Excellent article. Aryans have been dispossessed, subjugated, and now face total annihilation. Were it not for the collusion of White race traitors at the highest levels, this could have never happened. The jury system was designed for an intelligent, homogenous people of similar blood and culture. It is a travesty in the low IQ, mongrel, cesspool of morons that comprise the U.S. Until Ragnarok erupts, or perhaps in conjunction with it, the only option for Aryans is leaderless resistance, lone wolf, asymmetrical, guerrilla warfare. That will give those fuckers, "The death of a thousand cuts."

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There's a book called Laughing Shall I Die about great Viking deaths by Tom Shippey. In it he argues that the best death for a Germanic warrior was not to die gloriously in battle, but to die a tragic death with a smile, preferably with some clever last words that will be repeated in a saga forever

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