There is a critique of my Warrior Religion Project by a gentleman by the name of Johann Kurtz on his substack called “Becoming Noble.” His criticisms are very fair. Some of which are feelings I had while I was putting them out. The reason is simple: it’s been a project. A project that inspired me to look into the subject further(reading far too many books). As such, you can see a progression of my ideas the further you go along and you also see ideas that were presented, then later dropped. Some of these ideas were dropped for the mere reason that I didn’t see them as possible in the world we are in and it’s vital to see the world as it is, not as you imagine it should be.
This critique from Kurtz comes from a Christian angle. He doesn’t appear to like Nietzsche, which most Christians don’t. Looks like he’s read Evola and his articles quote from an author I’m unfamiliar with, Seraphim Rose. The critiques appear to have come from just the readings of the Warrior Religion project and not my book, Barbaric Vitalism. So his counts against me are correct, but not complete. There is some misrepresentation, which I will attempt to clear up here. His main contention is that my writing is very attractive to men who have held onto the right instincts and this is very bad because I will lead them down a dark path. (“A Holy War spreading across the universe like an unquenchable fire.”) We will start with his first accusation:
“This central contention marks the beginning of the unfortunate descent of Disciple’s thought into what can only be described as nihilism - even according to the standards of the thinkers that he most admires, like Nietzsche.” -Johann Kurtz
Barbaric Disciple is a nihilist. Oh no, I’ve failed Nietzsche! I’ll admit that I don’t think I’m a smart guy. Someone calls me a nihilist and I have to look up what it means again. He may be correct in the first part of the definition of nihilism that I reject moral and religious principles(but only if they run against the doctrines of nature), but the second part of the definition doesn’t land. I don’t believe life is meaningless. Life has meaning. We all have a purpose. I talk about it often: the Golden Path.
What is the Golden Path? The Golden Path is the way back to God. It is God’s plan for man realized. The in-born problem Kurtz and many Christians can’t settle is what God expects from man. The Golden Path leads into the frontier. Taking your people to the next level. It’s acknowledging that the doctrines of nature, the same ones Kurtz claims makes us 80IQ orcs, are in fact the way of God. The Christians no longer do this and now they watch with horror their churches turned grotesque by leftists.
There has never been an eternal religion. Christianity has been around for a long time, sure, but it hasn’t existed from the beginning. Religions come and religions go just as people come and people go. Each of these religions, however, had known the TRUTH that Kurtz speaks of and when they knew the truth, they left their marks on the world. When they forgot the truth, God sowed the seeds of their destruction. Something else took their place. He compares some of my ideas to the dirty Marxists who needed violence and terror to push forward communism, but are not those same ideas winning out today? Kurtz tells us it is not violence that’s important, but the capacity for violence to which I say most men today don’t even have the capacity for violence. And you can’t have the capacity for violence without actually training for violence, which done right, actually involves being violent.
“This unanswered question, difficult to ignore, slightly haunts the reader throughout the series. Disciple’s hope is that, if we make ourselves worthy, the gods will reveal themselves to us.” -Johann Kurtz
“He describes possible forms of worship of many different gods: Odin, Nemesis, Thor, Heracles, and, at times, the Christian God. The variety of his offering, however, serves to undermine its central premise. It is impossible to ignore that these deities, understood as their worshippers have always understood them, are mutually exclusive.” -Johann Kurtz
Yes, this is a fair criticism of my early Warrior Religion essays, I spent some time exploring some of the Old Gods. There is MUCH you can learn from them. The men who believed in these Gods did so unquestionably, but we today, have questions(and you can make the argument that some men of the time had their doubts. See Socrates and the philosophers). Where do these questions and doubts come from? Look at the time in which we live. There are FEW real Christians left and there are NO Pagans who know the old rites. Building on the idea that a religion can be just as mortal as a man, the religion of today is leftism.
Leftists believe in their gods to the point of pursuing violence. Christians no longer have such fervor and fanaticism, but they did when they were ending Roman Paganism. Are they no longer loved by God? Many will tell you that their “kingdom is not of this world.” And that is the key to understanding the current Christian faith. “It’s ok that our enemies are winning because we will go to heaven.” But did your Christian ancestors think like this? Would you be here if they thought like this?
Kurtz mentions how much I love the people I hail from. The first Americans were some of the most fanatical people in the world at the time. You can argue England exiled them so they wouldn’t have to deal with them anymore. Did these Americans not have the proper Christian attitude? Did they not commit MUCH violence in their conquest of the New World?
