What is the real America?
What is America? Modern liberal interpretations claim American is this beacon of liberal democracy. Anyone can be American. Anyone should be able to become American. Anyone can immigrate to America so long as they embrace the modern American values of BLM, LGBT, Equality, and Social Justice.
America reached the world stage by building weapons for Europe during both world wars and then showing up at the critical moments to turn the tide—just like you would see in the old WWF when Stone Cold would appear and deliver a stone cold stunner or break a chair over somebody’s head. It then used its influence to export Coca Cola and Rock N Roll. Modern America continues this storied tradition of export only now its trans lgbt gender studies.
Was America always meant to become this? Perhaps. The Founders just wanted to be considered equal to their British counterparts. Read about George Washington and much of his ire is about how he didn’t get paid the same as his British counterparts in the military or how lower ranked British officers would treat him like second class citizens. He was oppressed!
But unlike modern Americans, Washington and the other founders earned their freedom. The system they put into it’s place wasn’t so different—it just benefited them, not the British Empire.
I’d argue the American Revolution and the Founding Fathers and the Constitution are not the spirit of America. The Founders understood the real America.
What is the real America? The frontier.
Life on the frontier is the real America. Life on the frontier was tough. Colonial villages could die out. You could be scalped during an Indian raid. The colonists who lived in America had to become strong to survive.
Life on the frontier built grit in colonial Americans to withstand the greatest army in the world at the time. Washington himself experienced the frontier. He was a surveyor of land in Virginia and he had many adventures in the frontier before taking command of the Continental Army.
Mountain men, trappers, frontiersmen, and cowboys are the real America. Their efforts help shape the United States we know today. Their sons fought in the wars that took the USA to the world stage. Germans during WWI said much about the Americans they fought.
Germans were impressed by American boldness and courage. They were surprised to see how big Americans were as well as the craftsmanship of American supplies. The frontier made America strong. Were Americans smart enough to realize this, journeys into the frontier would be modern rites of passage for young men.
Forget the Founding Fathers, the constitution, or the warped modern narrative of American history. Prove your worth on the frontier.
If you want to feel what it’s like to live in the real America, you must escape civilization and go into the frontier. Find a worthy challenge. Climb a mountain, venture into Death Valley, see Colorado or Montana. Do something hard. Do something that will remind you that you’re still alive. Do something to prove your power and vitality.