“An ancient Greek legend (presupposed by the Iliad) tells how his mother put before Achilles the choice of whether he wanted a long life, or a short life full of deeds and fame, and how he chose the second.” -Oswald Spengler
“Faced with this destiny, there is only one worldview that is worthy of us, the aforementioned one of Achilles: better a short life, full of deeds and glory, than a long and empty one. The danger is so great, for every individual, every class, every people, that it is pathetic to delude oneself. Time cannot be stopped; there is absolutely no way back, no wise renunciation to be made. Only dreamers believe in ways out. Optimism is cowardice.” -Oswald Spengler
In the Founding Stock there is a lecherous instinct of empathy toward all mankind. Many in our ranks have been coerced into this sentiment by indoctrination and shame. Shame for the actions of their ancestors. Actions performed long before the individual was even born. He’s made to distrust his own instincts and to embrace the “shame” of the past. To feel sorry for what his people did. To save his soul, he sets out to be an ally. He creates a savior complex to use to better the lives of the people who are the supposed victims of his ancestors — at the expense of himself and his people.
You see this come out on issues of immigration. Thousands upon thousands of foreigners are marching to the borders of the United States and it is racist to not let these people in. The fear of being called racists holds back the men who see these happenings for what they are while the truly mindfucked think they are saving people from whatever they are running from in their old countries. What are they running from? WHY is it the responsibility of the Founding Stock to take these people in and to cater to them at the expense of our people and our people’s prosperity? The people who have bought into the programming would tell you it would be cruel to not let these people in. They will die if they don’t. It’s a very Christian sentiment. You have to look out for all the poor and vulnerable. We will ignore that it is primarily fighting age males that are being welcomed across the borders and the whispers coming from their own countries about how they were given the choice between prison or exile before they made their journey here.
The defenders of immigration talk about how they couldn’t just leave someone helpless like that. How diversity is our strength. They have a moral superiority complex that makes them believe they are more “good” then the Christians in terms of taking care of the poor and vulnerable. They’re more Christian then Christians in their own minds. These people have been conditioned to reject their own interests, as well as, the interests of their people and their descendants so that they can feel good about helping out what they perceive as less fortunate. This is a suicidal weakness that exists in the blood of the Founding Stock. It must be killed before it destroys the race.
The savior complex is part of a religion that emphasizes the importance of the weak and the wretched. Maybe the smart among the left see how their beliefs are tearing apart society, but don’t speak out against it because they believe the White Man is owed this ignoble end. It’s what he deserves for “thousands of years of oppression and persecution of the weak and lowly.” They would rather put their stock in the thousands of foreigners marching into the country then their own blood who they perceive as evil. Bare in mind, these foreigners have their own interests in mind and many of which hate the Founding Stock. Compassion as means of racial suicide, how does this make you feel?
What’s before us is the fight for survival and at least half of our ranks have pushed aside the desire to survive. They want to see our blood disappear. For there to be no more Americans. Correction: they want a different American. An American who isn’t White. But that cannot be. Only Whites can be American. This country was to be our inheritance, left to us by our ancestors for our prosperity — and we are slowly losing it.
Earth Mother vs Sky Father Cults
Much of the conflict that exists today is the seemingly eternal struggle between the cults of the earth mother and Sky Father. The cult of the earth mother is the religion of our enemies. The worship of the mother over the Father. The Father as this symbol of “toxic masculinity” as they like to call it. The rise up the poor and wretched while dragging to the earth all who look up to the sky. The cult of the earth mother is little more then the sentiment of the primate.
We are all victims of nature. Forced out into the brutal world. Born from the cavernous depths of the earth to spread like cockroaches and maggots upon the earth. This is the subliminal beliefs of our enemies. How could you want to leave the earth for the stars when all of mankind has yet to be brought out of poverty? How could you not care about all those poor people in Africa? This is the philosophy of the earth mother.
Now you can try to trace this sentiment back to its beginnings when Aryans, worshippers of the sky, conquered indigenous peoples who worshipped the earth. The best example of this is the Grek conquests where remember the earth worshipping cults in the Titans — the “Old Gods.” But these people were really just “victims.” They sought only to survive. To subsist. They were victimized by the Aryan invaders. Made to honor Gods who weren’t their own. Made into slaves by “evil men.”
The men who conquered them sought more. They sought to master the conditions they were born into. To master space. In some cases, they too, has been defeated and forced to move away from their original homeland. They were descended from great heroes who they deified when they died. These great heroes and kings became their Gods. Apollo was the exemplar of this Aryan solar heroism, having been born in Hyperborea.
