“No! Noooo! We are the children of wrath!” Reverend Paisley, when told that we were all the children of God.
In the previous part, I ended by pointing out there are many roadblocks to returning to some kind of Calvinism. Christianity has degenerated so much in our time that it’s a step away from being leftism and in some churches, it’s outright leftist. Most people, myself included, hold a jaded view of Christianity. It’s not something that’s Aryan. It’s a religion for the plebs or it’s the jew religion. Now what I have to say here may not change that opinion, but I will ask, is your interpretation of Christianity not unlike the leftist applying our modern morality to men who lived hundreds of years ago?
RESAVAGER’s mission is the resavaging of man and the best and most honorable way to do this is through a Warrior Religion. It’s very tedious information to talk about all the sects and schisms of Protestant Christianity. I refer to it here l as CALVINISM which found its way into the New World through all kinds of denominations, one of which you should consider as perhaps, the most suitable path to rebarbarization for the American with whom I’m concerned. What denomination? The PURITANS. I’ve seen Puritan culture compared to the Grek Spartans and they’re worth considering for Warrior Religion for many reasons.
The Puritans have a bad reputation in modern day, but so do all Christians in the eyes of our enemies and the Pagan right. They were seen as workaholics, prunes, and part of the no-fun police. These attacks against them, however, may not be fair. Puritans saw the Catholic Church as abusing its power and even engaging in what they saw as evil Paganism. The same charges, but to a lesser extent, were also put on the Anglican Church they came out of. They weren’t fans of the hierarchy and they wanted REFORM. Reform was very important word for the Puritans and they did to Christianity what the Renaissance did for classical culture. They did not mesh well with what they saw as the LAZY Anglicans and most were forced out and sent to the New World.
Now the Puritan character wasn’t what we’re allegedly told they were. The Puritans were very community and family oriented. They did believe in discipline and hard work, going so far as to see work as sacred. They didn’t believe, however, in work for the sake of personal gain. Work should be done for the betterment of the whole. They were seen as no fun as they took music out of the church in favor of sermons and meditation, but it’s not that they disliked music, they just didn’t want it in the church. They weren’t prunes, apparently, some guy got ex-communicated because his wife complained she wasn’t getting fucked enough. They also had tons of kids as many died in childhood.
The Puritans being exiled to the New World was a blessing and they understood it as such. H.P. Lovecraft lived in a town named Providence, for example. They were being given a land by God to make into the New Zion. Puritans held the Calvinist belief in predestination and saw themselves as CHOSEN by God. Of course, we know the hardship they encountered in the New World. Casualties were extremely high in the first settlements. The Puritans were uniquely prepared to meet this challenge.
The Puritan work ethic and strict discipline were real. It allowed them to do the hard work of surviving in the wilderness. It allowed them to, eventually, tame the wilderness. The sort of discipline they displayed helped them become the required human type to conquer the New World and make their new country a world power. What did the average early American Christian know how to do that no one, outside of specialists, knows how to do today? They knew how to make a fire, how to find the right kind of wood for a fire, how to hunt, farm, and how to build with an axe. They did not need dem programs to survive. How many of you can do what the average early American Christian could do as a matter of fact?
Puritan Warrior Religion?
Now many on the Pagan and Nietzschean right may scoff at this idea of a Puritan Warrior Religion, but it is viable if done right. The Puritans came to the New World believing themselves to be God’s elect to sit beside him in heaven. That sort of irrational self-confidence gave them the courage and resolve necessary to tame the wilderness. By this same token, came the Calvinist idea of the COVENANT. The covenant was between the people, the church, and God Himself. At some point, this covenant was extended to all peoples which led to the destruction of all the Puritans had wrought in America. You must believe that you and your people are CHOSEN by God for the Great Work. The covenant between you, your people, and God cannot be expanded to other peoples.
If you want to look at the covenant through a Christian lens, you say that God has a plan for each race. Each race is equal before God, but not between each other. God has a plan for each race and through the doctrines of nature, we understand that nature is hierarchy. God appears to each race in different ways beyond our understanding. God through nature has decreed that man rises through the race and the brotherhood of armed men. To expand this franchise is to make it impure.
