The Fabian Strategy vs The Hostile Anti-White Hatred of the left
I’ve been asked to expand more on a FABIAN STRATEGY for the right after putting up essay, “We all want a Caesar, but perhaps, we need a Fabius.” This essay makes the argument that while we all want a Caesar to come and throw thunderbolts at our enemies, what we really need is a Fabius. There is no one on our radar that we can say: “This man is a Caesar.” Our side has gotten soft, lost its edge. So called conservatives are little more than leftists of five years ago. Many are just trying to hold out for the fall in full belief that they will win against the enemy, the enemy whom holds the full might of the US military at its disposal. Now, there may be a contingent of veterans that can carve out a piece of the pie for themselves in such a scenario, but the vast majority will be crushed under the weight of globohomo, woefully unprepared.
Just recently, Daniel Penny, a marine veteran who inadvertently choked to death some deranged homeless man on a subway, to stop the man from harming others, just turned himself in to authorities. Now what Penny did was noble and heroic. No one denies this, but it was also terribly unwise. Last I heard, he’s had a million dollars raised in his defense — and it makes me wonder if that money could have been better spent elsewhere. Does Penny deserve to be in jail? Absolutely not, any serious society would have called him a hero, but we don’t live in a serious society. We live in a corrupt, hostile anti-White society, and Penny is White.
You have to realize being White in America makes you a hunted man. The police had no desire to arrest Penny, they let him go. The district prosecutor chose to go after Penny for the crime of being White. You don’t see this kind of thing happen in California, it’s almost always somewhere else in the country. Now in California, where Whites are used to being hunted, they have reorganized their lives to not be in these situations to begin with. Whites have moved into their own enclaves or at the very least chosen neighborhoods that are for the most part, safe. California is also a state where public transportation is garbage so most people drive their own vehicles.
You cannot as a White person, put yourself in the situation that Penny put himself in. Yes, sometimes it’s out of your control. I believe I read that Penny’s family is from New York and life is hard away from family. I almost got out of California myself, until my son was born, and then I realized how important being near family was. So I can sympathize with Penny in that respect, but what good are you to your family if you’re in jail? You have to wake up to the truth that this isn’t the America your parents told you about. All the metaphysics that made Americans who we are have become terrible sins in the eyes of all the foreigners that have invaded our country and they will persecute you for them.
This is no longer our country. You can love the Founding Fathers, the idea of the United States, and the Constitution all you want, it doesn’t matter. The ones at the top are corrupt to the core and use your American values against you. If you want to HONOR those values, you have to do what you can to gain ground on the enemy which means not sacrificing your life for randos on a subway. Another way of honoring those values is recognizing that you are in similar situation to your ancestors: a bloody religious and racial war. Now you cannot fight in the way you want to fight, there are many hurdles, but the war is here. Your duty in the immediate future is positioning and leverage.
You have to put yourself and your people in the position to fight and be victorious. There is no victory for Penny. You know the saying that the process itself is the punishment. Even if he gets off, how much of his life will be ruined, how much stress will be be put through, and how much money will the enemy have sucked from our side to get him out? You have to realize that the future looks bleak. As of the most recent census, Americans are around 58% of the population. That number is actually MUCH lower. How many of that 58% are race traitors who side with the enemy? How many are off White who had no choice but to identify as White? The actual number is likely in the 30s somewhere.
How can you fight back?
The reason I suggested looking for a Fabius was because he was chosen dictator at a time where the Romans were losing legions to Hannibal. Fabius understood who he was facing and remained steadfast to his goal of saving Rome, even when his contemporaries were calling him a traitor and coward. Fabius saw that Hannibal was a tactical genius. He wasn’t going to waste Romans needlessly. He kept the legions away from direct battle, putting them on the high ground and shadowing the movements of Hannibal, never giving him rest. Whenever the enemy tried to scavenge for food, Fabius attacked the scavengers, he burned wheat storages. He was the originator of guerrilla warfare.
There are certain truths you have to come to terms with if you want to fight in this war. The enemy is playing whack-a-mole with the White Man. You stick your head out of the grind and it gets smashed. The enemy avoids direct conflict with Whitey. He only engages when he can use the system against Whitey and the danger to their own persons is off the table. Think of it as death by a thousand cuts. They can and will move as slow as necessary, whereas our side wants the fight. We want it to boil over, but the regime will do everything in its power to avoid that scenario.
