Thoughts on War
“The life of man upon earth is warfare.” Job 7:1
This will be controversial to normies, be careful!
Men need war. They need to be on the warpath. The way modernity attacks war is detrimental to the male psyche. Every boy dreams of becoming a hero. They dream of getting their chance to face off against evil, against disorder and chaos. Modernity hits the boy hard with every intent of destroying this dream and more.
If you trace the evolution of men back to the base camp, the fire represents order and the surrounding darkness is chaos. The First Men who built the fire and watch the perimeter have always had different needs and passions compared to the women and children they protect.
The eyes of the First Men are focused out into the darkness. They must look for encroaching threats during the night and resources during the day. The darkness was where they proved their worth to the tribe. What lay beyond the base camp? Honor and glory.
But what about love and peace, brah?
Modernity preaches on end about the evils of war and yes, war is terrible. But in the prevalence of universal peace, men lose meaning. Suicide rates skyrocket in the absence of war. Men are driven into degeneracy precisely because they believe life to be meaningless. They embrace escapism through television, video games, and social media. To distract from facing the question of purpose.
War creates meaning. As Heraclitus says, “war is the father of all things.” When there is no war, man finds himself in a void with no meaning or purpose. Without war, darkness and depression seep into your consciousness.
The problem with modernity is this forced emphasis on “peace.” Now, there isn’t world peace. The oligarchs who rule over this understand the importance of war which is why the USA has been involved in endless police actions. It’s a way of sending out what little virile fighting power we have left to foreign lands. This does many things for the elite. It removes males of fighting age who could be utilized to fight the elite class currently fucking over Americans.
These men who fight in these police actions, if they aren’t killed or maimed, come back to America spent. After their experience, they aren’t interested in fighting unless they absolutely have to. In a sense, their experience has pacified them. I mean these men no disrespect, they are heroes — but I believe their noble instincts have been misused by our crooked elite.
Had these men not been shipped off to fight useless foreign wars, America would not be in the state it is end. They would not have allowed the oligarchs to get away with milking the country dry.
This not fed post. You should not expose yourself to fed goons trying to make you into the next Waco. There’s nothing out there now that is effectively combating the rape of America. All that you can do for now is take care of you and your frens. Make preparations. Make yourself the barbarians who will become post apocalyptic warlords in the age to come.
War is state of mind.
Modernity makes everything seem hopeless. Everything is seemingly ok stacked against us. There’s no clear path forward. It’s just darkness and chaos. What can you do to stave off the darkness and hopelessness that’s sending many men to take their own life? What can you do to keep fighting and stave off the temptations of escapism?
You must go on the warpath. You must wake up every morning ready for war. War can be a state of mind. Going to war doesn’t mean you have to go do something stupid, something that has little — if any — chance of success. The warpath is a mindset.
Your war is against weakness. It’s against anything that stands against your arete, your virtus. Your war is being fought for you — for your victory in life and for your undying glory. Your enemies are the obstacles that stand before you. Whatever it is that’s preventing you from reaching your goals. This requires thought about how you want your life to play out. What is your purpose? What do you want to do?
When you think like this, you have purpose. You’re pursuing the Great Work. Your life has meaning because you’re doing something other then just breathing and going with the flow. When you have purpose, you’re very much in the game. You aren’t going to be discouraged by things out of your control for your eyes are set on the prize, your end game.
Channeling the warpath is the essence of barbaric vitalism. It’s having a Yes-to-Life Mentality. It’s life affirming. It’s recognizing that despite all this comfort and technology, we’re still very much apart of nature and like the First Men, our eyes are focused outwards into the darkness. It’s from this darkness, this disorder where we’ll forge our legacies and leave our mark on the world.