Esoteric Trap Building
Traps make right. This is natural law. If you aren’t devoting time to building a barbaric mantle—far superior to the feeble neck—to hold your head, are you even a man?
When Hercules put the world on his shoulders for Atlas to retrieve him some apples, they lied to you. He didn’t need his shoulders, he used his massive traps. Word on the street is he contacted his females and, while waiting for the Titan to return, impregnated the further mother’s of the Dorians. Unfortunately, the rocking of the earth sunk Atlantis.
The traps are important. We’re entering dangerous times. The last thing you want is to get knocked out. In addition, traps radiate power and intimidation.
Paused Shrugs: Whether you’re using a trap bar or dumbbells, pause each rep at the top for 3 seconds. The biggest mistake lifters make is rushing through their red. Muscle is built with time under tension and controlled reps. I like to do 3-4 sets of max reps.
Plate Raises: Find yourself a 45lb and 25lb plate. Start with 45lb and lift it over your head, like you’re doing a front raise to over your head. Go until failure, then pick up the 25lb plate and keep going. Do this for 3 sets for max reps.
Power Cleans and High Pulls: Olympic lifts like power cleans are highly technical movements. If you don’t know how to do them, there are plenty of videos on YouTube. Don’t do them unless you’re willing to learn how to do them right.
High Pulls are much easier. Use a weight you can get 8-12 reps with. Hold it like the high point of a deadlift. Lower to just above knees then pull bar to neck height. Do this for 4 sets.
Neck Plank: This exercise I just learned. It has done wonders for thickening my neck and traps. This in its final phase looks like a plank—except you’re using your forehead instead of your forearms. I will explain beginning progression to this advanced exercise.
You will take a straddle pike position. Plant forehead on floor(use a towel or something if ground is hard) with your hands next to your head for support. Spread legs and stick ass in the air(no homo). Try to accumulate 60 seconds of plank hold.
Always be careful with neck training. You only get one neck.
This should be sufficient to getting those flappy traps up to pace. Get to work knuckledraggers!