Globohomo or whatever you want to call them, are milking America for all its worth. Yeah, they hate you. Yeah, they want to destroy you, but they want to milk you for all you’re worth first. Even if you could somehow make the climate boil over into open warfare, which you want, what are your odds against the US military? You realize it’s not antifa or leftist scumbags you’ll be fighting, right? Maybe, you’re lucky and sending in the military against Americans will result in some kind of split in the ranks and you get some military fighting men on your side. More chaos and confusion.
Bare in mind, even if you can reap that kind of chaos, your odds don’t improve that much. How many friends do you have? How well trained are these friends? Even if you checked these boxes, what is the number vs the military units you will be facing who will surely have firepower and resource superiority? This is a big what if because how many on our own side will turn against us the moment words such as racist or Nazi start getting thrown at us? Americans have gotten incredibly soft. The traditions our ancestors used to get ahead in this country are disprivileged. What worked for them only shoots ourselves in the foot with one hand while the other hand is tied behind our backs.
Americans(Whites) still make money, but they have a harder time making more money, getting promoted, and getting ahead compared to their fathers and grandfathers. Your employers are actively looking to promote some poc over you and will pull out all the typical excuses to do it. Americans trust their children to teachers who are looking for “eggs to crack.” If you’re unfamiliar with the expression, they’re looking for kids they can turn lgbt. For the most part, they got support from the school system which will try to sick child protection services on you the moment you tell them to stop. American families are very much splintered between red and blue lines. This creates less financial stability and cuts down the number of people you can call on when you need help.
Make no mistake, you are outmanned and outgunned in hostile, enemy territory. How can you fight back against this? I’ve said before that I think a lot of people have parts of the solution, but no one has the whole answer. If we had the answer, we would already be working our way out of hell instead of sinking further into the quicksand. There’s a lot of work to be. Most of it, I believe, must be foundation building. You have to have solid ground to fight upon, which is why I call for a Fabius and not a Caesar.
If you could have the ear of every American on our side, what would you tell them?
A big roadblock on our side is communication and networking. How can you get to the people you’re trying to help? How do you know they’re not feds or ideologically with the enemy? The fear of being outed as a racist leaves most of our side paralyzed in inaction. Knowing the moment you stick your head up, it will be smashed and no one will be coming to save you is another demoralizer preventing action. There are no easy ways around this. I can tell you that the fears are mostly overblown, but they do exist.
Our people have been unknowingly digging their own graves for a few generations now. There’s no 30 day pill you can take to get you out of hell. It’s a long and unforgiving road and this war is unlikely to end in our lifetime. It’s going to get worse before it gets worse. Now it’s easy to blackpill when you talk and think like this. Yes, it’s a long road ahead, but so long as you can keep from sticking your head out like a mole, you must remember that you’re living in a massive empire, and it’s not hard to stay under the radar — especially as thousands are just being allowed to cross into the country. There’s room to take positive action.
You have to begin with undoing the damage to your family and heritage. If you don’t have friends, than your next step is to make friends. If you have friends, how can you and your friends manipulate the system to the benefit of your families? What the government will get you? Just be smart about it. HR doesn’t tell you they’re not hiring you because you’re White, they tell you they found a “better” candidate. Don’t broadcast your nepotism.
If you and your friends got a solid network going, how can you bring the families closer together. The closer you are together, the easier it is to defend your territory. This however, is never enough. What can you do to give your people a better chance? In the beginning I talked about how the police let Daniel Penny walk, but the prosecuted pressed the issue. You can’t separate yourself from the hostile system, no matter how much you want. You must devote yourself to technics as recommended by Oswald Spengler in his book, The Hour of Decision.
Faustian man is inseparable from technics. We need men to become distinct attorneys and prosecutors to make sure we minimize future Daniel Pennys. We need defense attorneys. We need people in every form of government and branch in the military. You must make the effort to learn these skills for the betterment of your own. My friend Bane on twatter believes you must join the National Guard infantry to form these kinds of friendships as well as actually learn how to be a modern hoplite. We need people who are first responders or are in local government with knowledge on how the system and utilities work.
Many on our side like to suggest retreating to red territory. Get out of the cities and go rural. Move away from blue states. This is all awful advice. Now if you’re moving to a place where there are more of your people, where you can make a better stand, get a better life for your family, ok fine. Just realize that this isn’t some trump card. The enemy will follow you to the ends of the earth.
Fabian Strategies
When I say we need a Fabius, I mean we need a man that can speak to Americans, much in the way Trump is able to speak to Americans. Someone they trust to lead them the right way, but he has to be more than a Trump. He must understand the enemy and be able to move our people away from massacres. He must be able to bleed the enemy’s resources, never give them rest. What I spoke of above are beginning strategies for foundation building. For getting us ground to fight from. Much more is needed and we will need authorities from every arena to aid the cause.
