Sep 25·edited Sep 25Liked by Frontier Disciple

Excellent article, even though I'm a Christian I agree. Localism is the way for the foreseeable future.

I just want to say one more thing, I think an advantage that Christianity has is the fact that it's not an ethnic religion. I saw this one comment and it basically said that because it's not a specific ethnic religion it can be adapted to different groups of people without inherently becoming pozzed. Now, mainstream Christianity is pozzed because it latches onto the lie that Jesus was some hippie "revolutionary", but take out modern wokism and bring back its martial spirit and you have true warriors for Christ.


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Sep 25Liked by Frontier Disciple

Have you read “The Sword of Christ” by Giles Corey?

Ya know if you were to form a Christian mannerbund you could maybe call it something like “Soldiers of Christ in The Army of Saints”.

Pray on it, brother.

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I'll look into it. Thanks and Peace brother.

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Excellent article, FD. Organized religion, particularly the Abrahamic triage of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, though containing kernels of truth here and there, are just syncretic, mind control/mind fuck apparatuses of the Synarchy that rules this terrestrial jail called earth. The only thing that counts is unfettered spirituality, a spirituality that transcends superficialities and bonds one to one's tribe with a will to power to defend and preserve it at all costs. Knowing that if this costs you your life, with valor, intrepidness, and audacity you can return to the higher realms, the source of your folk, with pride and honor as you face the progenitor of your Race.

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Sep 25Liked by Frontier Disciple

Great essay & food for thought. I’d elaborate more, but I’m late for the mandatory throat singing class (it’s REALLY REALLY BAD if you’re late).

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Sep 25Liked by Frontier Disciple

What kind of vocalese do you do for throat singing?

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Sep 25Liked by Frontier Disciple

As Paul says to Reverend Mother Mohiam: “I see the truth in it.”

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