My fren Lance released a new book called CAESAR BELLATOR which is now available for purchase on amazog. This book examines Caesar’s campaigns in Gaulish territory and reports back with the lessons learned. The lessons come not only from Caesar and his legions but also from the barbarians where it is deserved. Now, I’ll be honest with all of you — I am not a Caesar super-fan. In past RESAVAGER essays, I’ve talked about how we need a FABIUS before we start worrying about a Caesar. I’m a fan of the Roman Republic over the Empire that came after the great man. It would take a culture such as the Romans to produce a great man like Caesar.
The Romans of the Republic is extremely important to study. The Greks were seen as flashy and even feminine to Republican Romans. The Romans saw themselves as more manly, more austere, and harder. They were concerned with VIRTUS and how that virtus led them to victory in war. And these Romans had to be. There were always threats to their sovereignty on the frontiers.
The blood memory of Rome being sacked by Brennus and his Senones was seared into their collective consciousness. It’s from Brennus that we get a saying the Romans never forgot: VAE VICTIS. Woe to the vanquished. This is an important lesson to learn in nature. Perhaps the most terrible crime you can commit against nature is to lose a war. Do NOT lose wars.
It’s this culture that created Caesar and so my interests have always been with the republic. Caesar can also be argued to be the antithesis of Jesus Christ. It's very interesting to compare the two. Now this comparison isn’t in book, so forgive my tangent, but I bring up Christ to illustrate a point. Your beliefs become your reality. The teachings of Christ began the Christian era and created the most powerful religion the world has ever seen. But as the teachings of Christ have been absorbed into his disciples, we have also seen the religion sap from our peoples their vitality.
Christianity spawned even more detrimental religions. Religions that disconnected people from what’s in the blood. It made them believe in things that inspired fierce fanaticism when Christianity was at war with Paganism, but now that it secured the bag, as the kids say, those beliefs have worked to eat out the soul of mankind. What does this mean in the grand scheme? What does it have to do with Caesar? There are similarities. Many can and would compare Caesar to an antichrist figure. Where Christ’s forgiveness led to salvation, Caesar’s led to favors that made men want to kill themselves.
Maybe Christ picked up his pacifist teachings of love from Buddhists in India. Nietzsche respects Christ as being the ONLY real Christian to have ever existed. Caesar, on the other hand, was a man of power. His exploits made him one of the few men we remember in the history of mankind. He achieved UNDYING FAME. Hell, man has known Caesar longer than they have known Christ. Many other heroes and great men lay claim to this distinction. Maybe the BELIEF in the ways of Caesar will guide our kin out of this hell our forefathers have created for us?
CAESAR BELLATOR follows Caesar on the warpath against the Gauls.
Leisure and war were the callings of Caesar. He carried out what Dan Carlin described on his Hardcore History show, the “Celtic Holocaust.” He led brilliant campaigns against his opponents. He existed on a whole other level above his enemies. CAESAR BELLATOR focuses on what you find in Caesar’s Commentaries on the Gauls and Germans. It doesn’t dive into the civil war or his reign as emperor. Lance is putting forth military history and the lessons you need to learn from them as a man of the right.
CAESAR BELLATOR is a short book. Lance doesn’t put in fluff. He cares about what’s important for the legionary. What will help him to the next level? I support this. There are too many books out there full of too much information. Information, perhaps, not relevant to the subject at hand. Just the author trying to fill the page. As such, I’d recommend reading maybe a section at a time. Mull on his words and the lessons passed.
Each section of the book gives important quotes from other men of power such as Nietzsche and Machiavelli that are relevant to what Lance wants you to know. My favorite sections would be “The Warrior Ethos” and “Decision at Alesia.” The former, obviously as I’m a Warrior Religion enjoyer, and the latter as it has endeared Caesar to me. I began by saying I prefer talking Roman Republic over Caesar, but when you hear about what happened in Alesia, you can’t help but have a powerful respect for the man. It moved me to write “A Lesson on War, Courtesy of Caesar,” as couple years ago.
If you have not read about the Siege of Alesia, I encourage you to do so. Caesar chases down his Gallic enemies to the fortress at Alesia, where he immediately builds wall of containment around them, but the Gauls managed to get word out of their predicament before Caesar arrived on the scene. As Caesar’s legions finished building the siege wall around the fortress, they received word that a grand barbarian army was coming for them, some 250,000 strong. Now, what would you do in this situation? What Caesar did is the reason we remember him today. The mad lad!
Check out Lance’s CAESAR BELLATOR immediately!
The commander of the Roman Legion about to go into battle would offer himself as a sacrifice to their gods in exchange for victory and invariably that is what transpired. Being a true leader and warrior like the officers of the SS centuries later, he led from the front and was the first to engage the enemy. How far we have fallen. I think that type of White man of the West no longer exists and if he does, he is as rare as hen's teeth. Rome eventually declined and fell for lack of real men which is why all of the nations of the West are in a state of rapid collapse now. It is indeed a sign of the times that so many idiots think of a degenerate, Jew ass wiping pussy like Donald Trump to be a Caesar. What a joke! CAESAR BELLATOR looks great, I intend to get it, thank you.
No one knows the true story of Jesus, it was quickly obscured, edited, and retconned by the priestly class to allow them to rule.
I'm pretty sure when the true history comes out it will be apparent he wouldn't have tolerated any of this bullshit.