The Warpath
Modern men are raised in an anti-war environment. Make love, not war as the hippies say. There is some wisdom in this as modern warfare is completely devastating and there are no high good reasons for the wars in our time. Ok sir, I will go get blown up in Afghanistan or Iraq, two countries that pose zero threat to America. No, I can’t recommend you do this. Police action wars are garbage.
HOWEVER, men need war. Nietzsche in Twilight of the Idols says, “war trains men to be free.”
The plight of modern men isn’t death in war, but the absence of war, of struggle. Helicopter parents don’t let their boys experience hardship. Schools snuff out bullying and hurt feelings. Rites of passages are all but non-existent. We’re being raised to be good slaves for the new world order.
The goal of ZOG is to make you meek and docile. They’re not interested in the manly virtues that make the foundation of a tribe or civilization. Power and money is all they’re after. A society of strong men is a threat. Perhaps, this is the reason many get tricked into joining military and are immediately shipped out to the Middle East.
The act of war forces man into action. There’s nothing more liberating then the ability and will to fight. For ancient men, war is what made them free. They received everything from the spoils of war to their own freedom by fighting and winning.
The Roman word virtus which became the word virtue in English actually meant manliness. The “vir” of virtus meant man. The Romans—when they spoke of virtus—meant valor, manliness, excellence, courage, character, and worth. Every male wasn’t considered a man until they had displayed their physical power, energy, and vitality. The title of man had to be earned by proving your worth.
Back then, virtus was proven by physical prowess. Such a world doesn’t exist anymore, but virtus is something that I consider part of the barbaric rites of men. It’s been around much longer then the early Roman Republic. The Greeks had a word for it too: arete. When the Greeks thought about arete, they thought about Achilles. Virtus and arete was what it was called when you were good at being a man(notice I didn’t say good man).
In the absence of war, you must create your own war.
Cernovich today is just a grifter. He’s found his market and he wants to keep his market, but I believe his book Gorilla Mindset is not wrong. You are able to program your own mind like a computer. You can be happy, sad, or otherwise based on choice. When you learn this, the bad days will never hit as hard as they used to. That said, you must train yourself to wake up every day ready to go to war.
And you have plenty to go to war over. Are you happy with your physique or strength? Are you a thrall to the empire? If you’re not fit, if you’re not war ready, when I say wake up ready to go to war, I mean get into the gym and fucking train like your life depends on it(it does).
Almost no one is where they want to be. The vast majority us are thralls to the empire. Find something to sell or produce. To work for yourself is in part freedom. You don’t have to worry about being fired from the words you say.
Take any problem you’re having in life and go on the warpath. Freedom must be taken. It’ll never be given to you. Fight for your freedom every day. Always be on the warpath. And most importantly, remember: ONLY VICTORY.