1. American Empire and the Global Elite
Technology is allowing mankind to live a fabricated reality. But in order to keep that fabrication, men must be taught to abandon the instincts found in the blood to avoid seeing their actual condition. I talk here primarily about the American Empire and it’s “soft” rule over many countries through the ideal of western liberal democracy.
The sad reality, if you’re strong enough to look beyond the mainstream narrative, is that America is less a democracy and more of an oligarchy. Many claim to believe this, nobody disputed it—even Americans—but we as people have yet to internalize it. Despite knowing the game is rigged by the elite, the vast majority of Americans still run around talking about how they must protect their liberal democracy or how such and such is a threat to their liberal democracy.
It takes a strong heart to address reality, but the constitution of the American people has grown weak since the USA took the position of empire over the modern world. What most Americans don’t understand is the extent of their indoctrination under the American Empire. They believe in the oligarchy, but not the psychological conditioning they’ve been raised under. They like to point at the global elite as a bunch of trust fund kids destroying America because they’re greedy. The fact of the matter is they don’t know who the elite really are or what they’ve done.
The elite remain largely unknown and that’s how they want to keep it. You think them greedy trust fund kids, but it goes far beyond this. The elite are the masters and as masters, they’ve learned from the mistakes of previous slave holders. Meanwhile, you and the rest of Americans, are still caught up in our “problematic” past. Get with the times!
2. Slavery never really ended.
We Americans like to talk about how we ended slavery and freed the blacks in the Civil War. On the same tongue, you’ll hear Americans curse the rebels who tried to keep the institution alive without knowing that they too, are slaves. What? How can I say this? The Civil War was fought between two elite groups over the direction(wealth and power) of the country at the cost of hundreds of thousands of Americans like you and me. It wasn’t fought over slavery. The decision to free the slaves was made near the end of the war.
The world is governed by men of power and the elites of the Civil War era saw the writing on the wall for slavery. The world was becoming more advanced, more sophisticated. Look at the French Revolution. Great western liberal democracy came into being there and the elites were put to the guillotine. Did you not think the rest of the world—and the men of power at the time—did not see this? What you must understand about the elite is that they’re already many steps ahead of you.
The French Revolution likely taught the elite that if they were to survive the coming age, they would have to live in the shadows. They would also revolutionize slavery in ways we’re still subjected to today. It can be said that the end of America—the romanticized version of it we know—ended with the Civil War.
3. Modern Slavery in America
In a world where slavery is looked down upon, the elite had to find another way to compound their wealth and power. This was done in two ways: subverting the American Republic and going underground. The American subversion was done in several steps. Freeing the slaves allowed employers to charge their employees less, a strategy which would be continued in the future with women’s rights and policies like open borders.
Americans like to believe that America is a melting pot where anyone can come and pull themselves up by the bootstraps. But this is a new idea that came out of 1965 and not something the founders had in mind. How does this make you feel?
No, open borders is a terrible policy that only hurts the poor and middle class Americans while making the elite that much richer. It makes you feel good to want open borders so you can give third worlders a better life. Damn, if that doesn’t you feel morally superior I don’t know what to tell you. The problem however is that you don’t just take it like the morally superior man you are, you complain about the billionaires being too greedy.
All you’re doing by letting everyone in is further damage your future and the future of generations to follow. The elite aren’t going to see anything but upside to open borders. More people means more customers, more wealth. They don’t have to deal with the people you let in. There’s really no downside for them. Diversifying America actually makes the elite stronger, not as a collective.
Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon and owner of Whole Foods, monitors the diversity in his stores. Why? Certainly, diversity is our strength so maybe diverse stores gave him better profit and a happier workforce? Nope. What Bezos found is the more diverse the store, the less likely it would try to unionize again him. What’s that? Yes, diversity has nothing to do with “our strength,” our constitution. It’s just a means of holding you down. Does it make sense why diversity and HR departments are sprouting up everywhere like weeds?
Before you call me racist, you must know that I grew up in a hard liberal family and was indoctrinated by the same education system you were. I’ve internalized Martin Luther King’s idea of judging a man by his character, not his skin color. Come at me.
This is a big part of the elites subversion of America. I remember learning from somewhere that early human tribes regarded foreigners as less than human because they looked different then them. Yeah, they could still be backstabbed by a tribesman or someone that looks like them, but men aren’t perfect creatures. They liked what was similar and distrusted anything that was different. This was an evolutionary adaptation that helped them survive. We, in the modern world, still make use of this adaptation—even though we know it to be wrong.
It’s not just white people who are racist, everyone is to different extents. The way this works in the workplace is clear. You, being educated(indoctrinated), understand that diversity is our strength, HOWEVER, you also know that different people come from different cultures with different values. You also know it’s popular to hate America right now, so us being united by nationality will not save you.
Knowing these things to be true, you’re less likely to confide in your coworkers about the injustices done against you by corporate because they might actually be dirty rats who will report you to Human Resources. This lets Jeff Bezos screw you and everyone else over without any fear of retribution. You need only imagine scaling this idea to America. What are you doing by encouraging mass immigration to the United States? Ensuring that the elite will continue to screw you over and laugh as you try to rebel against their injustices.
A diverse people distrust one another, allowing for the elite ruling over them to compound their wealth and power at the expense of the poor and middle classes. When you have many different cultures squished into one country it’s easy to keep the people divided. They will kill each other long before they discover how badly they’ve been betrayed by the elite. Divided and conquered is the state of modern Americans and western liberal democracy.
4. You don’t know who they are.
In the midst of this chaos that’s America 2020, if you can bring yourself to see and believe what I see and believe, you have no outlet. You don’t know who the elite are. Sure, there are some names you might know, but you have no access to them. Furthermore, anyone you might rally to your side is too busy fighting in the weeds with the rest of the slaves over micro-aggressions, perceived racism, and social justice to see the threat we all face. They’ll call you a conspiracy theorist or crazy. The masters are untouchables.
This is the state of America 2020 and there is no drastic change you can do today or tomorrow that will change this. You must sow the foundations of a better society with strong hearts and a stronger constitution. This war against the oligarchs will not be won tomorrow, you must play the long game and you must play to win. They are many steps ahead of you.
The way forward will take time, it will be arduous. Society must become stronger and united against the hold to take on the global elite. This, I believe, won’t be done in our generation unless something drastic happens. Even then, it may be too soon. It’s important in these times to do as BAP suggests, find friends. Loyalty is the most important trait to look for. Better still, find people who share your beliefs(they most likely will look like you based on what we now know about diversity).
Go and live in communities that share your values. This is the first step to becoming powerful. You and your friends and your community must be united against them terrible practices of the elite. To do this, you must separate from the mainstream economy and create your own eco-system within the empire. This must be kept under wraps as much as possible. Work in the shadows to make this happen. It doesn’t take the entirety of America to bring down the elites, you need only a few dozen men of power.
The most important thing you can do is to become a man of power or have sons in hopes that you can inspire them to become men of power.