Warrior Religion Sitrep
There have been many essays on the Warrior Religion. You may not have had time to read them all, but you must or I will send Sardaukar death squad to your location. I want to take some time to give a sitrep(situation report) on the Warrior Religion.
Much of the beginning articles deal with theology. What sort of Gods would the Warrior Religion worship? I spent time talking about Wotan, Heracles, Mars, and even the Christian God. One conclusion I came to while doing early work on the project is much of what we know about the Old Gods of our people is very fragmented. No one really knows how our ancestors worshipped these Gods. When’s the last time you saw a man martyr himself for Mars?
Hellenism holds much sway over the right thanks to BAP. He is very knowledgeable about Greek Hellenism and I like his shows on it. There are some problems with trying to make a new Hellenism into a Warrior Religion. The Greek Gods were The Gods of the Ancient Greeks. They were Gods of a race, and to a lesser extant, the Indo-Europeans. I have reservations about the possibility of Hellenism being “universalized.” It’s a folk religion yes, but I believe for a religion to get HOT enough to become a jihad, it must become universal.
At the very minimum, the religion must be able to radicalize the race to that fanatical level where men will give their life for what they see as the truth. The potential is there for BAP to meme a Warrior Religion. BAP is able to speak to men like a prophet. There is much power there. Some close to him are advocating for a fusion of Christianity and Nietzscheanism which I don’t think is the right path. It doesn’t have to make sense(leftism doesn’t make sense), but there are too many roadblocks to this path. It comes more from Christians who cannot except their religion’s time has already passed.
To each race their own God. I believe this wholeheartedly. James Russell’s book on the Germanization of Early Christianity is evidence of this as he cites evidence that religions attitudes are 50% genetic. Western man, probably through the Enlightenment, holds Hellenism in high reverence to be sure, but how do you settle the differences of Greek Hellenism from Germanic Paganism from which we descend from? You may have better chances reviving Germanic Paganism as evidenced by all the neo-Pagans emerging on the scene, but there is less known about Germanic Paganism than Hellenism. And to make an argument for the other side, the west traces back its origins to the Greeks. Most people look to all these Gods as myths, so unless you can — like Moses — they will remain myths.
The Christians are likely hooting and hawing over my transgressions against their God. The one true God. The God that proved dominate over the pesky Pagans and their devil Gods. The reality is Christianity has been the religion of our people since our conception(see Spengler). Their focus however — like the Pagans — is in the past. No war will be won looking backwards. This is why BAP’s way is strong. He can take these great things from the past and use them in his vision for a better future.
Bane, a fren from twatter, made an observation that the way warrior Christians feel now about how soft their faith has become is probably the same way the Greeks felt about their own religion. You can definitely see the Romans had similar sentiments even before Christianity. The old heads in Rome saw the introduction of Hellenism as effeminate to their hard and manly culture. You should only use the past as means of differentiating yourself from the other tribes. Defining what makes you — you. Time always moves forward. What comes next will not be what came before. It will be distinct.
The belief in God however, can never leave our people.
The leftist religion is secular by nature. Of course it has its “gods” and “priests” in things like science or the blacks, but they don’t believe in God. This belief in God is vital to our people. The strength and fire of God has made our people strong. No other race has accomplished what we have. We are chosen by God as a superior people.
This superiority doesn’t come without sacrifice. Without hard work. Say what you will about Christianity, it followed the laws of nature — the laws of GOD — until recently. You Christians can quote all the scripture to me, I don’t care, the true voice and way of God is found in natural law. A people dominating the world around them, mastering space, creating an empire is a people blessed by God. They are a people following the path. By this same token, almost all the other religions we remember were adhering to the doctrines of nature. The scriptures, from whatever religion they come from, are only valid so far as they line up with the doctrines of nature.
What you think God is doesn’t matter. Is He the Indo-European Sky Father? Is He the Christian God? Maybe he’s a God of War like Mars. Hell, He is probably like Woden or Zeus in that He can be whatever he wants to be. What’s important is He is whatever gets our people back on the path of nature. The Golden Path.
Is God one God or many separate Gods? Almost all the old religions believed in many Gods and Christianity has reduced that belief from one or no Gods. The best answer until some prophet rises amongst us or we receive the word of God is to just assume it’s unknowable to us. We’ve drifted too far from the path to know.
There are aspects of the old religions necessary for the Golden Path.
We see much infighting on our side, especially between Christians and Pagans. It’s way too into the weeds for me. I’m interested in fighting leftists and there are lessons we can learn from Christians and Pagans in this fight. From Pagans you get vitality, Nietzsche’s affirming YES to life. They are closer to nature and are world accepting. You will have to manifest this vitality if you want to win.
From Christians, you get the will to convert everyone to your way of life. The idea of CRUSADE and HOLY WAR which will be necessary for us one day. Their intolerant self-confidence to accept nothing but Christ as Lord. This mentality we got from the Christians let our tribes expand into an empire that’s never been matched. Our wars have been civil wars between ourselves over the rest of the earth. Christians don’t want this to be their spiritual residue, but IT IS. It lives on in leftism and it’s necessary for any man wanting to put an end to their reign.
