What Makes Man
The manosphere was perhaps the movement that broke open this fake fantasy world the leviathan was crafting for our eternal enslavement. Now maybe you don’t agree with this, but I’m reminded of classical musics professor I had in college—indoctrination classes who made powerful claim that 99.9% of musics is made about love.
What brought many men to the manosphere is strong natural instinct to continue their bloodline. Even if having sons wasn’t on their mind, what’s in the blood drives them to this end. And when you take on this journey, you get more then you bargained for.
You realize all the authority figures in your life are lying to you. Women don’t really want a “nice guy.” What women tell you they want vs what they actually go for are two different things. Once you come to this truth, the next question often is: “what else are they lying about?”
In some way however, the manosphere is cringe or maybe it became so over time. The men in this sphere begun to realize it was “inner game” that mattered. When you start to dive into the concept of inner game, you move into the niche of Neo-masculinity.
Neo-Masculinity vs Masculinity
Neo-Masculinity is our modern generation of males rediscovering what it means to be a man. There is nothing inherently wrong with Neo-Masculinity. Every man should be trying to increase his brute manliness. The problem is with the “gurus” that emerge in this sphere.
These gurus I don’t want to spend a lot of time on because this isn’t focus of discourse. They spend much time speaking about the masculine virtues but when push comes to shove, they’re at best tourists and at worst, grifters. You must understand that while most men on our side want to change society to something closer to nature, these gurus profit off modern society.
Their messages will sound dissident, but the substance isn’t there. They’ll refuse to touch on certain subjects, not so much because they think it doesn’t matter. I think they do believe it matters, but they don’t want to put the grift at risk. Their efforts are spent more on what I see as the byproducts of manliness, not what makes manliness.
They play into the idea that we’re at the end of history. Race doesn’t matter. Bloodlines and blood memories don’t matter. All you have to do is max out your strength, courage, and honor to be manly.
What Makes Man?
Less talked about by these “gurus” is the big picture. You can paint lipstick on a pig, but it’s a pig. How many untrained big guys get smashed by little BJJ guys? How many courageous men get talked into traps by glowies? These “virtues” give the appearance of manliness, not actual manliness.
To grasp what makes a man, you have to first understand nature. One aspect of manliness these gurus talk about is the ability for man to go to war. Men are built for war. War is to man what giving birth is to woman. Now this doesn’t mean there must be a perpetual war to satisfy the purpose of men, but going to war itself is a mindset man can master and adapt to his circumstances.
The purpose of going to war is to protect, provide, and in a certain sense, master one’s circumstances. Mastering space is a desire all men have. Many bottle it down because they believe such desires to be taboo in a “modern society.” And this is unto their ruin.
Imposing your will is another aspect of manliness little talked about by these “gurus.” When you hunt, when you fight another man, your success depends on your ability to break the will of your enemy. You have to manifest a killer instinct, a will to win.
The ability to die a hero’s death over withering away into old age. To do this, you must possess powerful connection to your tribe. To know that your death preserves those you care about and your courage to face this end will he honored by them. Those trying to tell you that blood doesn’t matter are trying to disconnect you from your manly instincts.
What’s in the blood matters.
Men have been around a long time. Our ancestors selected for certain genes. There are blood memories that our “smartest” scientists have no grasp of. The instinct isn’t given the respect it deserves.
Race is quick to be discounted by masculine gurus. They try to latch into the leftist framework that race doesn’t matter, but there are many races and tribes throughout the world. Each adapted to different circumstances and practicing different rites and customs. You must be conscious of your own racial identity as well as the racial identities of those around you lest you find yourself in the situation facing the pale faces today.
Leftists would have you believe that caring about race automatically grants you membership to the Ku Klux Klan and the National Socialist party. Your race matters because it’s a part of your bloodline. Your blood tells a story. Why were you born in California, Texas, or Virginia? How’d your people get there? It’s something every man must discover for himself.
The leviathan wants you to hide from your history for a reason. They want to plump you up like a cow and milk your for everything you’re worth. Your bloodline is something they can’t take from you. It makes you who you are.
When it comes down to it, virtues like strength and courage are by products of your ability to impose your will and master space. They don’t make the man. You must do the things that make your will strong and help you crush the wills of your enemies. This is manliness.