Yes, in the beginning, I talked about many Gods, but if you refer back to my more recent writings, you’ll see that I use God mostly singularly now. I maintain that we, collectively, do NOT know God any longer and will not know him again until we get back on the Golden Path. Absolutely, I believe in a creator. I also believe that the doctrines of nature are the laws of God. Concepts such as MIGHT IS RIGHT, natural hierarchy and pecking orders, woe to the conquered, and, reality of race make up some of these doctrines found in nature. Natural law is the TRUTH of God. The people who follow the way of God, the Golden Path, leave their marks on the world and turn the wheel of mankind.
“His conception of religion appears to be utilitarian and practical (although this is sometimes confused by passages in which he writes as though he is certain that gods actually exist).” -Johann Kurtz
Haha, yes, that’s RIGHT. SO WHAT?
Something you’ll find in religions is inherent contradictions. HOLY CONTRACTIONS. There is great power in contradictions. Not everything has to make sense. It only needs to inspire extreme belief and fanaticism. It has to light the fire in men’s souls. How else did Christianity spread over the earth? The Romans of the final Pagan generations were like “what the hell are these guys’ problems.”
And The Gods DO exist.
“It seems impossible to reconcile the various imperatives that Disciple outlines: the religion must be chosen for practical reasons; adherents’ faith in the religion must be more fanatical than those of any other faith, and; adherents don’t get to properly enact their faith any time soon (because ‘going to war’ wouldn’t currently be politically expedient and would get everyone arrested).” -Johann Kurtz
“This simply isn’t how religion works! True faith is born from an unmediated encounter with the divine, an unselfconscious acceptance of a divine revelation that has actually occurred. Without this, there will be no adoption of the faith that he’s working to create.” -Johann Kurtz
Yes, I’m interested in winning — not becoming the next group of clowns to get burnt by the feds. A belief in the doctrines of nature requires we face the hard facts. Our enemies hold all the keys to all the doors. Winning, of course, goes beyond being more violent and fanatical than your enemies. I believe that peoples and cultures make up “super-organisms” that, as Oswald Spengler believed, have lifespans. Eventually, they die. War, on the other hand, has only grown more complex and destructive since the first caveman made stone axe to cleave skulls with. You must have men of skill, fighting ability, technics, logistics, and more to fight modern wars.
No, we can’t go out and fight the HOLY WAR(I fear maybe God has forsaken us lmao). At this point, it’s a losing endeavor — but that doesn’t mean there’s no purpose. That there’s nothing to work toward. No goals because it’s not here yet. I mean, what you’re asking of the Warrior Religion is akin to a Christian demanding that he be visited by Jesus or an Angel to confirm his faith. No, you work to set the stage for the Holy War. You train, you strive for excellence, you try to get your bloodline ready for when the time comes. Your body recognizes this effort both biologically and SPIRITUALLY when you work towards these ends. The whole RWBB sphere is proof of this. When you lift weights and take care of yourself, you drift away from the left.
The reality is how many Christians have experienced this “divine revelation” as you describe it? How are we to treat it any differently than we treat people who claim they were abducted by aliens? Did the first Americans who were hard-believing Christians think like this? They didn’t look for divine revelation, they sought to follow the way of God above all else. Puritans would spend hours on Sundays debating Bible passages and what they meant. They worked hard every other day of the week because they believed that was what was required of them.
Now if you follow my writing, when I speak of religion, I do so under Oswald Spengler’s definition of religion:
“Every soul has religion, which is only another word for its existence. All living forms in which it expresses itself — all arts, doctrines, customs, all metaphysical and mathematical form worlds, all ornament, every column and verse and idea — are ultimately religious, and must be so.” -Oswald Spengler
“Religion is originally action, not belief. Only from technique does theory develop.” -Oswald Spengler
“Religious [is] blood, race, instinct, in its deepest essence of organic logic, set against causality, ratio, criticism for fate, mystery — seeing and foreboding. But — the religious is something quite different from dogmatic (and cultic) religion, denomination, church. That is all intellectualised, God as [the] eternal, [as] spirit, truth, critically isolated from nature. Religiosity and dogma are contradictions.” -Oswald Spengler
“Ideas that have become blood demand blood. War is the eternal form of higher human existence, and states exist for the sake of war; they are an expression of the readiness for war.” -Oswald Spengler
These quotes from Oswald Spengler encapsulate how I view religion and they absolutely do not match how the Christian defines religion. What you are describing is not religion, but Christianity.
“It is the capacity for necessary violence in service of a just cause - a higher ideal (unfortunately left undefined by Barbaric Disciple) - that is good.” -Johann Kurtz
Yes, there is a higher ideal. You may be hard-pressed to find it in RESAVAGER essays, but it appears in book. Hopefully, some of what I’ve said in this response has answered that question for you, but I’ll summarize again.
