Long time no substack. I’ve been trying to iron out my message of what’s important and my overall understanding of the world which I’ll share with you in the next few poasts.
Lately, I’ve experienced strong desire to write about masculinity. There’s not enough voices out there to drown out the crap coming out of the left. We must build more spaces to cultivate real masculinity.
There is a way to be a man.
There is a way to be good at being a man. This is not being a “good man.”
Men are characterized by strength, courage, and honor. The law of nature is might makes right.
Great men pursue excellence. What the Greeks called Arete or what the Romans called Virtus.
The desire of all men is greatness, power, and glory. But it’s not enough to desire, you must be devoted to this.
To be a man is also to be a warriors. Women weren’t built to fight. Cultivate the appropriate thumos and be ready to go to war.
Men want to leave their mark on the world. The easiest way to do this is to have sons and continue your bloodline. The hard way is turning the wheel of mankind and becoming great. Most will never do this. How many men do we actually remember from history?
This should not damper your spirits. You must always pursue the Great Work. Not doing this is just resigning to your “fate.”
The Gods are pieces of human nature, meant to inspire you to great things. Let yourself be inspired by them. Religion is a part of the human experience.
Barbaric Vitalism is in the blood. It’s the primordial and instinctual will to survive and thrive in nature. Modern society tries to beat it out of you before adulthood in order to pacify your spirit.