One of the most powerful concepts of Nietzsche is his idea of the transvaluation of all values. I believe those who read him, actually read him, are forced to come to the right. He’s a link to the ancient age of heroes. Our modern society was raised to honor values such as equality and victimhood. These are what make you worth listening to. The morals of ancient slaves get you renown in our society. The qualities that made an ancient aristocrat make you but a slave in the modern world. Your courage and will to fight can make you a good soldier and warrior, but you will be controlled by the worms.
The world we live in is slave morality — in the ancient sense — realized. Oswald Spengler, in his critique of Nietzsche, claimed that Nietzsche’s slave morality was a phantom, his master morality the rule. I think this is the wrong conclusion to make. If you look at the world we live in, the master is not the master of the ancient world. He is the worm, the embodiment of what the ancient aristocrats saw as slave material. They are cowards. They don’t fight and they lead from behind.
If you put the world right in the Nietzschean sense and you reverse the transvaluation of all values, you have a society run by infantrymen. Now, it is not an apple-to-apple comparison. The infantryman doesn’t have all the qualities of the ancient aristocrat, but he would be closer to the mark than our modern politician. While there seem to be cycles of civilization, we’ve yet to see the cycle of WAR close. It continues to evolve and its evolution has wiped out what our ancestors understood as aristocratic. The worm was allowed to rise.
Spengler was applying Nietzsche’s concept to the macro-level organism he called a culture and in this application, he is not wrong. But on the micro-level of man, Nietzsche is absolutely vindicated. This thousand-year struggle between Rome and Judea as he put it, is a struggle Judea is winning at every encounter. Their values are burning themselves into society and those who are the sons of Rome, are finding themselves stuck in darkness. No path out of hell immediately viewable. There’s an inherent dislike of aristocratic morality, even among Americans because they’ve been taught to believe that “We The People,” stood up to aristocrats and tyranny in the War for Independence. This is a half-truth at best.
The creation of the United States was just the ethnogenesis of the American formalized. A new aristocracy had formed in the new world. One made hard and strong by life in the wilderness. Americans have a powerful reputation in history. They were trained in the wild by Cheiron to crush empires. Indians who had lived in the new world for thousands of years were pushed to the edge of extinction in a couple of centuries by Americans who arrived as newcomers with no knowledge of how to survive in the new world. Frontiersmen became just as capable as Indian braves but could organize and outflank their opponents. Americans took the new world for themselves, outflanking many different adversaries from indians to the British and Spanish.
One thing I read recently was how the Spanish Empire was kicked out of Texas by an army lieutenant, Augustus Magee, who resigned his commission and raised a volunteer army to take what he saw as land ripe for the picking. Imagine something like this happening in the United States today. Some discontented Californian mad at the democrat tyranny in his state going to Idaho to raise an army to kick out the California regime. This is something that our blood is capable of, we’ve just spent too much time looking at how complex and complicated everything is today. Many will tell me all the excuses and dangers facing a man of power today that will prevent such an event from happening. Yet, they also believe the collapse of our empire is just around the corner.
Ancient Aristos
The modern aristocrat is seen with disdain in our time. Leftists want to see their wealth given to blacks and have them put in prison to be raped for the crime of being rich. Their wealth is ill-gotten. What’s funny is that all the grassroots leftist programs are funded by the same men they hate and despise. They, of course, do not see this. These aristocrats are seen as the product of American racism that must be cleansed from the earth.
But if you contrast the modern aristocrats with the ancient Greks as presented to us by Homer in the Iliad, you find a very different man. Let’s first look at King Agamemnon who is the “adversary” of Achilles. Their dispute sets in motion everything that happens in the book. He is accused of sitting out battles, sticking to the back, and just collecting wealth. Now the characters of the Iliad are seen as Homer’s heroes, but I don’t think the average joe realizes that all of Homer’s heroes are KINGS of their people. Agamemnon leads a confederation of kings against Troy. He leads them because he commands the most men.
I’d wager, whatever the arguments the Greks had against Agamemnon, modern infantry would rather fight under him, than their modern commanders. Agamemnon does actually fight on the front lines. He does set the example when he has to. Whatever his faults, he was more man than the men we call leaders today. The type of man who leads modern debauchcracies is not the type of man who led ancient tribes. Different qualities were required.
