In truth, like Foreign Legion paratroopers dropping in hostile enemy territory and surrounded on all sides, Hyperborean Aryans from the realms of Uncreated Light descended here into the corrupt world of base matter to fight and vanquish the hordes of the Demiurge and his Archons. What the Fuhrer and his National Socialist warriors went through was just a skirmish compared to the impending carnage when Ragnarok hits the point of impact. Hail Victory!

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Enjoyed your essay and you make some great points.

When I’ve been asked by young men of late, ‘should I sign up’ under the Bidet regime, I’ve been saying not just no, but hell no. Still stand by that. However, I have said (& still do), if you really want to enlist, join the State National Guard (not reserves) and only in a RED state, not a blue / communist one. It’s going to take years to un-fuck any of the active & reserve forces, so even though his “Most Illustrious, Noble, August, Benevolent, and Legendary Celestial Majesty, the God-Emperor of Mankind, Donaldus Triumphus Magnus Astra, the First of His Name, the Lion of Midnight, may the Lord bless him and preserve him” won, I would still think twice before going active or reserve.

As for those who are longer in the tooth or not able to join for various reasons, but still want to connect with his ‘inner warrior’, depending on the state, there are lots of groups & organizations lead & taught by combat veterans that can give you intro to advanced training & weapon skills. Costs will vary. If you just want to start off learning practical marksmanship (I rated Expert- Rifle back in the day) and was very impressed with the Project Appleseed organization. I taken the kids, grandkids and some friends to a couple and all enjoyed, as well as learned to be good marksmen / markswomen.

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