other whites are our siblings and cousins.
The term white may be used negatively, but it is in and of itself and ethnogenesis term for Euro Collectivization. White does not just refer to skin color. Just like black. It is a broad net cast on anyone of European ancestry.
Yes there are gray areas as with anything, but we can have both. We can have the American ethnicity and all the wides and fixins that go with it... while also acknowledging the greater European brotherhood we are a part of.
The founding stock of America is either completely gone or too negligible to make any significant difference. Tragic though it be, that's the way it is. Any featherless biped of whatever physiognomy, hue, and bodily stature that can slither across the borders is now an American. The term has devolved into meaninglessness. Those of us, whites who are racially conscious, are Aryans and that no one can ever take away from us as it transcends national and territorial boundaries. Our race is our nation, regardless of location.