This covenant can also be PAGAN. Now I speak sacrilege to both Pagans and Christians. I will do so under the understanding that race is divine. When you are trying to light the fire in men’s souls, you must do so in a language they understand. You can’t take Americans and try to get them to adopt a religion foreign to their psyche and worldview. You start talking to Americans about Hindu Vishnu and they will have no clue what you’re talking about. The only religious feeling Americans have known is Protestant Christianity. They may have had ancestors that worshipped Woden and Thunor, but they are so far removed at this point. Christianity, however, is still fresh in the blood and exists in our worldview.
Now, I believe that certain things get passed through the blood. More than we realize. If you’re American by blood, you have the understanding that there is a God in the sky. Maybe a hell below. It’s important to have a good work ethic. You believe it’s your right to be armed and something like the 2nd Amendment is GOOD. Even atheists hold a Christian worldview.
How can the covenant be Pagan? The devil is a myth. What we see as the devil may be some other God, say the jew god yahweh, undermining our race. Why would he do this? When you read something like Coulanges’ The Ancient City, you learn that the ancients had many customs that still exist today, but they also revered their ancestors like Gods. Whenever an ancient family sat down to eat, they left a separate plate for their ancestors. If they didn’t feed the ancestors, they would become angry and become ghosts that haunted the family. When a family member died, they became a God.
The first Gods could have been the ancestors that had brought victory and survival to their families and tribes. The FATHER in the sky is often equated to God creating man, but what if they were wrong, it referenced deceased ancestor instead? Our God may be the first ARYAN man, looking after his people. Perhaps, he competes with other Gods and demons from foreign peoples. They vie for position in nature just as man does. He could also be above all that, as Christians understand their God. Either path ensures the keeping of the covenant.
Puritan Fighting Power
We look at the 2nd Amendment as an American value, but it’s older than that. From the beginning of time, a man’s ability to be armed, to be a warrior. It determined his sovereignty. The Puritans understood this. They held worship outside, under the sun, and they were ARMED. The wilderness of the New World wasn’t kind or friendly. It went long beyond the need to hunt. Pilgrims had to be able to defend themselves from Indian raids or they would be wiped out.
The family was believed to be the foundation of the covenant. The harshness of the frontier meant the reality of death was very real and the Puritans had it in them to tame this wilderness. They were CHOSEN by God to do this. This required husband and wife to love each other, to have many children. To train these children in the virtues of survival and the word of God. Children belonged to God and the Puritan did not want to be faced with their failures as a parent when they died. They were expected to raise them right, to not be lazy in their upbringing.
You look back at any American lineages and you find during the time of the American settling and beyond, Americans were having easily four times as many children as they do today. This allowed them to fulfill the requirement of Spengler’s warlike people. It’s not enough to foster the warlike frontier spirit if you don’t have the numbers to replace those lost. They had strong, healthy race instincts.
There were drawbacks as we know for what happened in the past. Their conception of guilt could be capitalized on. They did care much about education, which makes you wonder if that’s how leftism took over. A goal to the Christian looking to create a Puritan Warrior Religion would have to first ensure the covenant stays between the race and God. The concept of guilt and original sin were used by our enemies to make our people feel guilty for events they weren’t alive for like slavery or the holocaust. How can you teach original sin without leading to that guilt being expanded? It may be you that you create something new, using Puritanism as a base as I suggested above. It would be heresy, but so was every other creation of new denominations.
A great post as per your usual, Barbaric Disciple. The Puritans are given a bad rap by the usual suspects. They were very disciplined and hard working but they were not robots. More than a few young, unmarried Puritan girls in their mid-teens got "knocked up" from pre-marital sex and getting tanked on distilled spirits for Puritans was far from an anomaly. Your statement on the wife complaining that her spouse wasn't plowing her enough brought to mind the fact that in the ancient Aryan Celtic tribes, a married woman had the right to take on a lover if her husband wasn't sexually satisfying her. Needless to say, the Celtic men had the same right. The different races had different origins and in truth, if the biologists gave humans the same standards they do with other animals, would be considered different species. As the incomparable Adolph Hitler said, our God is the one who created our people and we are answerable only to him. True strength comes directly from discipline as our Aryan forebears knew full well. The Jews can stick their "original sin" guilt trip where the sun don't shine. Even as a kid, I thought it was asinine that I should have to pay the freight for something some fool allegedly did thousands of years ago. Sinn Fein & 88!