Look at how much has changed since 2015 when Trump announced his presidency. Most people know just how fake the news is. Most people know how corrupt our government is. Most people know how deranged leftists are. Did that move the bar in our favor? Are we moving away from the insanity? No, we continue on this path. If anything, the enemy is BOLDER.
There are cracks to be found, however. Most White Men with a good head on their shoulders are wise to the fact that they are hunted, that they don’t have the type of opportunities their parents did. Now, they may not be on our level of wishing for the Holy War and the resurrection of Hitler at his Antarctica base, but they are wise to what’s happening. This is opportunity to reach out to them, to make new friendships that are built upon something deeper than hitting up the bar to watch sportsball. You must operate in the shadows, under the enemy’s radar. Don’t seek to martyr yourself. To what end, anyways?
The greater duty is to the blood. Making sure you do your part to secure opportunity for your children. That they don’t fall for the same bullshit that you and your parents fell for. Remember what Frank Herbert said about your ancestors:
“I know that few of you who read my words have ever thought about your ancestors this way. It has not occurred to you that your ancestors were survivors and that the survival itself sometimes involved savage decisions, a kind of wanton brutality which civilized humankind works very hard to suppress. What price will you pay for that suppression? Will you accept your own extinction?” -Frank Herbert from God Emperor of Dune
Yes, SAVAGE DECISIONS, such as leaving this Penny fellow to rot because he didn’t think about what his people would have to sacrifice to save his life. Maybe this is wrong to say. I believe the man to be heroic, but wish he never put himself in that position to begin with. You have to realize that you’re a part of a people who are in a BAD PLACE. Maybe half our number are mindfucked race traitors. Another good majority doesn’t have what it takes to even be in this fight, they just don’t want to be called racist. You don’t have a country anymore, but you still have a people.
Your loyalty must always be to the blood. You should never be in the position of a Penny. Stay off the news. You don’t win the war by forcing your people to put together a million dollars to defend yourself in court. What’s the most likely scenario of the US a government collapses? The cartels are going to swing in. They are definitely a more virile ruder people that Teddy Roosevelt warned us about. Perhaps, you must fully swallow the BAP-pill and join the underworld, make your own cartel or gang, learn what it takes to make these savage decisions Herbert talks about. Fly the Jolly Roger.
There is no political solution. I’ll say it again, there is no political solution. Now, you can get men into political positions who will make it less bad for your people compared to some leftist alternative, but these are delaying actions. If you are political, be political and help your people. Much of what I’ve recommended here are foundation building, but it doesn’t do much to actually attack the enemy. We can have the conversation about doing the “long march through the institutions” as our enemies did, but you must also realize that because they did it, they will be wise to it.
What would a Fabius do in this situation?
His fellow Romans called him The Delayer and DELAYING may be the most important thing we can be doing right now. What’s happening? Important roles in society are replacing competent Whites with poc. You’re already beginning to see technical failures happen. These will continue to compound over the years. You must make yourself resistant to the hardship that’s coming and even better, learn these particular technics yourself. Food shortages, military helicopters crashing, train derailments, production facilities burning down — what else is on the menu?
Anticipate where these problems will be. Be prepared for them, put yourself in positions of leverage. Ruthless choose your own over everyone else. Leave behind the meritocracy bullshit which only works in a homogenous society. The options are vast, we live in a immensely complex world. How can you be of use to your friends and your people?
Fabius would look to foundation building. The first thing he did with the Romans is build their confidence back up. They weren’t losing because the Carthaginians were superior, they were losing because they neglected their worship to The Gods. Then he did the only thing he could while Rome rebuilt their legions: bought them the time they needed to save Rome. He wasn’t a brilliant tactician like Hannibal, he knew he couldn’t compete, but sometimes there’s a special quality in that kind of wisdom. When you look at our situation, it looks hopeless, no path to victory. When that’s all you have, it leads to stupid and desperate action.
There’s no one on our radar with the potential to be a Caesar, which means you must do what you can to reign in your own. To keep them in the shadows and away from the “all-seeing eye.” Keep them from making pointless sacrifices as in the case of Daniel Penny. Yeah, there’s always going to be infiltrators. Develop means of sniffing them out and most importantly, if they’re suggesting you walk into fed traps, obviously don’t do them and exile them from your clans. Move them towards helping their people actually survive this storm. It ain’t sexy. It ain’t what anyone wants to hear, but if you want the HOLY WAR, you must first make your people ready for it and after they’re ready for it, make them want it. Make them want it more than anything else in the world.