Now it’s been argued by Russell in his Germanization book, that this attitude I admire from the Christians actually originated in the Germanic Warrior Ethos. This may be true, but from here, we’re moving toward the ordering of the right society. Germanic men were organized into mannerbunds from the moment they reached adulthood. These war bands then set out to make their mark on the world. The broader Indo-Europeans used the mannerbunds to expand across the lands which you can get more information from in Kershaw’s The One Eyed God. The Warrior Religion will be organized into such brotherhoods and their families. The brotherhood of armed men is the foundation of a people. Disciples of the Warrior Religion must seek out their friends and make blood oaths of loyalty. They must organize themselves into military orders.
The Germans of the early medieval period swore fealty to a Lord. They were often more loyal to their Lord than their own families. The best among your band should be made it’s Warlord. From Schopenhauer, we learn that monarchy is the most natural form of leadership over a people. The body is governed by the brain in almost every animal. For most of the history of mankind, peoples accepted rule by one man, sometimes even a woman or child. This person is the embodiment of a people.
It’s the only just way of rule because this monarch is the embodiment and will of his people, his family’s whole existence depends on him leading his people to prosperity. As such, he will look for the best minds to help him rule since it is too much for one man. You must think on this.
Making Warrior Fanatics
In these war bands, the best shall be made warlord of the brotherhood. His duty is the strength of the tribe. The rest of the war band takes oaths of loyalty to him and the tribe. They must seek to organize themselves into a military order designed to aid themselves and their families. They have to pass the HONOR tests as pointed out by the Last Pirate on twatter. Would you trust them to lead your son into combat? Would you trust them to take care of your woman during a long absence? ACHILLES represents this old savage honor.
Your fanatical brotherhood must make time as much as possible to TRAIN and WORSHIP. Really, your worship and devotion IS training. There must be many trials you undertake to toughen yourself. The New World is the training ground of the American. God made America to train the faithful. This must be your mentality in the manner.
One aspect of Frank Herbert’s Dune is his realization that a people needs to think itself a people. Social cohesion happens in extremis in harsh lands, forcing the people to work together in order to survive. Think of how the early settlers of America must have had a similar experience on the frontier. You must think of your tribe as something a part from everything else. The strength is in the cohesion of the tribe.
Something I came across the other day was the idea of the mutant gene. Medical advancements are so great that it allows those who would have died to otherwise live. This has bad consequences on the quality of men we’re producing and can be the reason why birth rates are down. You must do what you can to strengthen the blood of your people by implementing challenge and healthy habits into your lives. I will not go so far as to say science is bad. We need science, but the right kind of science that makes us stronger and propels us back into the frontier. Not the science that’s been corrupted by the state and corporations to grow their profits at our expense.
Win or die is our cosmic justice. It is nature’s cruel holiness. If you are to be in our ranks, you take this on. You don’t delegate that responsibility out to your politicians, the government, demagogues, or even God Himself. God has already preordained the day of your death. In this respect, I believe that we and a man like Stonewall Jackson believe in the same God. You must do as he did and live a life of power, not constrained by fear. We all die, there is no use of being paralyzed by the fear of it.
The Warrior Religion must unity both law and duty within itself to give birth to fervor and fanaticism.
Our people have been charged with the Great Work. Those of us whose lineages were put into the New World were chosen. The taming of the New World was only the first phase in this Great Work. Mankind cannot be allowed to keep all its eggs in one basket, to stagnate. The next frontier is waiting, but still there is much work to be done. Mankind must have its sights on the stars. The New World was the training ground for His faithful to teach mankind what must be done.
That is the Great Work, but first, our people must be reawakened and organized for our benefit. The coldest of all monsters, the state, is milking us like cattle. Steps must be taken to stop this. But we are starting from zero. We must first forge fanatical brotherhoods. Our forefathers had the idea of separating church and state because they were escaping religious persecution in their original homeland. I believe for a homogeneous people that you must unify law, duty, and religion into one.
It’s important to reestablish the races into their own tribes and areas. There has never been a multiethnic empire. The closest you get to something like this is the Persian Empire, but they didn’t intermingle the races. The races remained their own. The Persians were tolerant of their subject’s ways and religion. They called upon their subjects to help fight their wars, they didn’t try to change who they were or try to pollute their gene pools.
This may be the way into the future. Each race doing what they do best in order to expand mankind into the cosmos and let the frontier do its work. I’ve said many times, this crusade of mine ain’t about hating other races. It’s about taking care of our own. It’s about truth. Recognizing that no one is equal, the races aren’t the same. We serve different purposes. Some must go to the stars, others may be content to remain. This is God’s plan and it is beyond us.
What matters for us is creating this unity between law, duty, and religion into the Warrior Religion. To understand that we must undertake the Great Work out of necessity. When you’re able to do this, you create a powerful race consciousness in the disciples. The fight for survival effects us all. And we must do whatever it takes to win and continue into the unknown.
This has been the Warrior Religion sitrep for much of the work I’ve put on RESAVAGER over the past year. I know many have come after I started this project so hopefully this helps to put the VISION into place for you.