The ancient aristos were men of power. To be a king in the ancient world was to be a warrior and not just any warrior, a warrior of warriors. The way of battle in the Iliad was heroes calling out their preferred opponents, talking about their lineage, and calling each other names before squaring off to duel to the death. Ancient kings and aristocrats had to fight in the front. They didn’t let their slaves fight or train. They fought for what was theirs. This is what it means to be an aristocrat. To be the man willing to take action. To stand at the head of an army.
I wrote an essay a while back on the bravery and excellence of Achilles because it’s assumed he was what he was by being born of a Goddess. Most normies experience with Achilles is from the 2007 Troy movie. Achilles was a king who put the Grek army on his back. He was known as a sacker of cities and when Agamemnon dishonored him, causing him to retire from the Trojan War, the Greks immediately started losing. Listen well: Achilles was real. He was not an immortal. He was a man of great courage, able to put an army on his back and kill the best warriors sent against him. He represented the very best in the Greks’ selective breeding program.
Many in our day like to talk about Hector. He more closely represents the ideal for men today. He is also an aristocrat, but I tell you now that your goal should be to be the best. Much of what moderns love about Hector is, again, a product of the movie Troy, which had powerful aesthetics but is subversive in its own right. The creators of the movie put to the forefront modern liberal values over what the ancient Greks themselves believed. Hector was bravest when Achilles wasn’t on the field. Given his opportunity for bravery, he fled from Achilles. Three times around the city wall until Athena had to trick him to fight.
The Resurrection and Reconsecration of the Aristocrat
I tell you now to not get caught up in all the excitement of our day. It is all moonshine. We will not be on the way out of hell until the aristocratic warrior is reconsecrated. Until we see Rome rise over Judea. Until we see Judea pull out all their corrupt and dirty tricks to stop what cannot be stopped. To get your hopes up, to get excited, is to open up a flank to your enemies. It’s to ignore what’s in front of you. To not see the world as it is.
When you see Americans taking up this ancient ideal of aristocracy, you should get excited. When Americans can embody such courage and excellence again and their enemies can do nothing to stop them. That is the moment to be excited about. But for now, you must beware of false gods and work towards this Great Task. Do not get seduced by words. The results must be there. Our enemies have been co-opting movements for the past couple generations and they are very capable of doing it again.
You must move towards a real aristocracy that looks to put forth our best to take back what is ours and continue the American project of MANIFEST DESTINY. What we have before us is a vast wilderness to be tamed. You see only civilization, but this civilization is as brutal to our people as the wilderness and should be treated as such. Keep your eyes on the prize: victory and only victory. Work to reverse the transvaluation of all values that Nietzsche spoke about. Work to bring a new aristocracy into the world. Only VICTORY.
An army division has no less than 6,000 troops and as much as 25,000. In the Jew invoked, Aryan genocide known as World War Two, on the Eastern Front, the Waffen SS, a pan European army, was formed to fight and keep the kosher, red, Asian beast out of Aryan Europe. Over half of the divisional commanders of the Waffen SS were killed in combat, all Colonels and Generals. They were not merely commanders like those in other nations of their rank over that amount of men. They were true leaders and warriors. They led the attacks and were the first to engage the enemy. Can anyone imagine the high ranking, pussy, bureaucrats in uniform today of the West doing that? Not in your wildest dreams. Yet that was par for the course for the white race in times and ages past. The King, if he was truly a king, would always lead his warriors in battle. The fighting men back then would not pledge their fealty and lay their lives on the line for a wimp and a coward. How far we have fallen. Great articles, B.D.
Legally, a Conspiracy exists when 2 or more persons join together and form an agreement to violate the law, AND THEN ACT on that agreement. The crime of Conspiracy was created to address the inherent dangers posed to society when people come together and join forces to commit criminal acts.
I don’t want to see any of Us on the evening news on the wrong end of the agents of ZOG in another Waco or Ruby Ridge. I’m genuinely concerned for Your wellbeing, Brothers. I agree that while We MUST act We MUST also exercise extreme caution and stay focused on preparation and holding our focus on our intentions and goals. I have faith in Us.