There isn’t a whole lot I remember about being a kid, but I had one overriding desire during those years I haven’t forgotten: to be heroic. A soldier or fireman, something like that. Obviously, I couldn’t get bitten by a radioactive spider or get some trans-steron-super-soldier serum.
Of course, by the time I graduated high school I didn’t do either of those things. I went into college like most kids. What the hell happened? Did my balls fall off? Maybe.
It wasn’t until a couple of years later when I had a good hard look at the mirror that I remembered my childhood desire and set into motion my own metamorphosis. What does it mean to be heroic? What does it mean to be a hero?
There’s no shortage of heroes in the mainstream. Whether you want to be “embarrassed” by it or not, comic book heroes are like demigods were to the Greeks. It’s easy to dismiss them as being a part of the problem in modern culture, but I believe they still have value.
The superheroes portrayed in Marvel and DC movies offer us remnants of western heroism.
Disney managed to turn Marvel into a cash cow. This happened because they were fulfilling a need. There’s a need for heroes in our culture because the outlook of our future is immensely bleak.
Psychological operations waged against western culture since at least 1933 have had their effect. The west is committing suicide and half of its people believe that’s a good thing.
If you’re American — and I mean red blooded American — you’re not allowed to be proud of your culture. By red blooded, I mean your ancestral line has been around before the Revolution. American culture is evil. America is built on “stolen land.” This is propaganda made to make you hate your own people.
Lefties are all about being tolerant of all peoples, even those who are actively against their ideology(religion of peace anyone?). They’re tolerant of everybody, EXCEPT White Americans. What’s even more demoralizing is lefties are primarily made up of White Americans. Granted, they’ve become degenerate in nature.
This long winded sidetrack is meant to explain comic book superheroes. Comic book superheroes are manifestations of western heroism. Most on the right and the left enjoy them, were likely raised by them.
What the left doesn’t realize however, when they watch a superhero movie is they’re cheering for fascist authoritarians as Jonathan Bowden put it. The writers try to mask this by having the villains be like Nazis. The Nazis are the modern Christian demons who wait for liberals underneath their beds at night.
When you think of a superheroes, you’re usually thinking of a tall, jacked, and noble white man. Woke culture tries to remedy this by making remakes with POC superheroes, but they almost never do well because we instinctively don’t buy the characters.
Boys instinctively want to become heroic.
I don’t believe my experience was anything but normal. Boys want to become heroic. They want to emulate men with strength, courage, and honor. They even understand the concept of the heroic sacrifice. These are traits ingrained in the blood and bone of men. It’s what enabled men to rise to the top of the food chain.
Heroism in its very essence is really just primordial manliness. Heroism was the men who protected the perimeter. Who fought in the threshold against the forces of chaos. Who figured out how to help their people survive and win when all hope stemmed lost.
Mankind selected for these qualities. Boys are born instinctively wanting to fulfill them. Why do you think we send kids to school for 12+ years? To beat their instincts out of them. To hide and conceal what’s in the blood.
You don’t go to school to be educated. You go to be indoctrinated. Remember this when it comes to your own children. It’s your responsibility to show them the way. Don’t depend on teachers to do it for you. Teachers are unknowingly contributing to the destruction of the west.
The real heroes are the men who protect the perimeter and save the tribe from destruction.
Comic book superheroes may inspire heroism in boys. They might just create bodybuilders however. They do possess remnants of what it means to be heroic in western terms.
The real heroes however, are the men who protect the borders of their tribe. Who go out into the darkness. Real heroes are also the men who save their culture from subversion.
The leviathan manipulates our people into self-destruction. It turns our people degenerate and separates them from nature. Those who follow their instincts and join the military get sent half way across the world to fight in police actions that don’t matter.
Imagine if our heroic men were actually here. Imagine if they weren’t spent from fighting some meaningless police action. The leviathan’s grip wouldn’t be so deep. Remember this as you raise your own children.
I don’t think there is a way to save the west. What I call for here is a return to Barbaric Vitalism. You must find or create for yourself a small trusted tribe within this degenerate empire. Make yourself resistant to the leviathan’s influence and forge a new culture for a new age.
Barbaric Vitalism is hyper-masculine. It’s Nietzschean. It’s not about trying to save what’s already lost. It’s about finding a way or making one. To survive and THRIVE. It’s about forging a new path, creating a new order.
It’s about winning.
Because that’s what heroes do. (Lol)