What is my higher ideal? Nietzsche believed in a Will to Power. Spengler affirmed this Will to Power and even went so far in his criticism of Nietzsche to say that the Will to Power defines Faustian Man, but that his idea of slave morality is a mirage in the desert. I believe more in a Will to Master Space, a will to master the conditions you’re born into. That in taking up this task, you’re fulfilling your biological imperative. Doing what God made you to do. When you ignore it, your body and mind become sick and deranged as symptoms of this conscious refusal to do what you were made to do.
On the individual level, it’s figuring out how to not just survive(pay bills, whatever other life tasks), but to thrive(make more money, expand your territory, grow in power). This Will to Master Space is also a collective instinct found in people and tribes. We have this need to grow. To be better. To do more. My ancestors fulfilled this higher ideal by venturing into the frontier. Mastering new space. I am American Founding Stock, my blood has always existed on the frontier and unless we keep seeking the frontier, we will cease to exist(as evidenced by the modern world).
Man was not made to remain on the earth(we are originally from the world which bears the name of our God, MARS). Taking to the frontier is action blessed by God. The peoples that do so forge empires. You must strive for the frontier. Strive for higher. Of course, I didn’t touch on the importance of bloodline, but it appears much in my writing so I’m sure he is familiar with it.
“Anyone who has seen genuine violence for its own sake knows that it is fundamentally ugly. It is not beautiful. It is not righteous. The men committing this kind of unthinking violence usually look basically retarded. Eighty IQ orcs enacting their dumb instincts isn’t beautiful.” -Johann Kurtz
I hinted at Mr. Kurtz's opinion concerning violence earlier, but I wanted to comment on this because I believe it to be fundamentally and provably wrong. Man loves war. Human history is as Oswald Spengler explains, war history. We remember the great men and heroes. How do you explain the greatness and beauty found in the Ilaid? It’s all about war and violence, much of it being unnecessary and senseless by your Christian moral standards. No, war isn’t a kind thing. It looks ugly to Christian eyes, but it has a beauty all its own.
War is — as said by Heraclitus — the Father and King of all. War is the great revealer. War forces man to strive for excellence. All of us are at war at varying degrees. The fight to survive affects all men. Whatever you think of war, mankind is where we are now is because of our mastery of war. And mankind will continue as long as it maintains supremacy at war.
Thank you for taking the time to read my writing. I hope you don’t take offense, I’m trying to clarify my position and how it evolved during course of the project. I do my best to treat Christians with respect, you guys are our allies against the real enemy. Many of your points are correct. I’m ashamed to admit that I don’t have any special education, I was brought up in public education and didn’t start my real education until much later. As such, my ideas have changed over course of the project.
I believe every religion has just been a different cultural interpretation of the original religion of the Father: Dyeus Pater, Sky Father, the Ascended Striker, Lawgiver and Judge, Creator and bringer of Order. His people worship him as Divine Ancestor and first King. His apotheosis was the act of slaying the Serpent (chaos) and establishing the first civilization of men. He is the opposite of nihilism. His worship is the search for Truth, the upholding of natural Law, maintaining ancient Traditions, the drive for personal glory and sacrifice, and the eternal war against entropy and decay.
Very thought provoking, BD. I consider Nietzsche a realist, not a nihilist. Long before the man known as Jesus of Nazareth walked the earth, the Christ was a white God for Aryans and had nothing to do with Jews. The Jews hijacked and corrupted Christianity for their own ends, as they do with everything. The crucifixion is metaphor depicting the agony of descending from spirit into a flesh body in the realm of base matter. Aryans did thus to battle the hordes of the Demiurge here, continued from the heavens. It is obvious that the god of this world is not the eternal one with no beginning and no end, but an inferior, demonic asura. A tribal, anthropomorphic, sadistic psychopath. This is a world of pain, suffering, hatred and violence. Billions of sentient beings die horrible deaths so billions of others may live. And, there are beings who feed off of us. The old gods would sometimes bestow favors upon mortals but more often than not would fuck with them and cause them misery. Hence the refrain, "We are playthings of the gods." I find it interesting that this is analogous to the actions of the Archons the ancient Gnostics spoke of. Action based faith degenerates into the passivity of corrupt, institutionalized religion. The only way to defeat our blood, cosmic enemies, who possess the reigns of state power and the muscle and propaganda organs that go with it, is with lone wolf, leaderless resistance, asymmetrical, guerilla warfare. Anything else will be infiltrated, compromised and destroyed. I've no use for any god that one must grovel before. I will stand tall and proud before my heavenly father, as I did my biological one. Violence is endemic to this world and is the only thing the sub-human untermenschen understand. We will deal with that reality or it will deal with us. War is the father of all, as spiritual growth necessitates struggle. It is eternal. 88!