In order to merge with the peoples they conquered, the Aryans took on the earth mother cults and integrated them into their religions. Apollo gained some earth mother traits such as being the bringer of diseases and plagues. The Titan cults become the Old Gods, replaced by their conquerors, the Olympians. You can say this desire to create a synthesis with the people they were integrating into their society injected the virus that would eventually lead to its downfall. Does this mean such a practice must be abandoned? That in the future, there should be no mercy — convert or die? It’s a difficult question to answer. In a way, Christianity did this and now religion is synonymous with Christianity. No, not everyone is Christian, but the Paganism of our ancestors is mostly forgotten. We don’t know their full beliefs.
The argument can be made the other way as well. The Pagans were not converted as early as the Christians told us they were and in fact, they also synthesized with the Pagans. They just weren’t as tolerant as the Pagans were with foreign religions. You can learn much about this in the book The Germanization of Early Medieval Christianity by James Russell. Vital peoples and their culture left their mark on Christianity.
There will be no RETVRN, you can only go forward.
Paganism is gone. There is no way to track all their specific traditions and rituals. Now, there is much we do know about Paganism, but what you should focus on is how their religions came about. At the foundation of Paganism is ancestor worship. The Gods were oftentimes just the first ancestor or a great king who got their people through the hard times. Above this, you have the concept of the first Father. The creator of the race who our ancestors understood as the SKY FATHER.
Much of the problem Neopagans go through today is the complete dissipation of religious feeling. Most people see The Gods as myths and this extends all the way to even the Christian God. They do not see The Gods in the way Pagans saw them. Achilles, for example, understood Zeus as the Sky Father and King of The Gods, but he was more than this. Zeus was his ancestor. The beginning of Achilles’ bloodline was Zeus himself. He was his great ancestor, his grandfather. Moderns do not see The Gods in this way, trying to equate them with how we understand the Christian God who is a divine being and creator of the universe beyond our comprehension.
Achilles, however, was the continuation of Zeus’s noble bloodline. He took immense pride in his heritage. He did his part to fulfill the biological imperative of all men: pursue the Great Work and leave behind sons to carry on his name. We remember him for his ARISTEIA in the Trojan War as preserved by Homer, but little known is that he also left behind two sons. One of which took Hector’s wife for a bride during the sacking of Troy. And this was after he cast her child from the walls. How does this make you feel?
Life is not the safe place the leftists try to create for themselves here in America. Life is a struggle. A fight to survive. The only way to survive is to come out on top. To win. To be the best. To leave behind sons to carry on your legacy and continue the true struggle.
Do not lose wars. I will say it again, do not lose wars. Leftists like to point out how barbaric our ancestors were. They talk about all the sins they committed against mankind and how we must be ashamed of their very existence. Strive to “be better.” What our ancestors did was survive. They did what was necessary for the time they were in.
If your ancestors had not done what they did, you would not be here. Only bad actors would try to convince you to see your ancestors with anything but reverence.
Great post. Happened to read on same day as listened to latest J. Burden show with Morgoth on. Relevant here (in a round-about way). They talked about the disenchantment of the modern world--the loss of earnest belief in things like religion and beauty for its own sake, etc.--and re-enchanting positive things being almost impossible.
But around 38:25, they touch on how there may be a darker path to re-enchantment: focus on the monsters.
The average dissident may be too cynical to believe in a sky father wants and commands a man to be his best and achieve great things. But it is easy for us to feel, believe, and know that our enemies are simply the husks of shitty people who invited demons to inhabit them, and these demons in turn want to sacrifice goodness--Whiteness en mass and us as individuals--to their satanic earth mother.
And once things are so darkly re-enchanted, once monsters are seen for what they, once our enemies are seen as modernity-wrapped demons, I think it becomes easier to earnestly believe in positively enchanted things, like a God or Gods that are good and demand that you fight and defeat monsters, and so birth a hero’s religion.
Much the same thing is happening here in Australia however we are supposed to feel great compassion for the aboriginal. My ancestors came to this land as convicts and after “doing hard time” they were granted land which they then had to clear and farm. They struggled. Life was very hard for the early settlers of Australia.
Now Australia Day approaches and every year the bleeding hearts come out in force and call for the date to be changed because it marks the day when White man arrived and the aboriginal culture was changed forever. But to my people this is the day we made the long and dangerous journey to a new land. When we arrived it was nothing but hardship for decades. I want to celebrate the strength of my people and the overcoming of adversity but the bleeding hearts only want to praise the poor hapless aboriginals. What is the point in elevating weakness? Let’s also celebrate the aboriginals and their amazing talents, move forward together. But no, we must feel sorry for them and guilty for ever coming to this land. I don’t see how this is useful and it underpins the whole problem we have with the indigenous people. For too long they have been coddled and patronised. The Black man needs to stand up and us Whites should encourage them to take that initiative, not praise their shortcomings and shed a tear for a time long past.