It’s not about what we lost. That shit is gone, if we ever did have it to begin with. What do we know about deep soy? The institutions they govern are corrupt to the core. There’s no credibility left in any of it. With this in mind, how much of history can you trust?
The Revolution was fought to free Americans from tyranny, but how quickly did we find ourselves getting hit harder by our own politicians than the old British Empire? Maybe it was never about freedom. Maybe the deep soy of the time just wanted a piece of the pie.
Hardcore MAGA types want to wistfully remember a time that never was. I’m beginning to agree with leftoids who say America was never great, but for different reasons. There’s always been the bullshit that’s parroted out in the open today, what the MAGA types are remembering is the indoctrination they got from academia.
History is written by the victor. This is simple stuff. Do you really feel like a victor? If whyte supremacy existed, the lesbian commissar who tweeted “fuck white people” would be doxxed by some white power group, attacked by the mainstream media, and fired from her job. The town she lived in would tar and feather her before booting her from city limits.
It’s safe to assume anything you learned in school isn’t the whole story or even complete bullshit. Indoctrination rituals, nothing more. Sure, the big events probably happened, but you’re told only what the victor wants you to hear.
What you think you lost, you never had.
The colonists allegedly went to war over a tax thats a small portion of what we pay today in taxes, yet there are no seeds of rebellion in modern day America. Govern me harder daddy.
The Civil War was never about slavery. It was about state’s rights. It was a war of Northern Aggression as Confederates like to call it. Abe only agreed to free the slaves near the end and he’s on record saying if he could preserve the union without freeing the slaves, he would have.
America was barely involved in World War I. The Great War was primarily a European Civil War that killed off the last generation of real men factory fashion with little honor and glory to be found.
We like to talk about how America saved the world in the Second World War(Second European Civil War) against the evil Nazis. The Nazis and Hitler represent modern day demons and Satan incarnate. Americans didn’t want this war, FDR butted us into it by choking Japan to the point where they had to retaliate.
Odds are Germany wasn’t the evil empire we were told about. Holocaust numbers continue to be scaled back. This world we live in is the one where the “villains” actually won. We didn’t save the world, we helped deep soy conquer it. deep soy took advantage of the American thumos.
So there you have it, this heritage and culture you think you had is made up. The only think taken from you is the bullshit they told you about your ancestors. Not to take anything from the valor of those men. The gods will honor them, but they were the pawns of deep soy.
What this is really about.
This isn’t about making America great again. There’s no great to return to. Those are mere fabricated memories of a world we didn’t even experience. Whytes have served their purpose to deep soy, gotten power and glory along the way, too much power and glory. Now deep soy is trying to run it back.
This isn’t about what we lost, it’s about what we have left. There’s a rich history behind us, a legacy won by our ancestors. This history doesn’t belong to us. It’s a standard to live up to. You must find a way to leave your own mark on the world. To add to this fabled legacy.
There’s no returning, you can only go forward. You must reawaken your ancient steppe blood, become like our frontiersmen ancestors, and channel the powerful fighting spirit of the Vietnamese.
Only Victory.