yes hello, this is emergency broadcast from Warrior Religion desert compound
I’m very honored to have written article for ARKTOS, one of the original RW publishers, entitled “On a New Religious Feeling.”
Here is excerpt from new article:
“When you refer to God or religion, the only thing that pops in the modern mind is Christianity. Now, Pagans have been trying hard recently to change this, but it’s all – thus far – been in vain. No one wants to join some hokey cult that goes to shout at Wotan in the woods. They want to join up with WINNERS. The Christian and Pagan infighting is a series of squabbles where no one wins because neither group is the actual enemy and power holder. We all know WHO the true enemy is. Christian and Pagan infighting is really just jockeying for position in a natural hierarchy or pecking order where our enemies remain, safely, on top. Rather, what’s necessary is making attacks against the enemy and stringing together victories. To do this, you must re-examine the meaning of RELIGION.”
This article references BAP’s essay called “Old and New Paganism” that he did in 2019.
It’s also a spiritual continuation of RESAGAVER poast, “The Thread of Continuity.”
If you get the chance, please check out my article there and let me know what you think.
Great article. God has favored the Leftists throughout the past century until today because He has admired their ruthless hatred, their sly cunning, and their amoral brutality and has despised the corpulent weakness of the good, traditional peoples of the West. Those good people are now subjected to humiliation after humiliation by hideous abominations because they are too stupid and weak to chafe at the insults they receive. We may be seeing that change or we may not. Either way, the future belongs to those who fulfill God's law that the strongest physically, mentally, and religiously rule, and so whatever happens is necessarily God's will.
Great article. You need to put all these articles into a physical book form