The horror of white supremacy and racism is the fad of our age. There’s a good majority of the United States population that truly believes white supremacy and racism is THE threat to “our democracy.” Granted—you only need to look at the facts to see if there is any reality to this assertion.
Is white culture celebrated? Is it celebrated like the establishment celebrates BLM, LBGTQ tranny, or woke culture?
What is more the more likely scenario? A white person getting fired for claiming to hate black people or a black person getting fired for claiming to hate white people? Anyone with just an ounce of reason knows the answer to this.
It’s not politically correct to embrace white culture as a white person. To do so is to be racist towards “people of color.” Even if you don’t have any prejudices. Understand this is how the world works now. If you are white, you must internalize guilt from the actions of your ancestors. Ancestors who they didn’t know or understand. You must feel guilty for white colonialism—even though you played no part in this. You must sacrifice your own opportunities in life for POC because of this.
And if you’re black or a person of color, you must celebrate your culture. Be proud. If you don’t succeed at first, it’s not your fault. You’re not responsible for yourself. You’re a victim of evil white supremacy. As President Joe Biden said, poor kids can be just as talented as white kids.
If you buy into this logic, I tell you that you’ve been brainwashed. Feminists, LGBTQ, trans, and the work have been given a fake sense of entitlement. They’ve been empowered by the establishment so that the establishment can continue to screw over our country. America is being milked dry by oligarchs. Both left and right know this, but they would rather fight each other.
If you’re white, you’ve been brainwashed into feeling guilty for crimes you did not commit. The term white is an American term. It’s derogatory in a sense as how do you classify white? German? Anglo Saxon? European? Scottish? Irish? Croatian? Russian? Scandinavian? You’re liquidating all those diverse cultures when you say white.
I can’t speak to other peoples because I’m not them nor have I cared enough to educate myself. I can only speak to my experience and the people in my circle. And what I can tell you is Americans are being mind-fucked.
Let me tell you, I’m sick and tired of hearing about white supremacy and racism. I dream of an actual DIVERSE world where every race and culture can celebrate their race and culture without stigma and judgment. This is real diversity. What you think is diversity is not at all. It’s just the looting of our country.
If you’re white and you’re reading this, I encourage you to research your ancestry. American culture has become degenerate in every sense, but you will find pride in your ancestry—especially when you learn your story. How you got to where you are. American education does little more than indoctrinate and create mental prisons you spend the best years of your life trying to escape.
What is happening to Anglo Americans is not right or just.
If you grew up in America, you’ve raised under an American mythology(not history) designed to subjugate you. They want you to totally embrace slave morality. And they do this by making you believe slavery is over.
The American mythology is this idea—taught as historical fact in school—that America was founded by racist white colonists who weren’t that great. But—BUT real Americans redeemed themselves by freeing the slaves during the Civil War and defeating the evil Confederates. And then, almost a hundred years later, the United States goes on to defeat the evil fascist Nazi Empire and save the Jews.
Yes, that’s right. Now we’re becoming a more tolerant society by pushing to the forefront the peoples really responsible for American exceptionalism and ingenuity: LGBT biracial peoples of color. They have made America what it is despite the vast majority of Anglo Americans who make up the population. At the time of this writing it was around 60% of the population. During the American mythology, the number was closer to 80-90%.
Now many leftists who read this will believe my words to be hateful. They will use them against me if they could. But I say them with no hate toward those groups. I don’t care who you are or what you believe. You can live how you want to live—that’s what America is really about. But you must also let me do the same—or we’re going to have problems. Everyone has seen the “I just wanted to grill” meme. I believe we are past that stage now.
This is not directed at the leftist. Rather, it’s directed at Anglo American men who have been told since childhood to fear their own nature. You must fear your innate tOxIc MaScUliNiTy. You must check your white privilege. All of this is bullshit. You’ve done nothing wrong. Harboring such sentiments is detrimental to your own mental and physical health. Harboring such sentiments stunts your own potential for growth, to live a fulfilling life.
There is a reason obesity is out of control. There is a reason mental illness is out of control. All these preachers of liberal democracy and education are feeding you bullshit. Of course—they themselves believing the bullshit doesn’t make it any less bullshit. As Nietzsche said, “the preachers of equality are tarantulas.”
Everything that will make you strong and powerful, courageous and honorable are discouraged, if not outright banned. It’s sexist to have a men’s groups. Confidence and masculinity are problematic. Men should be more like women. White people should step aside for POC. This is all garbage. It’s all psychological warfare to crush Anglo Americans and give more power to the oligarchs raping the country.
I don’t hate LGBTQ trans or woke people. Far from. But you’re all being used by the establishment at the detriment of us all. You’re not the enemy—and the right must realize this. My message isn’t for you however. My message is for the Anglo Americans being mind-fucked. You must reject the establishment. You must reject modern Americanism. This consumerist culture left us all fat and degenerate.
What must happen.
Anglo Americans must undo the damage. Turn off the news. Hell, turn off social media. Connect offline and support each other. Powerlift. Become strong as fuck. Create your own businesses instead being a thrall to some corporation who’s probably fucking America over behind the scenes.
Men must return to nature, return to their nature. Masculinity is not toxic. Lack of masculinity is. Nothing gets you back to nature faster than physical culture. Lift heavy weights, take up boxing, and go on hikes. Do this with your friends.
Form friendships. Start your own groups, gangs, brotherhoods, and war bands. Take oaths of brotherhood Forge cults of strength. Connect with like minded men. Embrace your bloodlines, this is less to do with supremacy and more about honoring your ancestors. Imagine the times they had to survive just to make that possible.
On that same note, have sons. Many sons. Don’t abort your bloodline because of what’s happening in the world. That’s the cowards way out. Become strong and teach your children to become strong.
Trust what’s in your blood, your ancient instincts won’t lead you astray. Modern mental illness I believe derives from the smothering of your ancient instincts by oppressive liberal institutions. If you can’t sense what’s in the blood, start with physical culture and you will find it.
It’s not enough to do everything I said above, there is one more requirement to get out of this hell.
The reason why America is like this is because the Anglo chose tolerance over power. The side of LGBTQ trans woke chose power over tolerance. It’s imperative for you and your friends to be absolutely intolerant to anything and anyone that threatens your culture. You must choose strength over going along to get along. Being passive is weakness. And weakness equals evil.
What’s good is strength and power and courage. Make no mistake, we’re in enemy territory now. Act accordingly.
While you chase power, you must operate underground like a guerrilla. Stay under the radar while you build strength.